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    Heterologous production, characterization and isolation of selected G protein-coupled receptors for structural studies

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    G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) play regulatory roles in many different physiological processes and they represent one of the most important class of drug targets. However, due to the lack of three-dimensional structures, structure based drug design has not been possible. The major bottleneck in getting three-dimensional crystal structure of GPCRs is to obtain milligram quantities of pure, homogenous and stable protein. Therefore, during my Ph.D. thesis, I focused on expression, characterization and isolation of three GPCRs namely human bradykinin receptor subtype 2 (B2R), human angiotensin II receptor subtype 1 (AT1aR), and human neuromedin U receptor subtype 2 (NmU2R). These receptors were heterologously produced in three different expression systems (i.e. Pichia pastoris, insect cells and mammalian cells), biochemically characterized and subsequently solubilized and purified for structural studies The human bradykinin receptor subtype 2 (B2R) is constitutively expressed in a variety of cells, including endothelial cells, vascular smooth muscle cells and cardiomyocytes. Activation of B2R is important in pathogenesis of inflammation, pain, tissue injury and cardioprotective mechanisms. During this study, recombinant B2R was produced in methylotrophic yeast Pichia pastoris (3.5 pmol/mg), insect cells (10 pmol/mg) and mammalian cells (60 pmol/mg). The recombinant receptor was characterized in terms of [3H] bradykinin binding, G protein coupling, localization, and glycosylation. Subsequently, it was solubilized and purified using affinity chromatography. Homogeneity and stability of purified B2R was monitored by gel filtration analysis. Milligram amounts of pure and stable receptor were obtained from BHK cells and Sf9 cells, which were used for three-dimensional crystallization attempts. The second receptor, which I worked on, is human angiotensin II receptor subtype 1 (AT1aR). AT1aR is distributed in smooth muscle cells, liver, kidney, heart, lung and testis. Activation of AT1aR is implicated in the regulation of blood pressure, hypertension and cardiovascular diseases. Recombinant AT1aR was produced at high levels in Pichia pastoris (167 pmol/mg), while at moderate levels in insect cells (29 pmol/mg) and mammalian cells (32 pmol/mg). The recombinant receptor was characterized in terms of [3H] angiotensin II binding, localization, and glycosylation. Subsequently, the receptor was solubilized and purified using affinity chromatography. Homogeneity and stability of purified AT1aR was monitored by gel filtration analysis. Milligram amounts of pure and stable receptor were obtained from Pichia pastoris, which were used for threedimensional crystallization attempts. In addition to B2R and AT1aR, I also attempted to produce and isolate the human neuromedin U receptor subtype 2 (NmU2R), which was deorphanized recently. It is found in highest abundance in the central nervous system, particularly the medulla oblongata, spinal cord and thalamus. The distribution of this receptor suggests its regulatory role in sensory transmission and modulation. During this study, recombinant NmU2R was produced in Pichia pastoris (6 pmol/mg) and BHK cells (9 pmol/mg). Recombinant receptor was characterized with regard to [125I] NmU binding, localization and glycosylation. Subsequently, the receptor was solubilized and purified using affinity chromatography. Due to its low expression level, further expression optimization is required in order to obtain milligram amounts for structural studies. The long-term goal of this study was to obtain three-dimensional crystal structure of recombinant GPCRs. However, 3-dimensional crystallization of human recombinant membrane proteins still remains a difficult task. On the other hand, recent advances in the solid-state NMR spectroscopy offer ample opportunities to study receptor-ligand systems, provided milligram quantities of purified receptor are available. Therefore, in parallel to 3-dimensional crystallization trials, purified B2R was also used for solid-state NMR analysis in order to investigate the receptor bound conformation of