18 research outputs found


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    Grafted tomato cv. 'Known-You 301' using eggplant cv. 'Hsiao-Tan','KSA22','Akanasu' and 'VF(F1)' as rootstocks were grown in autumn and spring crop, and cv. 'Taichung-AVRDC 4' in summer crop. Yield was not increased on grafted tomato cv. 'Known-You 301' using four eggplant rootstock in autumn crop. Grafted tomato cv. 'Known-You 301' using 'Hsiao-Tan' and 'VF(F1)' had higher yield than ungrafted tomato, but not reached significant level in spring crop. Result showed survival rate of grafted tomato cv. 'Taichung-AVRDC 4' were over than 88.3%, and their rate of fruit setting, single fruit weight, number of harvested fruits and plot yield were also increased in summer crop. However, low rate of fruit setting, single fruit weight, number of harvested fruits and plot yield were observed in both grafted and ungrafted tomato. The grafted tomato cv. 'Red Crown' and 'Tainan-AVRDC 6' using eggplant 'EG203' on field trial in summer crop, 2001.秋作番茄嫁接四種茄子砧木對大果番茄'農友 301'無增產效果;春作以'小丹茄'及'VF(F1)'為砧木時,產量雖較未嫁接株稍高,但增產效果不顯著。夏作結果顯示,'小丹茄'、'KSA22'、'赤茄'及'VF(F1)'等四種茄子嫁接'台中亞蔬4號'大果番茄之田間存活率達88.3以上,也顯著提高著果率、小區產量、採收果數及果重;嫁接與未嫁接株均呈著果率及產量低,採收果數少、果實小。90年夏季以'VF(F1)'為砧木,與現行推廣茄子'EG203'砧木相比較,證明目前番茄栽培使用茄子'EG203'砧木對'紅冠'及小果番茄'台南亞蔬6號'均增具增產效果,且'VF(F1)'優於'EG203'砧木


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    Hispolon is an active phenolic compound of <i>Phellinus igniarius</i>, a mushroom that was recently shown to have antioxidant and anticancer activities in various solid tumors. Here, the molecular mechanisms by which hispolon exerts anticancer effects in acute myeloid leukemia (AML) cells was investigated. The results showed that hispolon suppressed cell proliferation in the various AML cell lines. Furthermore, hispolon effectively induced apoptosis of HL-60 AML cells through caspases-8, -9, and -3 activations and PARP cleavage. Moreover, treatment of HL-60 cells with hispolon induced sustained activation of JNK1/2, and inhibition of JNK by JNK1/2 inhibitor or JNK1/2-specific siRNA significantly abolished the hispolon-induced activation of the caspase-8/-9/-3. In vivo, hispolon significantly reduced tumor growth in mice with HL-60 tumor xenografts. In hispolon-treated tumors, activation of caspase-3 and a decrease in Ki67-positive cells were observed. Our results indicated that hispolon may have the potential to serve as a therapeutic tool to treat AML

    Grafting Compatibility among Solanacious Vegetable and Following Growth and Development of Grafted Plant

