15 research outputs found


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    The aim of the article was to study of the influence of the apparatus “MOXI” as an alternative method for the correction of arterial hypertension and improving the quality of life of patients using acupuncture reflexotherapy. Materials and methods. The study was conducted in 36 patients with arterial hypertension of 1 stage, low risk, with the experience of the disease from 1 to 2.5 years, without taking antihypertensive therapy. The average age of patients was 41.3±2.6 years. The state of the psycho-emotional sphere was assessed by the SAN test. The determination of the general non-specific adaptation reaction according to Garkavi-Kvakina-Ukolova was carried out. Control of blood pressure and pulse, was carried out in the center, and by the diaries of self-control. We calculated the arithmetic mean of blood pressure for the day and week. Baseline blood pressure was 152/106 mmHg when measured at the center and 149/102 mmHg at home. Results. The obtained results indicate that the adaptogenic set of acupuncture points allows you to simultaneous selective regulation of the function of organs and systems according to the principle of segmental and vegetative innervation. After a course of preventive recovery, a statistically significant (p<0.05) normalization of well-being indicators according to the SAN test was noted from 4.0 to 4.6 points, activity from 3.9 to 4.4 points, mood from 3.9 to 4.7 points. All patients showed a pronounced reduction of complaints and autonomic disorders. In addition, we revealed improvement in the functional state of the cardiovascular system. So, systolic pressure decreased from 152±1.5 mmHg up to 134±2.4 mmHg, and diastolic from 106±0.7 mmHg to 82±1.8 mmHg. Conclusions. As a result of the prophylactic treatment, all patients registered a normal type of adaptive response, since the training reaction was detected in 44.4 % of cases, the calm activation reaction was 22.2 %, in the area of increased activation - 33.4 %. The use of the “MOXI” device in the treatment of patients with arterial hypertension of 1 type, with a low level of risk gives a positive therapeutic effect in the normalization of the psycho-emotional state of patients. It normalizes non-specific adaptation reactions of the body, and allows you to achieve a decrease in blood pressure to normal levels


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    Studies have shown the effectiveness and perspective of using «NovuMedical» devices for the purpose of primary and secondary prevention of diseases, increasing the personal interest of patients in extending the period of active longevity due to regular recovery at home. The preventive effect of the equipment is not directed against the symptoms of the disease, but to increase the body's resistance. Before treatment, the normal type of adaptive response was detected in 75 % of patients, the workout reaction was noted in 45.4 %, the calm activation reaction – 23.2 %, the reaction of increased activation in 6.2 % of cases, and the stress response was recorded in 25.2 %. After the treatment, the workout reaction was detected in 44.1 % of cases, the calm activation reaction – 22.2 %, the increased activation zone – 33.3 %. The preformed factors used in the apparatuses are a bioregulator in the broad sense of modulating the physiological functions of the body, which makes it possible to “rejuvenate” the sick organism, at least to equalize the biological and passport age, to restore the original potential of sanogenetic reactions. Apparatus for home use can be the basis for the primary population prevention and secondary individual prevention of a wide range of diseases and premature aging

    Peculiarities of the Russian and German Energy Policies in the Field of Alternative Energy Development

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    This article is purported to analyze the experience of energy policy implemented by governments of Germany and Russia in the field of alternative energy, and assess a possibility of applying an accumulated experience of foreign countries in today's Russian environment. The profitability of energy production based on usage of alternative sources is still substantially lower compared to energy production based on fossil fuels combustion process. Governmental measures aimed at developing alternative energy include the following ones: formation of a new pricing policy, shifting towards alternative energy sources, use of insurance schemes, establishment of a minimum level of prices for energy produced from utilization of alternative energy sources, etc. A lot of countries have accomplished a long process in the field alternative energy technology introduction. Meanwhile Russia, in spite of its considerable experience of alternative energy development in the second half of the 20th century during the Soviet period, is not yet in line with the latest world progress in this field. Keywords: alternative energy sources, energy resources, German and Russian Energy Policy JEL Classifications: Q40, Q4

