11 research outputs found

    Antioxidant properties of grape polyphenol concentrate from Kazakhstan region

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    It is believed that the antioxidant effects are widespread among plant polyphenols. Antioxidant effect is associated with main biological activities of polyphenols. Objective. To describe the antioxidant effect of grape polyphenol concentrate from Kazakhstan selection in vivo on models of pathologies with overproduction of free radicals

    Wound healing and anti-inflammatory effects of recombinant human angiogenin

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    New effective wound healing agents are a priority for modern clinical pharmacology. A promising approach would be to develop medicinal products that promote angiogenesis, which is a critical step in wound healing. The aim of the study was to evaluate the wound healing effect of a medicinal product based on recombinant human angiogenin in gel form in various experimental models. Materials and methods: white outbred male rats were used as experimental ani mals. The study compared healing effects of a regenerating product containing recombinant human angiogenin (0.0025%) in gel form and a reference product in full-thickness excision, incision, and burn wound models. The healing effect of the test product in treating chronic wounds was assessed in a model of alloxan-induced diabetes mellitus. The anti-inflammatory effect of the test product containing recombinant human angiogenin was compared with that of another reference product in a model of adjuvant-induced arthritis. Results: according to the study, the test product based on recombinant human angiogenin exerts higher wound healing effect in treating excision, incision, and burn wounds than the reference product (Solcoseryl gel). Being applied, the test product intensifies tissue repair in chronic wounds in the model of alloxan-induced diabetes. The dissociation of necrotic tissues and the progression towards epithelialisation at wound edges are more rapid. The anti-inflammatory effect of the test product based on recombinant human angiogenin is comparable with that of the reference product (Diclofenac gel). Conclusions: the test product based on recombinant human angiogenin in gel form was found to have pronounced wound healing and anti-inflammatory effects comparable with those of reference products

    Ранозаживляющее и противовоспалительное действие рекомбинантного ангиогенина человека

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    New effective wound healing agents are a priority for modern clinical pharmacology. A promising approach would be to develop medicinal products that promote angiogenesis, which is a critical step in wound healing. The aim of the study was to evaluate the wound healing effect of a medicinal product based on recombinant human angiogenin in gel form in various experimental models. Materials and methods: white outbred male rats were used as experimental ani mals. The study compared healing effects of a regenerating product containing recombinant human angiogenin (0.0025%) in gel form and a reference product in full-thickness excision, incision, and burn wound models. The healing effect of the test product in treating chronic wounds was assessed in a model of alloxan-induced diabetes mellitus. The anti-inflammatory effect of the test product containing recombinant human angiogenin was compared with that of another reference product in a model of adjuvant-induced arthritis. Results: according to the study, the test product based on recombinant human angiogenin exerts higher wound healing effect in treating excision, incision, and burn wounds than the reference product (Solcoseryl gel). Being applied, the test product intensifies tissue repair in chronic wounds in the model of alloxan-induced diabetes. The dissociation of necrotic tissues and the progression towards epithelialisation at wound edges are more rapid. The anti-inflammatory effect of the test product based on recombinant human angiogenin is comparable with that of the reference product (Diclofenac gel). Conclusions: the test product based on recombinant human angiogenin in gel form was found to have pronounced wound healing and anti-inflammatory effects comparable with those of reference products.Создание новых эффективных ранозаживляющих средств является актуальной задачей современной клинической фармакологии. Одним из перспективных направлений представляется разработка препаратов для стимуляции ангиогенеза, который является критическим этапом процесса заживления ран. Цель работы: оценить ранозаживляющее действие препарата на основе рекомбинантного ангиогенина человека в виде геля на различных экспериментальных моделях. Материалы и методы: в качестве экспериментальных животных использовали белых беспородных крыс-самцов. Исследовано ранозаживляющее действие препарата на основе рекомбинантного ангиогенина человека (0,0025%) в виде геля относительно препарата сравнения на моделях плоскостной кожно-мышечной, линейной и ожоговой раны. Ранозаживляющее действие исследуемого препарата при лечении длительно незаживающей раны охарактеризовано на модели аллоксанового сахарного диабета. На модели адъювантного артрита оценено противовоспалительное действие препарата на основе рекомбинантного ангиогенина человека относительно препарата сравнения. Результаты: установлена более высокая ранозаживляющая активность препарата на основе рекомбинантного ангиогенина человека относительно препарата сравнения (гель Солкосерил) для плоскостной кожно-мышечной раны, линейной и ожоговой ран. При применении исследуемого препарата ускоряется процесс репарации тканей при лечении длительно незаживающей раны на модели аллоксанового сахарного диабета. Отмечено более быстрое расплавление некротических масс и переход к эпителизации краев раны. Установлена противовоспалительная активность препарата на основе рекомбинантного ангиогенина человека, по эффективности сравнимая с действием препарата сравнения (гель Диклофенак). Выводы: определено наличие у препарата на основе рекомбинантного ангиогенина человека в виде геля выраженных ранозаживляющих и противовоспалительных свойств, сопоставимых с препаратами сравнения

    Cardioprotective properties of polyphenol concentrate in Rat model of Doxorubicin-induced Cardiomyopathy

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    Present study aimed to investigate possible cardioprotective properties of polyphenol concentrates obtained from Cabernet Sauvignon type of Kazakhstani grapes using rat model doxorubicin-induced cardiomyopathy

    Antioxidant effects in the mechanism of antiulcer action of Pinostrobin Oxime and caper extract

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    The possibility of using pinostrobin oxime and caper extract to decrease the intensity of lipid peroxidation and endointoxication in rats with chronic acetate ulcer is studied. It is found that the studied substances decrease the intensity of lipid peroxidation processes and the level of medium-molecular-weight (MMW) complexes in the blood of experimental animals

    The Protective Properties of the Extract of Polyphenols from Grapes of Cabernet Sauvignon Varieties In The Model of Acute Radiation Sickness in Rats

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    To investigate possible protective effect of the polyphenol concentrate from Cabernet Sauvignon collection of grapes in rat model of acute radiation sickness (ARS)

    Interaction of Pinostrobin Oxime and Leukomizin with reactive oxygen species in model systems

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    Free radical processes are a common universal mechanism of cellular damage in the pulmonary and cardiovascular diseases, diseases of the pancreas and liver, atherosclerosis, cataracts, etc. In this work, we investigated the interaction of the pinostrobin oxime and leucomisine with active forms of oxygen. The study of the interaction of the pinostrobin oxime and leucomisine with a stable radical 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl, superoxide anion radical, hydroxyl radical, and the effects on stimulated prooxidants (hydrogen peroxide) lipid peroxidation in post-nuclear fraction of liver. As comparison drugs used substances with known antioxidant and antiradical activity - butylated hydroxytoluene, quercetin, and mannitol. The experiments showed that pinostrobin oxime and leucomisine exhibit moderate antiradical activity against the studied free radicals

    Антиоксидантные эффекты в механизме противоязвенного действия оксима пиностробина и экстракта каперса колючего

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    The possibility of using pinostrobin oxime and caper extract to decrease the intensity of lipid peroxidation and endointoxication in rats with chronic acetate ulcer is studied. It is found that the studied substances decrease the intensity of lipid peroxidation processes and the level of medium-molecular-weight (MMW) complexes in the blood of experimental animals.Изучена возможность применения оксима пиностробина и экстракта каперса колючего для снижения интенсивности перекисного окисления липидов (ПОЛ) и эндогенной интоксикации у крыс при хронической ацетатной язве желудка. Установлено, что исследуемые вещества снижают интенсивность процессов ПОЛ и уровень среднемолекулярных комплексов в крови экспериментальных животных