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    摘 要 本研究乃基於茄科蔬菜為台灣重要鮮銷果菜,但栽培品種不抗青枯病及不耐淹水,而嫁接具有賦予嫁接植株土傳性病害抗性、不良環境耐性與增加產量及品質之效用,且砧木用茄子較其他茄科蔬菜抗青枯病及耐淹水,故嘗試以20個國內外野生種及栽培種茄子砧木嫁接於番茄、甜椒、辣椒及茄子栽培品種,以嫁接成活率及嫁接植株之生育,評估嫁接親和性,並探討茄子砧木嫁接番茄之生理影響,以及田間栽培,期篩選合適砧木供產業應用,也提供學術研究之參考。 番茄、甜椒及辣椒嫁接於七種野生種及13個國內外栽培種茄子砧木,屬間嫁接親和力高,嫁接成活率達80∼100%。屏東長茄等3個茄子栽培品種嫁接七種野生種茄子砧木,種間嫁接親和力依砧木種類及育苗時期有高與低之差異,嫁接成活率40∼100%;嫁接於13個國內外栽培種茄子砧木,種內品種間嫁接親和力均高,嫁接成功率達100%。嫁接後之植株生育除甜椒及辣椒嫁接後產生砧負,以及‘TS41’茄子砧木嫁接小果番茄品種‘聖女’、‘屏東長茄’、‘麻芝長茄’和‘農友長茄’產生嫁接後生長不良、未成齡即死亡等嫁接不親和性外,多數組合之生長均顯著優於對照未嫁接植株,早期產量也獲得提昇,且果實品質無砧木引起之不良變異及影響。大果番茄品種‘農友301’及目前茄子商業品種‘屏東長茄’、‘麻芝長茄’和‘農友長茄’之嫁接栽培可選擇‘小丹茄’及‘VF(F1)’做砧木,小果番茄品種‘聖女’以‘VF(F1)’砧較為適宜,彼此具有嫁接親和性,甜椒及辣椒之砧木則有待繼續篩選。 以‘小丹茄’、‘KSA22’、‘赤茄’及‘VF(F1)’為砧木,依栽培季節分別於秋作及春作嫁接於大果番茄品種‘農友301’、‘紅冠’、‘台中亞蔬4號’及小果品種‘聖女’,夏作嫁接於大果品種‘紅冠’、‘台中亞蔬4號’及小果品種‘台南亞蔬6號’,進行嫁接生理研究。嫁接後5天及10天時不論番茄/番茄同體或番茄/茄子異體嫁接苗,其砧木與接穗組織尚未形成緊密接合,切片時砧木與接穗易於分離,根部TTC活力降低;嫁接後15天時可觀察到所有供試組合之砧木與接穗組織已形成良好接合,根部TTC活力恢復。不論在秋作、春作及夏作,以‘VF(F1)’為砧木之嫁接苗根部活力恢復能力均優,嫁接後30天超越未嫁接植株,且增進碳素與氮素之代謝能力。‘小丹茄’及‘赤茄’砧木則於個別期作與番茄品種之嫁接組合間顯現增進效果,‘KSA22’砧木增進效果不顯著。 在秋作適宜生產番茄的環境下,四種茄子砧木嫁接後對大果番茄‘農友301’無增產效果;春作以‘小丹茄’及‘VF(F1)’為砧木時,產量雖較未嫁接株稍高,但增產效果不顯著。夏作結果顯示,‘小丹茄’、‘KSA22’、‘赤茄’ 及‘VF(F1)’等四種茄子嫁接‘台中亞蔬4號’大果番茄之田間存活率達88.3﹪以上,也顯著提高著果率、小區產量、採收果數及果重;嫁接與未嫁接株均呈著果率及產量低,採收果數少、果實小及輕。90年夏季以‘VF(F1)’為砧木,與現行推廣茄子‘EG203’砧木相比較,證明目前番茄栽培使用茄子‘EG203’砧木對‘紅冠’及小果番茄‘台南亞蔬6號’二個不同番茄品種均具增產效果,且‘VF(F1)’優於‘EG203’砧木。目錄 摘要 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------i 第一章 緒言-------------------------------------------------------------------1 第二章 前人研究-------------------------------------------------------------4 第三章 茄子砧木嫁接番茄、番椒及茄子之親和力研究------------19 第四章 茄子砧木與番茄、番椒及茄子嫁接後植株生育之影響----36 第五章 茄子砧木嫁接番茄之生理研究-------------------------------100 第六章 茄子砧木嫁接番茄之田間栽培-------------------------------174 參考文獻--------------------------------------------------------------------189 附錄--------------------------------------------------------------------------20

    Metastatic Hepatocellular Carcinoma in the Urinary Bladder with Radiation-induced Hemorrhagic Cystitis