bradykinin. Preliminary results are promising and indicate significant structural changes in bradykinin upon binding to B2R. Further experiments are ongoing and will hopefully result in the structure of receptor bound bradykinin. One of the challenges in GPCR crystallization is the small hydrophilic surface area that is available to make crystal contacts. One possibility to overcome this problem can be the reconstitution of a GPCR complex with an interacting protein for cocrystallization. For this purpose, I coexpressed B2R and AT1aR, which form a stable heterodimer complex, in BHK cells. I could successfully isolate the heterodimer complex by using two-step affinity purification. Unfortunately, this complex was not stable over time and disassociates within three days of purification. However, during coexpression of B2R and AT1aR in BHK cells, I observed that B2R was localized in the plasma membrane in coexpressing cells while it was retained intracellularly when expressed alone. This coexpression of AT1aR with B2R resulted in a four-fold increase in [3H] bradykinin binding sites on the cell surface. In addition, these two receptors were cointernalized in response to their individual specific ligands. Interestingly, colocalization of B2R and AT1aR was also found in human foreskin fibroblasts (which endogenously express both receptors), in line with the possibility that heterodimerization may be required for surface localization of B2R in native tissues as well. This is the first report where surface localization of a peptide GPCR is triggered by a distantly related peptide GPCR. These data support the hypothesis that heterodimerization may be a prerequisite for cell surface localization of some GPCRs. A second approach that I followed to stabilize the purified B2R was to reconstitute the B2R-β-arrestin complex. β-arrestin is a cytosolic protein that participates in agonist mediated desensitization of GPCRs and therefore dampens the cellular responses initiated by the activation of GPCRs. I tried to reconstitute B2R-β-arrestin complex in vitro by mixing purified B2R and purified β-arrestin. But, no interaction of these two proteins was observed in the pull-down assays. However, a C-terminal mutant of B2R (where a part of the C-terminus of the B2R is exchanged with that of the vasopressin receptor) was found to interact with β-arrestin in vitro as revealed by pull-down assays. In conclusion, this work establishes the production, characterization and isolation of three recombinant human GPCRs. Recombinant receptors were produced in milligram amounts and therefore, pave the way for structural analysis. The heterodimer complex of B2R-AT1aR and B2R-β-arrestin complex can be of great help during crystallization. In addition, it was also found for the first time that the surface localization of a peptide GPCR can be triggered by heterodimerization with a distantly related peptide GPCR.Die G-Protein-gekoppelten Rezeptoren (GPCRs) stellen die grĂ¶ĂŸte Familie der ZelloberflĂ€chenrezeptoren dar. 1-5% des Wirbeltiergenoms kodiert fĂŒr diese Rezeptorfamilie. Im Humangenom sind etwa 800-1000 Gene vertreten, die fĂŒr GPCRs kodieren. Trotz der großen Unterschiede in ihrer Sequenz und Aktivierung haben alle GPCRs zwei Gemeinsamkeiten: (1) Ihre Architektur wird durch sieben Transmembranhelices beschrieben. (2) Ihre Funktion in der Signaltransduktion ĂŒben alle durch Aktivierung der heterotrimeren Guanylnukleotid-Bindeproteine (GProteine) aus. Die GPCRs sind an der Regulierung einer Vielzahl von physiologischen Prozessen beteiligt und stellen daher wichtige Ziele fĂŒr die Medikamentenentwicklung dar. Bisher gibt es kaum Möglichkeiten zur strukturbasierenden Medikamentenentwicklung, da, bis auf das Rinder-Rhodopsin, nur sehr wenige Informationen zur dreidimensionalen Struktur von GPCRs verfĂŒgbar sind. Das Rinder-Rhodopsin nimmt allerdings unter den GPCRs eine Sonderstellung ein. Im Gegensatz zu allen ĂŒbrigen GPCRs bindet es seinen Liganden, 11-cis Retinal, kovalent und liegt dann in der nicht-aktivierten Form vor. Zudem kann Rhodopsin in großen Mengen aus Rinderretina isoliert werden, wohingegen die ĂŒbrigen GPCRs nur in geringen Mengen in ihren natĂŒrlichen Geweben vorkommen. Die vorliegende Arbeit verfolgt drei Ziele: Erstens sollen GPCRs durch heterologe Expression in hohen Ausbeuten hergestellt und biochemisch charakterisiert werden. Die