1,534 research outputs found


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    Skripsi ini mengkaji tentang peranan KH. Moh. Ma’shum Yusuf dalam mengembangkan Pondok Modern Arrisalah tahun 1982-2009. Pondok ini mulai dirintis pada tahun 1982 oleh KH. Moh. Mashum Yusuf dan diresmikan pada tanggal 26 Febuari 1985 dengan nama Madinatu At-Thulab. Gagasan utama pendirian Pondok Modern Arrisalah disebabkan rasa keprihatinan KH. Moh. Ma’shum Yusuf terhadap pendidikan anak-anak di sekitar tempat tinggalnya.Adapun permasalah yang dibahas pada penelitian ini, meliputi: (1) Bagaimana latar belakang berdirinya Pondok Modern Arrisalah Ponorogo; (2) Bagaimana perkembangan Pondok Modern Arrisalah Ponorogo tahun 1982-2009; (3) Bagaimana peranan KH. Moh. Ma’shum Yusuf dalam mengembangkan Pondok Modern Arrisalah Ponorogo tahun 1982-2009. Dalam menjawab permasalahan tersebut, penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan historis yang meliputi heuristik, kritik, interprestasi dan historiografi. Sumber-sumber yang digunakan berupa sumber primer yaitu wawancara langsung dengan pimpinan Pondok Modern Arrisalah Ponorogo yaitu KH. Moh. Ma’shum Yusuf. Selain itu, penulis juga menggunakan beberapa sumber primer berupa arsip dan piagam pendirian Pondok Modern Arrisalah Ponorogo.Berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakukan dapat disimpulkan bahwa, perkembangan Pondok Modern Arrisalah Ponorogo dibagi menjadi tiga periode yaitu, periode pra-pesantren dimulai sejak pertama kali pondok ini dirintis tahun 1982, periode pondok modern bertaraf nasional dimulai sejak peresmian pondok yaitu pada tanggal 26 Pebruari 1985 dan periode pondok modern bertaraf internasional dimulai sejak berubahnya sistem pendidikan di Pondok Modern Arrisalah yaitu tahun 1995 hingga peresmian Yayasan Pondok Modern Arrisalah di tahun 2009. Peranan KH. Moh. Ma’shum Yusuf dalam mengembangkan Pondok Modern Arrisalah Ponorogo yaitu melakukan kerja sama dengan Pondok Modern Gontor Ponorogo, meningkatkan kualitas pendidik dengan jalur pengkaderan dan mengembangkan kegiatan perekonomian guna memenuhi kebutuhan pondok serta pembangunan sarana prasarana pondok. Kata Kunci: Peranan, KH. Moh. Ma’shum Yusuf, Pondok Modern Arrisalah

    Hybrid Similarity Function for Big Data Entity Matching with R-Swoosh

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    Entity Matching (EM) is the problem of determining if two entities in a data set refer to the same real-world object. For example, it decides if two given mentions in the data, such as “Helen Hunt” and “H. M. Hunt”, refer to the same real-world entity by using different similarity functions. This problem plays a key role in information integration, natural language understanding, information processing on the World-Wide Web, and on the emerging Semantic Web. This project deals with the similarity functions and thresholds utilized in them to determine the similarity of the entities. The work contains two major parts: implementation of a hybrid similarity function, which contains three different similarity functions to determine the similarity of entities, and an efficient method to determine the optimum threshold value for similarity functions to get accurate results

    18th Annual Reception Bibliography, 2000-2001

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    Since 1984, Leonard H. Axe Library at Pittsburg State University has honored book authors and other creators for their outstanding scholarship and contributions to their fields

    16th Annual Reception Bibliography, 1998-1999

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    Since 1984, Leonard H. Axe Library at Pittsburg State University has honored book authors and other creators for their outstanding scholarship and contributions to their fields

    33rd Annual Reception Bibliography, 2015-2016

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    Since 1984, Leonard H. Axe Library at Pittsburg State University has honored book authors and other creators for their outstanding scholarship and contributions to their fields

    Altimeter measurements for the determination of the Earth's gravity field

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    Progress in the following areas is described: refining altimeter and altimeter crossover measurement models for precise orbit determination and for the solution of the earth's gravity field; performing experiments using altimeter data for the improvement of precise satellite ephemerides; and analyzing an optimal relative data weighting algorithm to combine various data types in the solution of the gravity field

    Geophysical parameters from the analysis of laser ranging to Starlette

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    The results of geodynamic research from the analysis of satellite laser ranging data to Starlette are summarized. The time period of the investigation was from 15 Mar. 1986 to 31 Dec. 1991. As a result of the Starlette research, a comprehensive 16-year Starlette data set spanning the time period from 17 Mar. 1975 through 31 Dec. 1990, was produced. This data set represents the longest geophysical time series from any geodetic satellite and is invaluable for research in long-term geodynamics. A low degree and order ocean tide solution determined from Starlette has good overall agreement with other satellite and oceanographic tide solutions. The observed lunar deceleration is -24.7 +/- 0.6 arcsecond/century(exp 2), which agrees well with other studies. The estimated value of J2 is (-2.5 +/- 0.3) x 10(exp -11) yr(exp -1), assuming there are no variations in higher degree zonals and that the 18.6-year tide is fixed at an equilibrium value. The yearly fluctuations in the values for S(sub a) and S(sub sa) tides determined by the 16-year Starlette data are found to be associated with changes in the Earth's second degree zonal harmonic caused primarily by meteorological excitation. The mean values for the amplitude of S(sub a) and S(sub sa) variations in J2 are 32.3 x 10(exp -11) and 19.5 x 10(exp -11), respectively; while the rms about the mean values are 4.1 x 10(exp -11) and 6.3(10)(exp -11), respectively. The annual delta(J2) is in good agreement with the value obtained from the combined effects of air mass redistribution without the oceanic inverted-barometer effects and hydrological change. The annual delta(J3) values have much larger disagreements. Approximately 90 percent of the observed annual variation from Starlette is attributed to the meteorological mass redistribution occurring near the Earth's surface