20 research outputs found

    Minimal invasive operations in infants with congenital urinary tract disorders

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    Purpose.To rate retrospectively the results of using minimally invasive surgical operation in treatment of obstructive disorders in infants. Materials and methods. From 2007 to 2016 1057 patientes (257 boys and 614 girls) with a mean age of 5.5 month (range 1m – 5 years) were treated. The patients were classified on four groups: the first - 69 boys with posterior urethral valve associated urodynamics disorders; the second group – 67 patientes with duplication and ureterocele; the third group - 170 patientes with congenital nonrefluxing megaureter; the fouth - 751 patientes with VUR. In all cases minimal invasive surgeries were preferable: transurethral primary valve ablation; endoscopic incision ureterocele, one-J-stending megaureter, endoscopic correction of vesicoureteral reflux with bulking agents. Results. Transurethral resection of the posterior urethral valve was performed for all patients of the first group - for 56 (81,2%) in one step, for 13 (18,8%) in two steps. Transurethral resection of ureterocele was performed in 53 patients (79,1%) of the second group.132 patients in the third group was treated with stended of ureter, endoscopic correction of vesicoureteral reflux with bulking agents was performed for patients of the fourth group: collagen for 454 patients (605 ureters), Urodex for 122 patients (189 ureters) and Vantris for 76 patients (121 ureters). The patients were followed according with to a program with repeated US, renal scintigrams (DMSA), frequency/volume chart observation. These investigations were assessed in 4-8-12 and 24 weeks. Antibacterial prophylactics were given and recurrent UTIs were registered, In 76 cases (7,2% ) when the disorder wasn’t eliminated, minimal invasive reoperation or open surgeries were carry out. Conclusions. Minimal invasive surgical operations can be performed in babies. They allow to normalize urodynamics and high success rate can be achieved avoid complex reconstractiv operations

    Дни детской хирургии на Вятской земле

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    A brief report of the Russian Symposium of Pediatric Surgeons and the 60th Conference of Student Scientific Circles of Pediatric Surgeons held in April 2021. The topic of the symposium Complications of acute appendicitis in children aroused great interest among the delegates, 96% of whom were ill and vaccinated against COVID-19, and an extensive online audience. Based on the results of this symposium, the decision was made to transform its content into clinical guidelines. The winners of the student research papers were determined.Представлен краткий отчет о состоявшихся в апреле 2021 г. Российском симпозиуме детских хирургов и 60-й конференции студенческих научных кружков детской хирурги. Тема симпозиума Осложнения острого аппендицита у детей вызвала большой интерес как среди делегатов, среди которых 96 % составили переболевшие и вакцинированные от COVID-19, так и для обширной онлайновой аудитории. По итогам симпозиума принято решение, которое будет трансформировано в клинические рекомендации. Определены победители студенческих научных работ

    Итоги работы Российского симпозиума детских хирургов «Атрезия пищевода»

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    Information is provided on the Russian Symposium of Pediatric Surgeons Esophageal Atresia held in April 2022 and the student conference.Представлена информация о состоявшихся в апреле 2022 г. Российском симпозиуме детских хирургов Атрезия пищевода и студенческой конференции