36 research outputs found

    Promoting national identity through education : "The concept of the national-patriotic upbringing of children and youth" in Ukraine

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    Celem artykułu jest zbadanie, w jaki sposób władze państwowe promują pojęcie tożsamości narodowej poprzez politykę edukacyjną. Artykuł skupia się na przypadku Ukrainy i "koncepcji wychowania narodowo-patriotycznego dzieci i młodzieży" wprowadzonej w 2015 r. W artykule zostały także poruszone kwestie ideologicznych i teoretycznych podstaw nacjonalizmu i tożsamości narodowej oraz edukacji jako narzędzia dla kształtowania tożsamości narodowej. Przypadek ukraińskiej polityki budowania tożsamości narodowej jest analizowany w celu zaobserwowania dynamiki procesów narodotwórczych w dokumencie rządowym dotyczącym polityki edukacyjnej. Sugeruje się, że podczas kreowania polityki skierowanej na kształtowanie tożsamości narodowej niezwykle ważne jest zrozumienie szeregu istniejących tożsamości

    Discrimination in the sharing economy: evidence from a Hungarian field experiment

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    This paper describes small-scale experimental research (total N=160) implemented in Hungary in summer 2017 by TÁRKI, the Hungarian Social Research Centre. The research was based on a controlled field experimental design and examined the chances of ethnically different testers being offered rides on the most well-known international ridesharing platform. The creation of eight experimental profiles enabled us to test the interaction between two experimental stimuli: ethnic/racial background and gender. The present paper provides evidence of ethnic/racial disproportionality in offers of rides to the different testers by multiethnic drivers. A large-size effect was detected in the case of the Arabic male tester and medium size effect in the case of the Chinese male tester. In the cases of a Russian male profile and female testers of all nationalities no evidence of racial or ethnic discrimination was detected compared to our Dutch benchmark profile. Although the pattern is not clear, an interaction effect was present between gender and nationality; as a consequence of this interaction, the Arabic male tester had far less chance of being offered a ride compared to any other combination of gender and nationality

    Насіннєва продуктивність рослин Darmera peltata (Torr. ex Benth.) Voss (Saxifragaceae) в умовах міста Києва

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    In conditions of introduction of Kyiv one of the important indicator which characterizing the biological properties of plants Darmera peltata (Torr. Ex Benth.) Voss and their level of adaptation to the new environment habitat is seed production. The learning of this issue is relevant for the development of scientific bases of generative reproduction.The results of research the features of seed productivity the plants D. peltata in natural conditions of Kyiv is given. Studied the biology of flowering plants of D. peltata on the collection plot of Botanical Garden NULES of Ukraine. Results of estimation of potential and real seed productivity are resulted, defined coefficient of seed production, results of study the morphological description of seeds, their mass and size also is given.Our results of research show the possibility of seed breeding and successful cultivation plants of D. peltata in climatic conditions in Kyiv. It will increase the range of decorative hardwood and beautifully-flowering plants to create a system of green spaces in Kyiv.Наведено результати дослідження особливостей насіннєвої продуктивності рослин Darmera peltata (Torr. ex Benth.) Voss у природних умовах м. Києва. Вивчено біологію цвітіння рослин D. peltata на території колекційної ділянки Ботанічного саду НУБіП України. Здійснено оцінку потенційної й фактичної насіннєвої продуктивності, визначено коефіцієнт насіннєвої продуктивності, виконано морфологічний опис насіння, визначено його масу та розміри

    The Latest Innovations in Landscape Design

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    The rapid and constant development of innovative technology continues to shape new opportunities for the design sphere, including landscape design. With the progress of urban modernization and the improvement of people’s living standards, more attention is paid to the city and the environment coordinated development, and the aesthetic and user needs of the landscape are becoming higher. This research aims to identify relevant innovations in landscape design based on a survey of employees of companies in the field of landscape design and carry out a SWOT analysis of the innovative technology implementation process for professional training of future landscape designers to establish the benefits of innovation in landscape design

    Global citizenship and global citizenship education as the goals of sustainable development

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    The world we live in today is becoming increasingly interdependent - economically, politically, culturally and in terms of ecology. In a context of globalization and growing interconnections and interdependencies emerged a need to develop and spread an ideology which emphasizes that a person, first and foremost, is a member of the global community of people. The article gives an account of the concept of global citizenship, analyses the features that are inherent to the „citizen of the world”. Finally, the importance of global citizenship education is emphasised for the achievement of the sustainable development goals

    Designing of the efficient motivation system of the staff professional development

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    There were the theoretical questions of motivation and staff development analyzed. The system of scientific principles of motivation for company's professional staff development was substantiated. Stages of development and implementation of effective motivation for professional staff development were proposed. Motivators and tools for three groups of management personnel of the Managing Company were structured, for which there were the appropriate methods of motivation defined. Individual approach based on personality traits which influence the motivation of professional development: age/sex, marital status, and outlook, was suggested to use. Demotivating problems of staff regarding professional training were identified and the ways of overcoming those problems were proposed. Universal system of measures for motivation for professional staff development was developed