21 research outputs found

    Phase transitions and thermodynamic geometry of a Kerr-Newman black hole in a cavity

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    Being placed in a cavity is an effective way of reaching thermodynamic equilibrium for black holes. We investigate a Kerr-Newman black hole in a cavity as well as compare it with two reduced cases, i.e., a RN black hole in a cavity and a Kerr black hole in a cavity. We derive the quasi-local energy from the Hamiltonian, and construct the first law of thermodynamics accordingly. In a canonical ensemble, these black holes could undergo a van der Waals-like phase transition, which is very similar to that in AdS space. We further investigate the black holes' thermodynamic geometry, which is a powerful tool to diagnose microscopic interactions of a thermodynamic system. Our results show that in a cavity, although phase structures of these black holes are similar, their thermodynamic geometry show strong dissimilarities, implying that the microstructure of a black hole is sensitive to its states.Comment: 25 pages, 8 figure

    An n-of-1 Trial Service in Clinical Practice: Testing the Effectiveness of Liuwei Dihuang Decoction for Kidney-Yin Deficiency Syndrome

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    Objective. To describe the clinical use of n-of-1 RCTs for kidney-Yin deficiency syndrome that is a traditional Chinese medicine syndrome in publicly clinical practice in China. Methods. Our study included patients with kidney-Yin deficiency syndrome, using a within-patient, randomized, double-blind, crossover comparison of Liuwei Dihuang decoction versus placebo. Outcome Measures. Primary outcome measures included number of individual completion rates, response rate, and post-n-of-1 RCTs decisions. Secondary measures were the whole group score of individual Likert scale, SF-36 questionnaire. Results. Fifty patients were recruited and 3 were not completed. Forty-seven patients completed 3 pairs of periods, 3 (6.38%) were responders, 28 (59.57%) were nonresponders, and 16 (34.05%) were possible responders. Doctors and patients used the trial results to making decision. Three responders stayed on the medication management, 28 nonresponders ceased the LDD, 7 patients of the 16 possible responders could not give clear decision, and the others kept the same medication station. Among the whole group, neither the individual Likert score nor the SF-36 showed any statistical differences between LDD and placebo. Discussion. More attention should be paid to choose experienced TCM doctor as investigator and keep the simulant same with test medication in n-of-1 RCTs of TCM and sufficiently biological half-life period of Chinese medicine compound

    Community-based lung cancer screening by low-dose computed tomography in China:First round results and a meta-analysis

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the efficiency of low-dose computed tomography (LDCT) screening for lung cancer in China by analyzing the baseline results of a community-based screening study accompanied with a meta-analysis. METHODS: A first round of community-based lung cancer screening with LDCT was conducted in Tianjin, China, and a systematic literature search was performed to identify LDCT screening and registry-based clinical studies for lung cancer in China. Baseline results in the community-based screening study were described by participant risk level and the lung cancer detection rate was compared with the pooled rate among the screening studies. The percentage of patients per stage was compared between the community-based study and screening and clinical studies. RESULTS: In the community-based study, 5523 participants (43.6% men) underwent LDCT. The lung cancer detection rate was 0.5% (high-risk, 1.2%; low-risk, 0.4%), with stage I disease present in 70.0% (high-risk, 50.0%; low-risk, 83.3%), and the adenocarcinoma present in 84.4% (high-risk, 61.5%; low-risk, 100%). Among all screen-detected lung cancer, women accounted for 8.3% and 66.7% in the high- and low-risk group, respectively. In the screening studies from mainland China, the lung cancer detection rate 0.6% (95 %CI: 0.3%-0.9%) for high-risk populations. The proportions with carcinoma in situ and stage I disease in the screening and clinical studies were 76.4% (95 %CI: 66.3%-85.3%) and 15.2% (95 %CI: 11.8%-18.9%), respectively. CONCLUSIONS: The stage shift of lung cancer due to screening suggests a potential effectiveness of LDCT screening in China. Nearly 70% of screen-detected lung cancers in low-risk populations are identified in women

    Acupuncture Modulates the Cerebello-Thalamo-Cortical Circuit and Cognitive Brain Regions in Patients of Parkinson's Disease With Tremor

