356 research outputs found

    The Impact of Team Learning Climate on Innovation Performance – Mediating role of knowledge integration capability

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    To address the fierce competition for corporate innovation in the digital economy, this study introduces knowledge integration capability as a mediating variable in light of social information processing theory, and explores the mechanism of team learning climate on innovation performance. Data were collected from a sample of 184 team members for statistical analysis, and Statistical methods such as descriptive statistical analysis, correlation analysis, and regression analysis were used to verify the study hypotheses through SPSS and Amos software, and the results showed that: (1) Team learning climate has a significant positive effect on knowledge integration capability. (2) Team learning climate has a significant positive effect on innovation performance. (3) Knowledge integration capability has a significant positive effect on innovation performance. (4) Knowledge integration capability partially mediates the role between team learning climate and innovation performance. The results proved the perspective of knowledge integration capability for the mechanism of team learning climate on innovation performance from the perspective of knowledge integration capability, and provided theoretical references for creating a learning climate in companies to promote members’ knowledge learning and enhance innovation performance

    KLF7-transfected Schwann cell graft transplantation promotes sciatic nerve regeneration

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    Our former study demonstrated that Krüppel-like Factor 7 (KLF7) is a transcription factor that stimulates axonal regeneration after peripheral nerve injury. Currently, we used a gene therapy approach to overexpress KLF7 in Schwann cells (SCs) and assessed whether KLF7-transfected SCs graft could promote sciatic nerve regeneration. SCs were transfected by adeno-associated virus 2 (AAV2)-KLF7 in vitro. Mice were allografted by an acellular nerve (ANA) with either an injection of DMEM (ANA group), SCs (ANA + SCs group) or AAV2-KLF7-transfected SCs (ANA + KLF7-SCs group) to assess repair of a sciatic nerve gap. The results indicate that KLF7 overexpression promoted the proliferation of both transfected SCs and native SCs. The neurite length of the dorsal root ganglia (DRG) explants was enhanced. Several beneficial effects were detected in the ANA + KLF7-SCs group including an increase in the compound action potential amplitude, sciatic function index score, enhanced expression of PKH26-labeling transplant SCs, peripheral myelin protein 0, neurofilaments, S-100, and myelinated regeneration nerve. Additionally, HRP-labeled motoneurons in the spinal cord, CTB-labeled sensory neurons in the DRG, motor endplate density and the weight ratios of target muscles were increased by the treatment while thermal hyperalgesia was diminished. Finally, expression of KLF7, NGF, GAP43, TrkA and TrkB were enhanced in the grafted SCs, which may indicate that several signal pathways may be involved in conferring the beneficial effects from KLF7 overexpression. We concluded that KLF7-overexpressing SCs promoted axonal regeneration of the peripheral nerve and enhanced myelination, which collectively proved KLF-SCs as a novel therapeutic strategy for injured nerves

    A superconducting nanowire photon number resolving four-quadrant detector-based Gigabit deep-space laser communication receiver prototype

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    Deep space explorations require transferring huge amounts of data quickly from very distant targets. Laser communication is a promising technology that can offer a data rate of magnitude faster than conventional microwave communication due to the fundamentally narrow divergence of light. This study demonstrated a photon-sensitive receiver prototype with over Gigabit data rate, immunity to strong background photon noise, and simultaneous tracking ability. The advantages are inherited from a joint-optimized superconducting nanowire single-photon detector (SNSPD) array, designed into a four-quadrant structure with each quadrant capable of resolving six photons. Installed in a free-space coupled and low-vibration cryostat, the system detection efficiency reached 72.7%, the detector efficiency was 97.5%, and the total photon counting rate was 1.6 Gcps. Additionally, communication performance was tested for pulse position modulation (PPM) format. A series of signal processing methods were introduced to maximize the performance of the forward error correction (FEC) code. Consequently, the receiver exhibits a faster data rate and better sensitivity by about twofold (1.76 photons/bit at 800 Mbps and 3.40 photons/bit at 1.2 Gbps) compared to previously reported results (3.18 photon/bit at 622 Mbps for the Lunar Laser Communication Demonstration). Furthermore, communications in strong background noise and with simultaneous tracking ability were demonstrated aimed at the challenges of daylight operation and accurate tracking of dim beacon light in deep space scenarios


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    通讯作者地址: Huang, RB (通讯作者), Xiamen Univ, Dept Chem, State Key Lab Phys Chem Solid Surfaces, Xiamen 361005, Peoples R China 地址: 1. Xiamen Univ, Dept Chem, State Key Lab Phys Chem Solid Surfaces, Xiamen 361005, Peoples R China 电子邮件地址: [email protected] title compound, C15Cl8O, was separated from the products of a solvothermal reaction of metallic sodium and carbon tetrachloride in air in a pressured autoclave. The molecule is bisected by a crystallographic mirror plane and has essentially C-2v symmetry