Etablierung eines Solubilisierungs- und Aufreinigungsprotokolls stellt das zweite Ziel dar. Drittens soll die Interaktion von Ligand und Rezeptor mittels verschiedener Techniken untersucht werden. Grund fĂŒr die erste Zielsetzung ist die geringe VerfĂŒgbarkeit reinen, homogenen und stabilen Proteins im Milligramm-Maßstab, welches die grĂ¶ĂŸte HĂŒrde fĂŒr strukturelle Untersuchungen von GPCRs darstellt. Hier wurden verschiedene Expressionssysteme zur heterologen Produktion von Membranproteinen etabliert. Die Wahl des Expressionssystems ist hierbei entscheidend, um posttranslationale Modifikationen wie Glykosylierung sowie die korrekte Faltung des Rezeptors zu gewĂ€hrleisten. Neben E. coli haben sich hierbei vor allem eukaryotische Expressionssystems wie Pichia pastoris bewĂ€hrt. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden drei GPCRs hergestellt und analysiert: der humane Bradykinin Rezeptor Typ 2 (B2R), der humane Angiotensin II Rezeptor Typ 1 (AT1aR) und der humane Neuromedin U Rezeptor Typ 2 (NmU2R). Diese drei Rezeptoren wurden in drei Expressionsystemen (Pichia pastoris, Insektenzellen und SĂ€ugerzellen) heterolog produziert und biochemisch charakterisiert. FĂŒr jedes der drei Proteine wurden Solubilisierungs- und Aufreinigungsprotokolle etabliert. Die aufgereinigten Proteine wurden anschließend fĂŒr Kristallisationsexperimente, fĂŒr Festkörper NMR Untersuchungen und weitere Experimente eingesetzt. Der erste untersuchte Rezeptor, B2R, kann vor allem in Endothelzellen, vaskulĂ€ren glatten Muskelzellen und Kardiomyozyten nachgewiesen werden. Seine Aktivierung spielt bei der Entstehung von EntzĂŒndungen, Schmerz, Gewebsverletzung sowie herzschĂŒtzenden Mechanismen eine Rolle. Im Rahmen der Doktorarbeit wurde B2R in der Hefe Pichia pastoris (3,5 pmol/mg), in BHK-Zellen (10 pmol/mg) und in Sf9-Zellen (60 pmol/mg) erfolgreich rekombinant produziert. Zur Charakterisierung wurde die Bindung des Liganden [3H] Bradykinin, die GProtein- Kopplung, zellulĂ€re Lokalisierung sowie die Glykosylierung des Rezeptors untersucht. Der heterolog produzierte Rezeptor konnte in hoher Reinheit isoliert werden. HomogenitĂ€t und StabilitĂ€t des aufgereinigten Proteins wurden mittels Gelfiltration analysiert. Aus BHK und Sf9 Zellen konnten Milligramm-Mengen reinen und stabilen Rezeptors isoliert werden, die zu Kristallisationsexperimenten verwendet wurden. Hier zeigten sich kristallartige Strukturen, die zur Zeit weiter charakterisiert werden. Der zweite untersuchte Rezeptor, AT1aR, kann in glatten Muskelzellen, Leber, Nieren, Herz, Lunge und Hoden nachgewiesen werden. Die Aktivierung dieses Rezeptors spielt eine Rolle bei der Regulation des Blutdrucks und bei cardiovaskulĂ€ren Erkrankungen. Rekombinanter AT1aR konnte mit hoher Ausbeute (167 pmol/mg) in Pichia pastoris hergestellt werden. Die Ausbeute bei Produktion in Insektenzellen (29 pmol/mg) und SĂ€ugerzellen (32 pmol/mg) lag im mittleren Bereich. Der rekombinante Rezeptor wurde hinsichtlich der Bindung von [3H] Angiotensin II, der zellulĂ€ren Lokalisierung und Glykosylierung charakterisiert. Im Anschluss wurde er erfolgreich mittels AffinitĂ€tschromatographie gereinigt. HomogenitĂ€t und StabilitĂ€t des gereinigten AT1aR wurden mittels Gelfiltration analysiert. Aus Pichia pastoris konnte das Protein im Milligramm-Maßstab isoliert werden, so dass Kristallisationsexperimente möglich waren. Dem dritten Rezeptor, NmU2R, konnte erst kĂŒrzlich sein Ligand, Neuromedin U, zugeordnet werden. Der Rezeptor ist im zentralen Nervensystem, und hier insbesondere in der Medulla oblongata, dem RĂŒckenmark und dem Thalamus lokalisiert. Aufgrund dieser Verteilung wird angenommen, dass er eine Rolle in der Regulation der Weiterleitung sensorischer Nervenimpulse sowie deren Modulation spielt. WĂ€hrend meiner Arbeit konnte ich bei der heterologen Produktion des Rezeptors Ausbeuten von 6 pmol/mg in Pichia pastoris und 9 pmol/mg in BHK Zellen erzielen. Der rekombinante Rezeptor wurde mittels Bindung eines Radioliganden ([125I] NmU) charakterisiert. Weiterhin wurde die zellulĂ€rer Lokalisierung und Glykosylierung des GPCRs untersucht. Obwohl der rekombinante NmU2R erfolgreich isoliert werden konnte, sind auf Grund der geringen Produktionsmengen zur Zeit keine Struktur untersuchungen möglich. Zur Analyse der pharmakologisch wichtigen Ligand-Rezeptor- Wechselwirkung wurde Festkörper NMR Spektroskopie eingesetzt. Durch die Verwendung von selektiv mit 13C und 15N markierten Peptiden können KonformationsĂ€nderung des Peptidliganden beim Binden des Rezeptors untersucht werden. Die Bestimmung der genauen Konformation des gebunden Liganden ist fĂŒr die Medikamentenentwicklung von Bedeutung. