230 research outputs found

    Time-scale invariance of relaxation processes of density fluctuation in slow neutron scattering in liquid cesium

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    The realization of idea of time-scale invariance for relaxation processes in liquids has been performed by the memory functions formalism. The best agreement with experimental data for the dynamic structure factor S(k,ω)S(k,\omega) of liquid cesium near melting point in the range of wave vectors (0.4 \ang^{-1} \leq k \leq 2.55 \ang^{-1}) is found with the assumption of concurrence of relaxation scales for memory functions of third and fourth orders. Spatial dispersion of the four first points in spectrum of statistical parameter of non-Markovity ϵi(k,ω) \epsilon_{i}(k,\omega) at i=1,2,3,4i=1,2,3,4 has allowed to reveal the non-Markov nature of collective excitations in liquid cesium, connected with long-range memory effect.Comment: REVTEX +3 ps figure

    Reinforcing aluminum alloys with high strength fibers

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    A study is made of the possibility of reinforcing aluminum and aluminum based alloys with fibers made of high strength steel wire. The method of introducing the fibers is described in detail. Additional strengthening by reinforcement of the high alloy system Al - An - Mg was investigated

    Complexes of differential forms associated with a normalized manifold over the algebra of dual numbers

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    © 2016, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd. We construct some complexes of differential forms on a smooth manifold Mn D over the algebra of dual numbers D on the base of a decomposition of the tensor product TMn D⊗ℝD into the Whitney sum of two subbundles. It is shown that these complexes can be obtained as restrictions of some complexes of holomorphic (D-smooth) forms defined on the tangent bundle TMn D. For holomorphic fiber bundles over Mn D, we introduce complexes of D-valued forms holomorphic along the fibers and express in terms of cohomology classes of such complexes the obstructions to existence of holomorphic connections in holomorphic principal bundles

    Analysis of diagnostic methods of tuberculous exudative pleurisy

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    Among 140 patients examined with reliable methods tuberculous exudative pleurisy was diagnosed in 121 patients, nonspecific pleurisy - in 19. Comparison of these methods, the study of bronhovesicular fluid content and activity level of adenosine deaminase permitted to receive ADA (КАДА) coefficient equal to ≥ 0,52, testifying tuberculous etiology of pleurisy

    Synthesis, acid‒base properties, and complexing properties of N,N-bis[butoxy(hydroxy)phosphinoylmethyl]glycine

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    © 2017, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd. N,N-Bis(dibutoxyphosphinoylmethyl)glycine was synthesized by the Kabachnik‒Fields reaction in the three-component system glycine hydrochloride–formaldehyde–dibutyl hydrogen phosphite. Saponification of the product gave N,N-bis[butoxy(hydroxy)phosphinoylmethyl]glycine as the normal potassium salt. pH-Metric titration was used to determine the ionization constants of N,N-bis[butoxy(hydroxy)phosphinoylmethyl] -glycine, аs well as the stability constants of its Mn(II), Co(II), Ni(II), Cu(II), and Zn(II) complexes

    Complexing Properties of Organophosphorus Analogs of Nitrilotriacetic Acid: Aminotris(O-alkyl methylenephosphonic Acids)

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    © 2018, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd. A series of tribasic aminotris(O-alkyl methylenephosphonic acids), the closest organophosphorus analogs of nitrilotriacetic acid, a widely known complexone, were synthesized. The acid‒base properties of the synthesized acids were studied, and the stability constants of their 1: 1 complexes with two-charged cations of alkaline-earth and transition metals were determined


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    Regeneration of muscles after injuries, as well as the development of methods that stimulate this process, is an important problem in medicine and biology. The objective of the study was to evaluate the effect of local blocking of mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) activity of the JNK group (c-Jun N-terminal kinase) on the repair of muscle tissue. Materials and methods. The effect of the JNK MAPK SP600125 blocker on the repair of muscle tissue was studied on a model of a skin and muscle wound in Wistar rats. The main group (n = 30) was injected with a drug plate containing SP600125 with a slow release of the active substance, the control group (n = 30) – the plate without the active substance. The number of dividing myosatellites and muscle kidneys in the damage zone was estimated. Results. Experimental studies have shown that when using a drug plate containing a JNK SP600125 blocker with a slow release of the active substance, the number of dividing myosatellites and forming muscle kidneys in the injury zone of the muscle in the main group on the 7th, 14th and 30th days was significantly higher (p < 0.05) than in the control. Conclusion. Local blockade of JNK MAPK in the zone of muscle damage provides the ability to stimulate the repair of damaged skeletal muscle

