37 research outputs found

    Safety of JAK and IL-6 inhibitors in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: a multicenter cohort study

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    BackgroundThe ORAL Surveillance trial showed a potentially higher incidence of malignancy and major adverse cardiovascular events (MACEs) associated with tofacitinib than those associated with tumor necrosis factor (TNF) inhibitors (TNFis). However, few studies have compared the safety of non-TNFis or other Janus kinase (JAK) inhibitors (JAKis). This study was aimed at comparing the incidence rates (IRs) of malignancies and MACEs in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) treated using interleukin-6 (IL-6) inhibitors (IL-6is) or JAKis.MethodsWe retrospectively analyzed 427 patients with RA who were treated using an IL-6i (n = 273) or a JAKi (n = 154). We determined the IRs of malignancy and MACEs, and the standardized incidence ratio (SIR) of malignancies and investigated factors related to malignancy and MACEs. After adjusting the clinical characteristic imbalance by propensity score matching (PSM), we compared the IRs of adverse events between the JAKi and IL-6i groups.ResultsAfter PSM, the observational period was determined to be 605.27 patient-years (PY), and the median observational period was determined to be 2.28 years. We identified seven cases of malignancy (IR: 2.94 per 100 PY) in the JAKi-treated group and five cases (IR: 1.36 per 100 PY) in the IL-6i-treated group after PSM. The IR of MACEs was 2.56 and 0.83 (per 100 PY) in the JAKi- and IL-6i-treated groups. The IRRs of JAKi-treated patients versus IL-6i-treated patients were 2.13 (95% confidence interval (CI): 0.67–7.42) for malignancy and 3.03 (95% CI: 0.77–15.21) for MACE. There were no significant differences in IRR for malignancy and MACE between both groups after PSM. Univariate and multivariable Cox regression analyses revealed that older age and JAKi use were independent risk factors for malignancy, while older age, hypertension, and JAKi use were independent risk factors for MACEs. The overall malignancy SIR was significantly higher in the JAKi-treated group compared to the general population (2.10/100 PY, 95% CI: 1.23–2.97).ConclusionThe IRs of malignancy and MACE in patients with RA after PSM were comparable between IL-6i-treated and JAKi-treated patients. However, the SIR of malignancy in JAKi treatment was significantly higher than in the general population; therefore, further safety studies comparing JAKi to non-TNFi biologic disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (bDMARDs) are needed

    Association of glucocorticoid doses and emotional health in lupus low disease activity state (LLDAS): a cross-sectional study

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    Background While survival of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) patients has improved substantially, problems remain in the management of their emotional health. Medium to high-dose glucocorticoid doses are known to worsen emotional health; the effect is unclear among patients receiving relatively low-dose glucocorticoids. This study aims to investigate the association between low glucocorticoid doses and emotional health in lupus low disease activity state (LLDAS). Methods This cross-sectional study drew on data from SLE patients in 10 Japanese institutions. The participants were adult patients with SLE duration of >= 1 year who met LLDAS criteria at the study visit from April 2018 through September 2019. The exposure was the daily glucocorticoid dose (mg oral prednisolone). The outcome was the emotional health score of the lupus patient-reported outcome scale (range: 0 to 100). Multiple linear regression analysis was performed with adjustment for confounders including disease-related damage, activity, and psychotropic drug use. Results Of 192 patients enrolled, 175 were included in the analysis. Their characteristics were as follows: female, 89.7%; median age, 47 years (interquartile range (IQR): 37.0, 61.0). Median glucocorticoid dose was 4.0 mg (IQR 2.0, 5.0), and median emotional health score 79.2 (IQR 58.3, 91.7). Multiple linear regression analysis showed daily glucocorticoid doses to be associated with worse emotional health (beta coefficient = - 2.54 [95% confidence interval - 4.48 to - 0.60], P = 0.01). Conclusions Daily glucocorticoid doses were inversely associated with emotional health among SLE patients in LLDAS. Further studies are needed to determine whether glucocorticoid tapering leads to clinically significant improvements in emotional health

    A case of dermatomyositis complicated with pleural effusion and massive ascites

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    We report a patient with dermatomyositis (DM) complicated with progressive pleural effusion and ascites. A 40-year-old woman was hospitalized in our department because of severe myalgia and dysphagia, complicated with pleural effusion and massive ascites. Elevated muscle enzymes, Gottron's papules, and electromyography (EMG) confirmed the diagnosis of DM. Combined immunosuppressive treatment consisting of intravenous immunoglobulin (IV-IG), intravenous-cyclophosphamide (IV-CY) and tacrolimus resolved her myopathy and dysphagia as well as pleural effusion and massive ascites. Her clinical course and the absence of other factors that cause pleural effusion and ascites suggest that these symptoms were related to the pathophysiology of DM