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    Metastatic hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) to the urinary bladder is very rare. We present the case of a 58-year-old female patient who was diagnosed to have both HCC and cervical cancer. She developed hemorrhagic cystitis 2 years after radiation therapy for cervical cancer. During endoscopic electrocauterization for hemorrhagic cystitis, three small reddish tumors measuring less than 1 cm in diameter and with a raspberry-like appearance were found. Transurethral bladder tumor resection was performed. Pathology confirmed metastatic HCC to the bladder. Due to the similar appearance, these tumors are liable to be misinterpreted as engorged vessels secondary to irradiation if biopsies are not taken. Differential diagnosis by pathology is mandatory for such patients

    Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma and Its Effect on Dry Eye Disease: A Nationwide Cohort Study

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    The aim of the current study was to investigate the relationship between nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) and dry eye disease (DED) using the National Health Insurance Research Database (NHIRD) of Taiwan. A retrospective cohort study was conducted, and patients with an NPC diagnosis were included. Next, one NPC patient was matched to four non-NPC participants via demographic data and systemic comorbidities. In total, 4184 and 16,736 participants were enrolled in the NPC and non-NPC groups, respectively. The primary outcome was the development of DED one year after the diagnosis of NPC. Cox proportional hazard regression was applied to estimate the adjusted hazard ratios (aHRs) with 95% confidence intervals (CIs) of DED. In this study, 717 and 2225 DED cases were found in the NPC and non-NPC groups, respectively, and the NPC group showed a significantly higher incidence of DED development compared to the non-NPC group (aHR: 1.45, 95% CI: 1.33&ndash;1.58, p &lt; 0.0001) in the multivariable analysis. The other covariates that were positively correlated with DED development included age over 40 years, an education level higher than senior high school, hypertension, DM, allergic pulmonary diseases, allergic otolaryngologic diseases, and allergic dermatological diseases (all p &lt; 0.05). In conclusion, the presence of NPC is an independent risk factor for subsequent DED

    The Correlation of Central Serous Chorioretinopathy and Subsequent Cardiovascular Diseases of Different Types: A Population-Based Cohort Study

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    The aim of the present study was to survey the relationship between central serous chorioretinopathy (CSC) and several cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) with different severities using the National Health Insurance Research Database. A retrospective cohort study was conducted. Subjects with CSC were enrolled according to the relevant diagnostic codes, and an age- and gender-matched population was used as the control group with a 1:4 ratio. The main outcome being considered was the development of CVD after CSC exposure. Cox proportional hazard regression was applied to calculate the adjusted hazard ratio (aHR) of CSC and CVD of different types. A total of 2865 patients that were diagnosed with CSC were enrolled in the study group, while another 11,460 non-CSC subjects were selected as the control group. There were 171 events of CVD which occurred in the study group, while another 557 cases were found in the control group. No significant differences were observed among the CVD cases between the study and control group, whether they had an acute or chronic form, according to the aHR. In the subgroup analysis, there was a significantly higher risk of CVD development in the male population aged from 40 to 59 years (aHR: 1.351, confidence interval (CI): 1.063&ndash;1.716), which was mainly due to the higher risk of mild CVD (aHR: 1.391, CI: 1.062&ndash;1.822). On the contrary, there was no significant difference in CVD development in any of the age subgroups of the female population. In conclusion, the existence of CSC is correlated with a higher rate of chronic CVD occurrence in the middle-aged male population

    Risk of Pneumonia in Pediatric Patients Following Minor Chest Trauma: A Population-Based Retrospective Cohort Study

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    This study investigated the association between minor chest trauma and the risk of pneumonia among pediatric patients in a Taiwanese health care setting. For this retrospective population-based cohort study, the Longitudinal Health Insurance Database was used to analyze the data of patients with a minor chest injury between 2010 and 2012. Data were analyzed through a multivariate analysis with a multiple Cox regression model. Patients were divided into a chest trauma group (n = 6592) and a non-chest trauma group (n = 882,623). An increased risk of pneumonia was observed in the chest trauma group (hazard ratio = 1.23; 95% confidence interval = 1.02–1.49) compared to the non-chest trauma group. In conclusion, this population-based cohort study demonstrated that pediatric patients with minor chest trauma are at an increased risk of pneumonia. The short-term adverse effects of pneumonia could be severe when a patient suffers from mild chest trauma