    Prospects for prevention of adhesion process during cardiac surgical interventions

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    The article is devoted to the problem of prevention of adhesions in cardiac surgery. It was determined that the problem is urgent due to the increase in the number of heart surgeries. The formation of adhesions is a reaction of the body after surgery, which is a stage of healing and partly performs a protective function. Nevertheless, the presence of adhesions violates the mechanical properties of the heart, negatively affects central hemodynamics, complicates the surgeon’s task during repeated surgical interventions and increases the risk of repeated operations.It has been shown that at present, for the prevention of adhesions, researchers tend to use biodegradable barrier materials with biocompatibility and the ability to dissolve after performing the barrier function. The main anti-adhesion agents used in cardiac surgery are membranes and gels. The requirements for an “ideal” agent for the prevention of adhesion were determined: biocompatibility, no irritating effect, no effect on wound healing, suppression of the growth of connective tissue in the pericardium.Conclusions. Until now, none of the funds has all the necessary qualities to prevent adhesion in the pericardium. Therefore, the search for effective methods for the prevention of postoperative adhesions remains relevant for cardiac surgery

    Organization of students’ independent work in studying physics based on distance learning technology in LMS MOODLE

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    The aim of the article is to justify and substantiate the importance and usefulness of e-learning courses on the platform LMS MOODLE in the context of improving the quality of independent work of students in the study of high school physics course. Methods. Developed online courses in physics in LMS MOODLE based on the analysis of scientific publications and research, observations, lessons learned and results of educational activities are presented; the peculiarities of their application in terms of improving the effectiveness of different types of independent activity of students of high school are identified. Results. A brief analysis of the main trends of distance learning is given; the experience of the development and application of electronic educational courses on the main sections of the course of physics in the Physics and Mathematics Department at the Institute of Elabuga Kazan (Volga) Federal University is described. It is concluded that the use of e-learning in the educational process enhances the effectiveness of different types of independent activity of students, self-development, and the formation of their professional competence. Scientific novelty. The notion of electronic educational courses and its place in the system of blended learning are clarified. The key features and opportunities for intensification of educational process and enhancing students’ independent work are highlighted. Practical significance. Outlined in the article the possibilities and potential of the spacers on a platform LMS MOODLE, as well as the features of their application can determine ways to optimize and streamline the learning process, improvement of methods and tools for the repose of information, monitoring, diagnosis of different types of self-employment. Presented experience of independent work of students in studying physics course based on e-learning courses can be used in various educational institutions of higher educationЦель статьи – обосновать и аргументировать значимость и целесообразность использования электронных образовательных курсов на платформе LMS MOODLE в контексте повышения качества самостоятельной работы студентов при изучении вузовского курса физики. Методы и методики. На основе анализа научных публикаций и исследований, наблюдения, обобщения опыта и результатов педагогической деятельности представлены разработанные электронные курсы по физике в LMS MOODLE и выявлены особенности их применения в плане повышения эффективности различных видов самостоятельной деятельности студентов вуза. Результаты. Дан краткий анализ основных направлений дистанционного обучения, представлен опыт разработки и применения электронных образовательных курсов по основным разделам курса физики на физико-математическом факультете Елабужского института Казанского (Приволжского) Федерального университета. Сделан вывод о том, что использование электронных курсов в учебном процессе способствует повышению эффективности различных видов самостоятельной деятельности студентов, саморазвитию, формированию их профессиональных компетенций. Научная новизна. Уточнено понятие электронных образовательных курсов и их место в системе смешанного обучения. Выделены их основные отличительные признаки и возможности для интенсификации учебного процесса и активизации самостоятельной работы студентов. Практическая значимость. Изложенные в статье возможности дистанционных элементов на платформе LMS MOODLE, а также особенности их применения позволяют определить пути оптимизации и рационализации учебного процесса, усовершенствования методов и средств представления информации, мониторинга, диагностики различных видов самостоятельной деятельности. Описанный опыт организации самостоятельной работы студентов при изучении курса физики на основе электронных курсов может быть использован в различных образовательных учреждениях высшего профессионального образованиягосударственная поддержка Казанского (Приволжского) федерального университет