    Pontine waves accompanied by short hippocampal sharp wave-ripples during non-rapid eye movement sleep : P-waves during NREM and REM sleep

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    Ponto-geniculo-occipital (PGO) or pontine (P) waves have long been recognized as an electrophysiological signature of rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. However, P-waves can be observed not just during REM sleep, but also during non-REM (NREM) sleep. Recent studies have uncovered that P-waves are functionally coupled with hippocampal sharp wave-ripples (SWRs) during NREM sleep. However, it remains unclear to what extent P-waves during NREM sleep share their characteristics with P-waves during REM sleep and how the functional coupling to P-waves modulates SWRs. Here, we address these issues by performing multiple types of electrophysiological recordings and fiber photometry in both sexes of mice. P-waves during NREM sleep share their waveform shapes and local neural ensemble dynamics at a short (~100 ms) timescale with their REM sleep counterparts. However, the dynamics of mesopontine cholinergic neurons are distinct at a longer (~10 s) timescale: although P-waves are accompanied by cholinergic transients, the cholinergic tone gradually reduces before P-wave genesis during NREM sleep. While P-waves are coupled to hippocampal theta rhythms during REM sleep, P-waves during NREM sleep are accompanied by a rapid reduction in hippocampal ripple power. SWRs coupled with P-waves are short-lived and hippocampal neural firing is also reduced after P-waves. These results demonstrate that P-waves are part of coordinated sleep-related activity by functionally coupling with hippocampal ensembles in a state-dependent manner

    Influence of unusual co-substrates on the biosynthesis of medium-chain-length polyhydroxyalkanoates produced in multistage chemostat

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    A two-stage chemostat cultivation was used to investigate the biosynthesis of functionalized medium-chain-length polyhydroxyalkanoate (mcl-PHA) in the β-oxidation weakened strain of Pseudomonas putida KTQQ20. Chemostats were linked in sequence and allowed separation of biomass production in the first stage from the PHA synthesis in the second stage. Four parallel reactors in the second stage provided identical growth conditions and ensured that the only variable was the ratio of decanoic acid (C10) to an unusual PHA monomer precursor, such as 10-undecenoic acid (C11:1) or phenylvaleric acid (PhVA). Obtained PHA content was in the range of 10 to 25 wt%. When different ratios of C10 and C11:1 were fed to P. putida, the produced PHA had a slightly higher molar ratio in favor of C11:1-based 3-hydroxy-10-undecenoate. However, in case of PhVA a significantly lower incorporation of 3-hydroxy-5-phenylvalerate over 3-hydroxydecanoate took place when compared to the ratio of their precursors in the feed medium. A result that is explained by a less efficient uptake of PhVA compared to C10 and a 24% lower yield of polymer from the aromatic fatty acid (yPHA−MPhVA = 0.25). In addition, PHA isolated from cultivations with PhVA resulted in the number average molecular weight Mn two times lower than the PHA produced from C10 alone. Detection of products from PhVA metabolism in the culture supernatant showed that uptaken PhVA was not entirely converted into PHA, thus explaining the difference in the yield polymer from substrate. It was concluded that PhVA or its related metabolites increased the chain transfer rate during PHA biosynthesis in P. putida KTQQ20, resulting in a reduction of the polymer molecular weight

    Biosynthesis of Random-Homo Block Copolymer Poly[Glycolate-ran-3-Hydroxybutyrate (3HB)]-b-Poly(3HB) Using Sequence-Regulating Chimeric Polyhydroxyalkanoate Synthase in Escherichia coli

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    Glycolate (GL)-containing polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) was synthesized in Escherichia coli expressing the engineered chimeric PHA synthase PhaC(AR) and coenzyme A transferase. The cells produced poly[GL-co-3-hydroxybutyrate (3HB)] with the supplementation of GL and 3HB, thus demonstrating that PhaC(AR) is the first known class I PHA synthase that is capable of incorporating GL units. The triad sequence analysis using H-1 nuclear magnetic resonance indicated that the obtained polymer was composed of two distinct regions, a P(GL-ran-3HB) random segment and P(3HB) homopolymer segment. The random segment was estimated to contain a 71 mol% GL molar ratio, which was much greater than the value (15 mol%) previously achieved by using PhaC1(P)(s)STQK. Differential scanning calorimetry analysis of the polymer films supported the presence of random copolymer and homopolymer phases. The solvent fractionation of the polymer indicated the presence of a covalent linkage between these segments. Therefore, it was concluded that PhaC(AR) synthesized a novel random-homo block copolymer, P(GL-ran-3HB)-b-P(3HB)