    Synthesis, separation, and characterization of fullerenes and their chlorinated fragments in the glow discharge reaction of chloroform

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    通讯作者地址: Zheng, LS (通讯作者), Xiamen Univ, Dept Chem, State Key Lab Phys Chem Solid Surfaces, Xiamen 361005, Peoples R China 地址: 1. Xiamen Univ, Dept Chem, State Key Lab Phys Chem Solid Surfaces, Xiamen 361005, Peoples R ChinaFullerenes and various chlorinated carbon clusters were synthesized via the glow discharge reaction using chloroform vapor as starting reactant. High-performance liquid chromatography combined with ultraviolet spectrometry and mass spectrometry (HPLC--UV--MS) was developed for separation and characterization of the reaction products, comprising C-60 and C-70 fullerenes, amorphous carbon, and more than 50 chlorinated carbon clusters, which molecular formulas were determined from their special isotopic patterns. The formation of fullerenes and amorphous carbon in the glow discharge reaction of chloroform was found to involve different systems of chlorinated carbon cluster intermediates. The correlation provides insight into the formation of fullerenes and the other carbon clusters

    Evidences for pressure-induced two-phase superconductivity and mixed structures of NiTe₂ and NiTe in type-II Dirac semimetal NiTe_(2-x) (x = 0.38 ± 0.09) single crystals

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    Bulk NiTe₂ is a type-II Dirac semimetal with non-trivial Berry phases associated with the Dirac fermions. Theory suggests that monolayer NiTe₂ is a two-gap superconductor, whereas experimental investigation of bulk NiTe_(1.98) for pressures (P) up to 71.2 GPa do not reveal any superconductivity. Here we report experimental evidences for pressure-induced two-phase superconductivity as well as mixed structures of NiTe₂ and NiTe in Te-deficient NiTe_(2-x) (x = 0.38±0.09) single crystals. Hole-dominant multi-band superconductivity with the P3M1 hexagonal-symmetry structure of NiTe₂ appears at P ≥ 0.5 GPa, whereas electron-dominant single-band superconductivity with the P2/m monoclinic-symmetry structure of NiTe emerges at 14.5 GPa < P < 18.4 GPa. The coexistence of hexagonal and monoclinic structures and two-phase superconductivity is accompanied by a zero Hall coefficient up to ∼ 40 GPa, and the second superconducting phase prevails above 40 GPa, reaching a maximum T_c = 7.8 K and persisting up to 52.8 GPa. Our findings suggest the critical role of Te-vacancies in the occurrence of superconductivity and potentially nontrivial topological properties in NiTe_(2-x)

    Flexible decapyrrylcorannulene hosts

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    球形笼状的富勒烯是上个世纪末最重要的科学发现之一,但对富勒烯的精确几何结构的认识却困难重重,原因是单晶中球形分子的取向往往是无序的,需通过笼外衍生或通过八乙基金属卟啉-富勒烯超分子主客体组装来固定富勒烯的取向,然后利用常用的单晶衍射分析技术来精确表征富勒烯的几何结构。然而许多富勒烯新结构因无法与卟啉主体形成高质量的单晶至今仍无法利用X射线衍射技术进行结构分析,直接制约了对富勒烯形成机理及结构-性能关系的深入认识。功能团簇材料创新研究群体的谢素原、张前炎课题组另辟蹊径地从曲面结构的十氯碗烯C20Cl10出发,合成了十吡咯取代的碗烯分子C20(C4H4N)10。结构分析表明该分子的结构特征是碗烯的碳框架与十个吡咯基团通过单键相连。实验还证明,用甲基去取代吡咯3, 4-位置的氢并不利于富勒烯与碗烯衍生物形成有序的超分子组装体,理论研究进一步诠释了十个吡咯‘手指’的集体贡献比单个碗烯‘手掌’更大的原因。该研究工作是功能团簇材料创新研究群体长期积累,并由校内外十多位研究人员共同努力完成。徐云彦(2014级硕士生)、田寒蕊(2014级博士生)和李姝慧(2016年进站博士后)为该论文共同第一作者。【Abstract】The assembly of spherical fullerenes, or buckyballs, into single crystals for crystallographic identification often suffers from disordered arrangement. Here we show a chiral configuration of decapyrrylcorannulene that has a concave ‘palm’ of corannulene and ten flexible electron-rich pyrryl group ‘fingers’ to mimic the smart molecular ‘hands’ for self-adaptably cradling various buckyballs in a (+)hand-ball-hand(−) mode. As exemplified by crystallographic identification of 15 buckyball structures representing pristine, exohedral, endohedral, dimeric and hetero-derivatization, the pyrryl groups twist with varying dihedral angles to adjust the interaction between decapyrrylcorannulene and fullerene. The self-adaptable electron-rich pyrryl groups, susceptible to methylation, are theoretically revealed to contribute more than the bowl-shaped palm of the corannulene in holding buckyball structures. The generality of the present decapyrrylcorannulene host with flexible pyrryl groups facilitates the visualization of numerous unknown/unsolved fullerenes by crystallography and the assembly of the otherwise close-packed spherical fullerenes into two-dimensional layered structures by intercalation.This research was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (21771152, 21721001, 21827801, 51572231, 51572254, 21571151, 2170010228), the 973 Program of China (2014CB845601 and 2015CB932301), the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (2016M602067), the National Key Research and Development Program of China (2017YFA0402800), and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Uni- versities (20720170028, 20720160084). Q.Y.Z. is particularly grateful to 21771152, 2015CB932301, 20720170028, 20720160084; S.F.Y. is particularly grateful to 51572254 and 2017YFA0402800; S.Y.X. is particularly grateful to 21721001 and 51572231; L.S.Z. is particularly grateful to 21827801; S.L.D. is particularly grateful to 21571151; S.H.L. is particularly grateful to 2170010228 and 2016M602067. 研究工作得到国家自然科学基金(21771152、21721001、21827801、51572231、51572254, 21571151、2170010228)、科技部973计划(2014CB845601、2015CB932301)和重点研发计划(2017YFA0402800)、国家博士后科学基金、中央高校基本科研业务费等的资助