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde mittels der Festkörper NMR Spektroskopie die Konformation des rezeptorgebunden Liganden, Bradykinin, untersucht. Die ersten Ergebnisse weisen auf signifikante StrukturĂ€nderungen Bradykinins hin, sobald es an den B2R bindet. Untersuchungen bezĂŒglich Wechselwirkung von GPCRs mit anderen Protein sind auch fĂŒr die Kristallisation relevant. Eine der Herausforderungen in der Kristallisation von GPCRs ist die kleine hydrophile OberflĂ€che, die zur Bildung von Kristallkontakten im Kristallgitter oft nicht ausreichend ist. Eine Möglichkeit, dieses Problem zu lösen, ist die Bildung eines stabilen Komplexes aus dem Rezeptor und einem interagierenden Protein. ZusĂ€tzlich kann der Rezeptor durch die Interaktion in eine weniger flexible Form ĂŒberfĂŒhrt werden, was die Kristallisation und die spĂ€tere Strukturbestimmung erleichtern kann. Basierend auf diesem Ansatz wurden B2R und AT1aR, die einen stabilen heterodimeren Komplex bilden, in BHK Zellen ko-exprimiert. Bemerkenswert war hierbei dass B2R im Komplex mit AT1aR in der Plasmamembran vorzufinden war, wĂ€hrend B2R alleine hauptsachlich in intrazellulĂ€ren Membranen exprimiert wurde. Weiterhin fĂŒhrte die Koexpression der beiden Rezeptoren zu einem vierfachen Anstieg der [3H] Bradykinin Bindungsstellen auf der ZelloberflĂ€che. Es konnte ebenfalls nachgewiesen werden, dass nach der Stimulation mit nur einem der beiden rezeptorspezifischen Liganden beide GPCRs zusammen internalisiert wurden. Dieses PhĂ€nomen wurde auch in menschlichen Vorhaut- fibroblasten nachgewiesen, in denen beide Rezeptoren vorkommen. Die erhaltenen Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass auch in nativen Geweben die Anwesenheit des AT1aR fĂŒr die Expression und den Transfer des B2R zur Plasmamembran nötig ist. Diese Daten unterstĂŒtzen die Hypothese, dass Heterodimerisierung eine Voraussetzung fĂŒr die ZelloberflĂ€chenlokalisierung bestimmter GPCRs ist. Der Ko-Komplex aus B2R und AT1aR konnte mittels dualer AffinitĂ€tschromatographie isoliert, wie durch SDS-PAGE Analyse, analytische Gelfiltration und Bindung von Radioliganden gezeigt werden konnte. „Pull-down“ Experimente, die drei Tage nach der Reinigung durchgefĂŒhrt wurden, wiesen darauf hin, dass der Ko-Komplex nicht stabil war und zerfiel. Bei der Reinigung von Membranproteinen verursacht der Verlust von Lipiden wĂ€hrend des Isolationsprozeßes oft eine BeeintrĂ€chtigung der StabilitĂ€t des Proteins. Auch das verwendete Detergenz beeinflusst die StabilitĂ€t von Membranproteinen. Experimente zur Verbesserung der LangzeitstabilitĂ€t des Komplexes durch Zugabe von Lipiden und anderen Detergenzien sind in Vorbereitung. Die Bildung von Ko-Komplexen wurde zusĂ€tzlich mit Beta-Arrestin, einem Inhibitor der Kopplung von G-Proteinen und ihren Rezeptoren untersucht. Beta- Arrestin ist ein zytosolisches Protein, dass an der Desensibilisierung der Agoniststimulierten GPCRs beteiligt ist. Versuche, eine Ko-Komplexbildung aus gereinigtem B2R und gereinigtem Beta-Arrestin in vitro zu erzielen, schlugen fehl. In „Pull-Down“ Experimenten konnte keine Interaktion nachweisen werden. Wurde anstatt des nativen B2R eine C-terminale Mutante, bei welcher der C-Terminus des B2R gegen den des Vasopressinrezeptors ausgetauscht worden war, verwendet, konnte in vitro Ko- Komplexbildung mit Beta-Arrestin festgestellt werden. Mit Experimenten zur Bestimmung der LangzeitstabilitĂ€t des Ko-Komplexes sowie zur Ko-Kristallisations wurde begonnen. Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die Produktion, Charakterisierung und Aufreinigung von drei rekombinanten humanen GPCRs etabliert. Die rekombinanten Rezeptoren wurden im Milligramm-Maßstab produziert. Damit ist die erste, wesentliche HĂŒrde zur Strukturanalyse genommen. Der B2R-β-Arrestin Komplex kann sich als vorteilhaft fĂŒr die Kristallisation herausstellen. ZusĂ€tzlich konnte zum ersten Mal gezeigt werden, dass der Transfer eines GPCRs an die ZelloberflĂ€che von der Heterodimerisierung mit einem anderen nicht-verwandten GPCR abhĂ€ngig sein kann