    Problematic issues of qualifying actions encroaching upon persons executing justice or preliminary investigation

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    A prerequisite for this research is a high public hazard of violent crimes committed against persons executing justice or preliminary investigation since this shakes the foundation of justice and buttress of state power in general. This suggests the need to research the prevention of such crimes using criminal legal methods. The primary goal of the research lies in the analysis of the modern condition and development of relevant proposals to improve the current criminal law of the Russian Federation in terms of regulation of criminal liability for the discussed criminal offenses, which will have a positive effect on their prevention. Research methods: dialectical method of cognition, as well general scientific (analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, logical, systemic-structural methods) and particular methods of cognition (scientifically statistical, formally legal). The novelty is related to an integrated approach to research the problem of prevention of the discussed offenses and proposals developed on this basis to improve the Russian Federation criminal law, which will increase efficiency in the prevention of these offenses. Results: efficiency of preventing such offenses greatly depends on clear legal regulation of legal norms suggesting criminal liability for committing them. There is a pressing need to complement the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation with new wordings of these elements of crimes and changes that would allow formulating a definitive norm clearly defining the scope of persons affected and adopting a Plenum Decree at this stage for this category of criminal cases, which would clarify the implementation of evaluative categories of the discussed elements of crimes


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    The issues of modern personified preventive medicine, the development of modern methods, courses, technologies of healthy active longevity are in the focus of attention and these issues are relevant. The purpose of the article is to study the influence on prevention of diseases, improving the quality of life by massage and thermal device «NovuМedical» intended for home use. In the research the analysis of results of the equipment use in 140 patients aged from 61 to 78 years is conducted by the method of comparison and grouping. A significant improvement in the quality of life, stabilization of the psycho-emotional state and blood pressure is noted among 93.5 % of patients. Reduction of pain syndrome is noted among 85 % of patients, reduction in serum cholesterol is noted among 30 %, glucose normalization is noted among 25 % of patients, and 46 % has a tendency to reduce it. A tendency to normalize blood coagulation function is noted among 40 % of patients, that makes prevention and correction of diseases legitimate and necessary, timely with the help of «NovuMedical» devices at home. «NovuMedical» devices allows both to improve well-being, normalize homeostasis, and to form in patients a system of knowledge and skills to improve the quality of life, and include them in active actions for health self-improvement, mental and physical self-improvement. This participatory approach leads to a fundamentally new paradigm of caring and managing health, when not only the social institutions of the state, but also patients themselves are direct and active participants in the process of preserving and strengthening their own health

    Efficient Use of the Excel in Logical Expressions

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    В статье содержится обзор причин недостаточного использования мощного аппарата функций табличного процессора Excel при выполнении разного рода расчётов. На примере «школьной» задачи нахождения корней квадратного уравнения демонстрируется необходимость включения функций Excel из категории Проверка свойств и значений в логические выражения с целью проведения всесторонне продуманного расчёта и невыполнения напрасных и заведомо ошибочных вычислений.The article provides an overview of the reasons for insufficient use of a powerful machine functions Excel spreadsheet when performing various kinds of calculations. On the example of the "school" of finding the roots of a quadratic equation demonstrates the need to integrate Excel functions from the category check the properties and values in logical expressions for the purpose of calculating fully thought-out and failure vain and obviously erroneous calculations