    Rational synthesis of an atomically precise carboncone under mild conditions

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    在已知的碳的存在形态中,还有一种锥型的碳结构,早在50年前人们在热解碳时发现了这类结构,此前也常被人们称为碳纳米锥,虽然这类碳纳米锥有望作为扫描隧道显微镜的探针、场发射头等替代材料,但始终未能找到合适方法精准地合成它们。因此,这类锥型碳材料尚未得到人们足够重视和开发。功能团簇材料创新研究群体的谢素原、张前炎课题组与美国波士顿学院的Lawrence Scott教授合作,首次通过有机合成途径,在温和的条件下合成得到了首例结构明确的碳锥单元(碳锥子)C70H20及其可溶衍生物。他们通过实验、理论计算、结构分析,最终在他们合成的碳锥子结构中,仅有1个五元环在锥顶,而在锥顶和锥缘之间(围绕着中心五元环)有2圈由六元环组成的完整的稠圈层,谢素原等将这一碳锥子命名为carboncone[1,2]。通过这一典型的碳锥子(carboncone[1,2]),有望借助气相沉积等技术不断增加稠圈层数(m)来制备具有确定锥角的系列单壁纳米碳锥(carboncone[1,m>2])。随着研究的深入,不久的将来人类有望合成出其它四种不同锥角的碳锥子(carboncone[n=2-5,m]),完整地研究探索和开发利用这类锥型结构的碳材料。 化学化工学院2015级硕士生朱正钟(主要负责合成)和2017级博士生陈佐长(主要负责理论计算)为该论文的共同第一作者。Carboncones, a special family of all-carbon allotropes, are predicted to have unique properties that distinguish them from fullerenes, carbon nanotubes, and graphenes. Owing to the absence of methods to synthesize atomically well-defined carboncones, however, experimental insight into the nature of pure carboncones has been inaccessible. Herein, we describe a facile synthesis of an atomically well-defined carboncone[1,2] (C70H20) and its soluble penta-mesityl derivative. Identified by x-ray crystallography, the carbon skeleton is a carboncone with the largest possible apex angle. Much of the structural strain is overcome in the final step of converting the bowl-shaped precursor into the rigid carboncone under mild reaction conditions. This work provides a research opportunity for investigations of atomically precise single-layered carboncones having even higher cone walls and/or smaller apex angles.This research was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (21771152, 21721001, 21390390, 21827801, 51572231, 21571151, and 21701134), the 973 Program of China (2015CB932301), the Major Science and Technology Project between University-Industry Cooperation in Fujian Province (2016H6023), and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (20720170028 and 20720160084). This research was also supported financially by the U.S. National Science Foundation (CHE-0809494 and CHE-1149096). 研究工作得到国家自然科学基金(21771152等)、科技部重大科学研究计划项目(2015CB932301)和福建省高校产学合作项目、中央高校基本科研业务费、美国国家科学基金等的资助