    Stronger Error Disturbance Relations for Incompatible Quantum Measurements

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    We formulate a new error-disturbance relation, which is free from explicit dependence upon variances in observables. This error-disturbance relation shows improvement over the one provided by the Branciard inequality and the Ozawa inequality for some initial states and for particular class of joint measurements under consideration. We also prove a modified form of Ozawa's error-disturbance relation. The later relation provides a tighter bound compared to the Ozawa and the Branciard inequalities for a small number of states.Comment: 5+pages, 3 figure

    Analysis and Performance of ORC Based Solar Thermal Power Plant Using Benzene as a Working Fluid

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    AbstractIn the present scenario of huge demand of energy and economy create the necessity to give importance to all types of energy resources either it is conventional or nonconventional. Since the rapid consumption of fossil fuel over billions of people across the world are still unable to assess electricity. Furthermore, if the consumption of fossil fuel will be continued then our future generation will certainly have to face the shortage of it and the Global warming potential and ozone layer depletion will also increase. On account of this the Present paper investigates the application of benzene as a working fluid for ORC system. In this paper, performance analysis of organic Rankine cycle with benzene as working fluid has been done to improve efficiency and achieve better economy. This paper also describes clearly that if we want to produce 9kW of power output with the same variation of mass flow rate as well as Reynolds number, the efficiency of ORC system will have to vary from 32.87% to 54.98% and that is possible only when the temperature at the outlet of turbine will be varied from 259.53oC to 127.22oC respectively. Since the fire point of benzene is very low and any instant sparking may cause hazard and hence in our system there is only a liquid to liquid heat transfer device. Boiler of ORC system consists of helical coil copper dipped into a thermal energy reservoir i.e. heat transfer fluid, therminol vp-1 whose upper temperature limit is 415oC

    Comparative study of tramadol and piroxicam as analgesic for postoperative pain in patients operated for inguinal hernia and hydrocele