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    Objective: To investigate the effect of acupuncture on Parkinson's disease (PD) patients with tremor and its potential neuromechanism by functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI).Methods: Forty-one PD patients with tremor were randomly assigned to true acupuncture group (TAG, n = 14), sham acupuncture group (SAG, n = 14) and waiting group (WG, n = 13). All patients received levodopa for 12 weeks. Patients in TAG were acupunctured on DU20, GB20, and the Chorea-Tremor Controlled Zone, and patients in SAG accepted sham acupuncture, while patients in WG received no acupuncture treatment until 12 weeks after the course was ended. The UPDRS II and III subscales, and fMRI scans of the patients' brains were obtained before and after the treatment course. UPDRS II and III scores were analyzed by SPSS, while the degree centrality (DC), regional homogeneity (ReHo) and amplitude low-frequency fluctuation (ALFF) were determined by REST.Results: Acupuncture improved the UPDRS II and III scores in PD patients with tremor without placebo effect, only in tremor score. Acupuncture had specific effects on the cerebrocerebellar pathways as shown by the decreased DC and ReHo and increased ALFF values, and nonspecific effects on the spinocerebellar pathways as shown by the increased ReHo and ALFF values (P < 0.05, AlphaSim corrected). Increased ReHo values were observed within the thalamus and motor cortex of the PD patients (P < 0.05, AlphaSim corrected). In addition, the default mode network (DMN), visual areas and insula were activated by the acupuncture with increased DC, ReHo and/or ALFF, while the prefrontal cortex (PFC) presented a significant decrease in ReHo and ALFF values after acupuncture (P < 0.05, AlphaSim corrected).Conclusions: The cerebellum, thalamus and motor cortex, which are connected to the cerebello-thalamo-cortical (CTC) circuit, were modulated by the acupuncture stimulation to alleviate the PD tremor. The regulation of neural activity within the cognitive brain regions (the DMN, visual areas, insula and PFC) together with CTC circuit may contributes to enhancing movement and improving patients' daily life activities

    Identification of antibodies with non-overlapping neutralization sites that target coxsackievirus A16

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    手足口病(Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease,HFMD)是一种由人肠道病毒引起的全球性传染病,主要发生于5岁以下的婴幼儿。2月5日,我校夏宁邵教授团队在《细胞》子刊《细胞•宿主与微生物》(Cell Host & Microbe)上在线发表题为“Identification of antibodies with non-overlapping neutralization sites that target coxsackievirus A16”的研究论文。该研究首次揭示了手足口病主要病原体柯萨奇病毒A组16型(CVA16)三种衣壳颗粒形式与三种不同类型的治疗性中和抗体的全面相互作用细节和非重叠的中和表位结构信息,阐明了CVA16成熟颗粒是疫苗候选主要保护性免疫原的理论基础,建立了可指导疫苗研制的免疫原特异检测方法,为CVA16疫苗及抗病毒药物研究提供关键基础。我校夏宁邵教授、李少伟教授、程通副教授和美国加州大学洛杉矶分校纳米系统研究所Z. Hong Zhou(周正洪)教授为该论文的共同通讯作者。我校博士生何茂洲、徐龙发博士后、郑清炳高级工程师、博士生朱瑞和尹志超为该论文共同第一作者。【Abstract】Hand, foot, and mouth disease is a common childhood illness primarily caused by coxsackievirus A16 (CVA16), for which there are no current vaccines or treatments. We identify three CVA16-specific neutralizing monoclonal antibodies (nAbs) with therapeutic potential: 18A7, 14B10, and NA9D7. We present atomic structures of these nAbs bound to all three viral particle forms—the mature virion, A-particle, and empty particle—and show that each Fab can simultaneously occupy the mature virion. Additionally, 14B10 or NA9D7 provide 100% protection against lethal CVA16 infection in a neonatal mouse model. 18A7 binds to a non-conserved epitope present in all three particles, whereas 14B10 and NA9D7 recognize broad protective epitopes but only bind the mature virion. NA9D7 targets an immunodominant site, which may overlap the receptor-binding site. These findings indicate that CVA16 vaccines should be based on mature virions and that these antibodies could be used to discriminate optimal virion-based immunogens.This work was supported by grants from the Major Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China ( 81991490 ), the National Science and Technology Major Projects for Major New Drugs Innovation and Development ( 2018ZX09711003-005-003 ), the National Science and Technology Major Project of Infectious Diseases ( 2017ZX10304402-002-003 ), the National Natural Science Foundation of China ( 31670933 and 81801646 ), the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation ( 2018M640599 and 2019T120557 ), the Principal Foundation of Xiamen University ( 20720190117 ), and the National Institutes of Health ( R37-GM33050 , GM071940 , DE025567 , and AI094386 ). 该研究获得了国家自然科学基金、新药创制国家科技重大专项、传染病防治国家科技重大专项和美国国立卫生研究院基金的资助

    Synergistic Integration of Time Series Optical and SAR Satellite Data for Mariculture Extraction