    Innovative energy policy of the of the Eurasian Economic Union member countries

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    CIS countries gained independence in the early 1990s. Prior to this, they were republics within the Soviet Union, on the territory of which the Unified Energy System functioned. After the collapse of the USSR, each country in the post-Soviet space was forced to independently solve the problems of supplying its economy with energy. They will build relations with their neighbors in a new way, including in the energy sector. This article presents an analysis of the situation in alternative energy of the EEU member countries (Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Armenia and Kyrgyzstan). At the same time, Russia and Kazakhstan have their own energy resources and even export surplus hydrocarbons. Therefore, they are less concerned about the development of alternative energy. At the same time, Belarus and Armenia are forced to import energy resources. And in the energy sector of Kyrgyzstan, the production of electricity at hydroelectric power plants predominates. Therefore, these states, which are experiencing a shortage of energy resources, are interested in the development of alternative energy. But these states have difficulties financing alternative energy. In general, a situation has developed in the post-Soviet space when foreign investors are actively investing in alternative energy. All projects are aimed at reducing dependence on energy supplies from Russia. At the same time, Russia practically does not take part in investment projects to develop alternative energy for neighboring countries. The article analyzes the mechanisms for implementing investment projects in alternative energy using the EEU countries as an example

    Typology of the countries of Central and Eastern Europe including the CIS: features of the use of alternative energy

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    The article describes the features of the current state and future development of renewable energy without taking into account the use of water resources in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) and European Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) countries (except Russia). The energy economy of the observed countries varies significantly in structure and total energy consumption, as well as in the degree and structure of alternative energy sources. The study was based on energy statistics (IRENA, UN Statistics Division. REN21, BP, IEA), etc. The purpose of the paper is to propose a typology of countries according to the level of alternative energy development based on an analysis of the existing conditions for pursue of such innovative energy policy. It is shown that the two different types of countries are distinguished. The first type is the more industrially developed countries, but alternative energy is relatively poorly developed in them. The second type is the agro-industrial countries. But they have higher rates of energy production using alternative energy sources per unit of GDP

    Administrative oversight: improving compliance practices

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    The main purpose of the research is to determine the goals, objectives and functions of administrative supervision and develop proposals for improving the legislation of the Russian Federation regulating issues related to the implementation of administrative supervision. Research methods: general scientific methods (analysis and synthesis, logical methods) and private scientific methods of cognition (formally-legally, specifically-sociological etc.). Outcome: the author’s version of the administrative supervision goals and objectives set out in the regulatory documents of the Russian Federation is proposed: 1. Administrative supervision is established to prevent the commission of crimes and other offences by persons. 2. The administrative supervision focuses on implementation by the internal affairs bodies of supervision over the observance by supervised persons of temporary restrictions on their rights and freedoms, as well as over the fulfillment of their duties stipulated by the related federal law; identification of violations by those under the supervision and taking measures in accordance with the law; individual preventive treatment of such persons. The novelty of the study is due to an integrated approach to the research into the goals, objectives and functions of administrative supervision and the developed proposals for improving the Russian legislation regulating issues in that area

    Problematic issues of qualifying actions encroaching upon persons executing justice or preliminary investigation

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    A prerequisite for this research is a high public hazard of violent crimes committed against persons executing justice or preliminary investigation since this shakes the foundation of justice and buttress of state power in general. This suggests the need to research the prevention of such crimes using criminal legal methods. The primary goal of the research lies in the analysis of the modern condition and development of relevant proposals to improve the current criminal law of the Russian Federation in terms of regulation of criminal liability for the discussed criminal offenses, which will have a positive effect on their prevention. Research methods: dialectical method of cognition, as well general scientific (analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, logical, systemic-structural methods) and particular methods of cognition (scientifically statistical, formally legal). The novelty is related to an integrated approach to research the problem of prevention of the discussed offenses and proposals developed on this basis to improve the Russian Federation criminal law, which will increase efficiency in the prevention of these offenses. Results: efficiency of preventing such offenses greatly depends on clear legal regulation of legal norms suggesting criminal liability for committing them. There is a pressing need to complement the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation with new wordings of these elements of crimes and changes that would allow formulating a definitive norm clearly defining the scope of persons affected and adopting a Plenum Decree at this stage for this category of criminal cases, which would clarify the implementation of evaluative categories of the discussed elements of crimes