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    Background: Pain is usually protective, it warns of tissue damage and prompts treatment but postoperatively, it can delay recovery. Postoperative pain is both distressing and detrimental for the patient. Postoperative pain may be a significant reason for delayed discharge from hospital, increased morbidity and reduced patient satisfaction.Methods: This was a hospital based prospective, randomized, comparative, observational study conducted over a period of one year. Patients operated for hydrocele and inguinal hernia were included in the study after applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria. For the purpose of study, equal numbers of subjects were randomly allocated one of the two analgesic protocols. Pain assessment was done by using visual analog scale (VAS) for the first 72 hours of the postoperative period.Results: When the drugs were compared individually, piroxicam was superior to tramadol in first 24, 48 and 72 hours of postoperative period in case of pain after surgery for hernia. Piroxicam was found to be superior to tramadol in first postoperative 24 hours after surgery for hydrocele with no significant difference first 48 & 72 hours of postoperative period. Piroxicam has the advantage of requiring lesser frequency of administration than tramadol due to prolonged duration of action.Conclusions: Piroxicam provides better and effective analgesia in acute post-operative pain along with the advantage of requiring lesser frequency of administration than tramadol

    Evaluation of Antiulcerogenic Activity of Clerodendron Infortunatum Extract on Albino Rat Gastric Ulceration

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    Clerodendron infortunatum Linn. (Verbenaceae) is an important and widely used medicinal plant, reported to contain active bitter substance like clerodin, has been widely used as tonic and anthelmintic agent in the country sides of North India. Though, variously used in Ayurveda, Unani system of medicine and Homeopathy in case of ailments like diarrhoea, skin disorders, venereal and scrofulous complaints, wounds, post-natal complications, as vermifuge, laxative and cholagogue, for the removal of ascarids in anus, as external applications on tumours, etc., Background: The present study reports the antiulcer properties of 50% ethanolic extract of Clerodendron infortunatum Linn. (Verbenaceae) leaves have assessed in different acute and chronic gastric ulcer models in rats. Methods: EECI (100, 200 and 400 mg/kg body weight) was administered orally, twice daily for 5 days for prevention from ethanol (EtOH), Cold-restraint stress (CRS), Pylorus-ligation (PL) and 10 days for prevention of acetic acid induced ulcers. Results: The EECI showed significant gastric ulcer protective effect in doses of 400 mg/kg, when given twice daily for 5 days against gastric ulcers induced by ethanol (EtOH), cold restraint stress (CRS) and pyloric ligation (PL). EECI showed dose dependent decrease in ulcer index (UI) against ulcers induced by: (i) Ethanol (control UI: 29.52±2.4 mm2/rat, EECI decrease 21.12±2.3 – 5.3±1.0 (ii) Cold restraint stress (CRS) (control UI: 32.13±2.1, EECI decrease 24.02±2.2 – 4.7±1.1 (iii) pylorus ligation (control UI: 29.25±2.4 mm2/rat, EECI decrease 22.32±2.7 – 5.3±1.0, EECI 400 mg/kg significantly healed ulcers induced by 50% acetic acid after 5 (control UI: 32.30 ± 2.9, EECI decrease 26.27±1.9 – 8.56±0.98 and after 10 days treatment (control UI: 29.02 ± 2.6, healing 21.28±2.1 – 5.78±1.2. EECI prevents the oxidative damage of gastric mucosa by blocking lipid peroxidation and by significant decrease in superoxide dismutase, and increase in catalase activity. Conclusions: Our results show that Clerodendron infortunatum Linn. (Verbenaceae)  possess significant gastro-protective activity which might be due to gastric defence factors and clerodin might be the main constituents responsible for this activity

    PLGA Nanoparticles for Peptide Receptor Radionuclide Therapy of Neuroendocrine Tumors: A Novel Approach towards Reduction of Renal Radiation Dose