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    Mariculture is an important part of aquaculture, and it is important to address global food security and nutrition issues. However, seawater environmental conditions are complex and variable, which causes large uncertainties in the remote sensing spectral features. At the same time, mariculture types are distinct because of the different types of aquaculture (cage aquaculture and raft aquaculture). These factors bring great challenges for mariculture extraction and mapping using remote sensing. In order to solve these problems, an optical remote sensing aquaculture index named the marine aquaculture index (MAI) is proposed. Based on this spectral index, using time series Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 satellite data, a random forest classification scheme is proposed for mapping mariculture by combining spectral, textural, geometric, and synthetic aperture radar (SAR) backscattering. The results revealed that (1) MAI can emphasize the difference between mariculture and seawater; (2) the overall accuracy of mariculture in the Bohai Rim is 94.10%, and the kappa coefficient is 0.91; and (3) the area of cage aquaculture and raft aquaculture in the Bohai Rim is 16.89 km2 and 1206.71 km2, respectively. This study details an effective method for carrying out mariculture monitoring and ensuring the sustainable development of aquaculture

    Numerical Study for the Performance of Viscoelastic Fluids on Displacing Oil Based on the Fractional-Order Maxwell Model

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    In the study of polymer flooding, researchers usually ignore the genetic stress properties of viscoelastic fluids. In this paper, we investigate the process of viscoelastic fluid flooding the remaining oil in the dead end. This work uses the fractional-order Maxwell in the traditional momentum equation. Furthermore, a semi-analytic solution of the flow control equation for fractional-order viscoelastic fluids is derived, and the oil-repelling process of viscoelastic fluids is simulated by a secondary development of OpenFOAM. The results show that velocity fractional-order derivative α significantly affects polymer solution characteristics, and increasing the elasticity of the fluid can significantly improve the oil repelling efficiency. Compared to the Newtonian fluid flow model, the fractional order derivative a and relaxation time b in the two-parameter instanton equation can accurately characterize the degree of elasticity of the fluid. The smaller the a, the more elastic the fluid is and the higher the oil-repelling efficiency. The larger the b, the less elastic the fluid is and the lower the cancellation efficiency. Moreover, the disturbance of the polymer solution to the dead end is divided into two elastic perturbation areas. The stronger the elasticity of the polymer solution, the higher the peak value of the area in the dead end and the higher the final oil displacement efficiency

    Catalytic ozonation of ketoprofen by defective boron nitride

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    This study focuses on the feasibility of boron nitride as a catalyst for ozonation of ketoprofen. The defective boron nitride was prepared by calcination of boric acid and melamine and characterized by XRD, SEM, FT-IR, XPS, temperature programmed desorption, Raman and UV–Vis diffuse reflectance spectra. The apparent rate constant and removal efficiency of chemical oxygen demand in the boron nitride catalyzed system were 2.7 times and 1.6 times higher than those of the ozonation alone at the pH of 7, respectively. The catalytic active sites were found to be acidic BOH and could be generated by manufacturing defects during preparation

    Noncovalent Functionalization of Graphene Attaching [6,6]-Phenyl-C61-butyric Acid Methyl Ester (PCBM) and Application as Electron Extraction Layer of Polymer Solar Cells

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    A new graphene–fullerene composite (<b>rGO-pyrene-PCBM</b>), in which [6,6]-phenyl-C61-butyric acid methyl ester (PCBM) was attached onto reduced graphene oxide (rGO) <i>via</i> the noncovalent functionalization approach, was reported. The <b>pyrene-PCBM</b> moiety was synthesized <i>via</i> a facile esterification reaction, and pyrene was used as an anchoring bridge to link rGO and PCBM components. FTIR, UV–vis, and XPS spectroscopic characterizations were carried out to confirm the hybrid structure of <b>rGO-pyrene-PCBM</b>, and the composite formation is found to improve greatly the dispersity of rGO in DMF. The geometric configuration of <b>rGO-pyrene-PCBM</b> was studied by Raman, SEM, and AFM analyses, suggesting that the C<sub>60</sub> moiety is far from the graphene sheet and is bridged with the graphene sheet <i>via</i> the pyrene anchor. Finally <b>rGO-pyrene-PCBM</b> was successfully applied as electron extraction layer for P3HT:PCBM bulk heterojunction polymer solar cell (BHJ-PSC) devices, affording a PCE of 3.89%, which is enhanced by <i>ca.</i> 15% compared to that of the reference device without electron extraction layer (3.39%). Contrarily, the comparative devices incorporating the rGO or <b>pyrene-PCBM</b> component as electron extraction layer showed dramatically decreased PCE, indicating the importance of composite formation between rGO and <b>pyrene-PCBM</b> components for its electron extraction property