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    BACKGROUND:Peptide receptor radionuclide therapy (PRRT), employed for treatment of neuroendocrine tumors (NETs) is based on over-expression of Somatostatin Receptors (SSTRs) on NETs. It is, however, limited by high uptake and retention of radiolabeled peptide in kidneys resulting in unnecessary radiation exposure thus causing nephrotoxicity. Employing a nanocarrier to deliver PRRT drugs specifically to the tumor can reduce the associated nephrotoxicity. Based on this, (177)Lu-DOTATATE loaded PLGA nanoparticles (NPs) were formulated in the present study, as a potential therapeutic model for NETs. METHODOLOGY AND FINDINGS:DOTATATE was labeled with Lutetium-177 ((177)Lu) (labeling efficiency 98%; R(f)∌0.8). Polyethylene Glycol (PEG) coated (177)Lu-DOTATATE-PLGA NPs (50:50 and 75:25) formulated, were spherical with mean size of 304.5±80.8 and 733.4±101.3 nm (uncoated) and 303.8±67.2 and 494.3±71.8 nm (coated) for PLGA(50:50) and PLGA(75:25) respectively. Encapsulation efficiency (EE) and In-vitro release kinetics for uncoated and coated NPs of PLGA (50:50 & 75:25) were assessed and compared. Mean EE was 77.375±4.98% & 67.885±5.12% (uncoated) and 65.385±5.67% & 58.495±5.35% (coated). NPs showed initial burst release between 16.64-21.65% with total 42.83-44.79% over 21 days. The release increased with coating to 20.4-23.95% initially and 60.97-69.12% over 21 days. In-vivo studies were done in rats injected with (177)Lu-DOTATATE and (177)Lu-DOTATATE-NP (uncoated and PEG-coated) by imaging and organ counting after sacrificing rats at different time points over 24 hr post-injection. With (177)Lu-DOTATATE, renal uptake of 37.89±10.2%ID/g was observed, which reduced to 4.6±1.97% and 5.27±1.66%ID/g with uncoated and coated (177)Lu-DOTATATE-NP. The high liver uptake with uncoated (177)Lu-DOTATATE-NP (13.68±3.08% ID/g), reduced to 7.20±2.04%ID/g (p = 0.02) with PEG coating. CONCLUSION:PLGA NPs were easily formulated and modified for desired release properties. PLGA 50:50 NPs were a more suitable delivery vehicle for (177)Lu-DOTATATE than PLGA 75:25 because of higher EE and slower release rate. Reduced renal retention of (177)Lu-DOTATATE and reduced opsonisation strongly advocate the potential of (177)Lu-DOTATATE-PLGA-PEG NPs to reduce radiation dose in PRRT

    99mTc-DMSA (V) in Evaluation of Osteosarcoma: Comparative Studies with 18F-FDG PET/CT in Detection of Primary and Malignant Lesions

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    To evaluate the role of 99mTc-DMSA (V) and [18F]FDG PET-CT in management of patients with osteosarcoma, 22 patients were included in our study. All patients underwent both 99mTc-DMSA (V) and whole-body [18F]FDG PET-CT scans within an interval of 1 week. 555–740 MBq of 99mTc-DMSA (V) was injected i.v. the whole-body planar, SPECT images of primary site and chest were performed after 3-4 hours. [18F]FDG PET-CT images were obtained 60 minutes after i.v. injection of 370 MBq of F-18 FDG. Both FDG PET-CT (mean SUVmax = 7.1) and DMSA (V) scans showed abnormal uptake at primary site in all the 22 patients (100% sensitivity for both). Whole-body PET-CT detected metastasis in 11 pts (lung mets in 10 and lung + bone mets in 1 patient). Whole-body planar DMSA (V) and SPECT detected bone metastasis in one patient, lung mets in 7 patients and LN in 1 patient. HRCT of chest confirmed lung mets in 10 patients and inflammatory lesion in one patient. 7 patients positive for mets on DMSA (V) scan had higher uptake in lung lesions as compared to FDG uptake on PET-CT. Three patients who did not show any DMSA uptake had subcentimeter lung nodule. Resuts of both 99mTc-DMSA (V) (whole-body planar and SPECT imaging) and [18F]FDG PET-CT were comparable in evaluation of primary site lesions and metastatic lesions greater than 1 cm. Though 99mTc-DMSA (V) had higher uptake in the lesions as compared to [18F]FDG PET-CT, the only advantage [18F]FDG PET-CT had was that it could also detect subcentimeter lesions
