162 research outputs found

    The Application of CCS Technology in China: Lesson from the Sino-Italy Collaboration on Coal Fired Power Plants

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    Abstract Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) technology is one of the most promising technological solutions to realize low-carbon utilization of fossil fuels in a large scale. Under the leadership of the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), China and Italy initiated the "Sino-Italy Cooperation on Application of CCS to Coal Fired Power Plants" (SICCS) project which not only promoted CCS technology exchanges and scientific research collaboration between both countries, but also conducted a pre- feasibility study on a full chain demonstration project, including capture of CO2 from coal fired power plant, CO2 transport and storage. This paper will introduce the overall R&D collaboration progress on this project. It first reports activities designed to raise CCS capacity in China and to facilitate the knowledge sharing between Chinese and Italian academe, key outcomes of the SICCS project including the first and second Sino-Italian Scientific Meetings on technology exchange, information sharing, and preliminary feasibility study for CCS demonstration project in China. Then, this paper investigates the preliminary feasibility study of a 1.0 Mt/y carbon dioxide (CO2) capture unit for an existing coal fired power station in China carried out by experts from both China and Italy. The study results obtained with reference to Chinese 600 MWe thermoelectric power plant were compared with those of Italian CCS demonstration project. Finally, this paper concludes main results of the collaboration and preliminary study, raises a new cross-boarder science and technology collaboration mechanism based on industrialization of scientific research cooperation and technology exchange by co-conducting demonstration projects. It also extracts main features of the processes and technologies that may be applied to the demonstrative application of CCS to the 600 MWe unit of Chinese coal power plant

    Continual Exposure to Cigarette Smoke Extracts Induces Tumor-Like Transformation of Human Nontumor Bronchial Epithelial Cells in a Microfluidic Chip

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    IntroductionHeavy cigarette smoking-related chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is an independent risk factor for lung squamous carcinoma. However, the mechanisms underlying the malignant transformation of bronchial epithelial cells are unclear.MethodsIn our study, human tumor-adjacent bronchial epithelial cells were obtained from 10 cases with smoking-related chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and lung squamous carcinoma and cultured in an established microfluidic chip for continual exposure to cigarette smoke extracts (CSE) to investigate the potential tumor-like transformation and mechanisms. The integrated microfluidic chip included upstream concentration gradient generator and downstream cell culture chambers supplied by flowing medium containing different concentrations of CSE.ResultsOur results showed that continual exposure to low doses of CSE promoted cell proliferation whereas to high doses of CSE triggered cell apoptosis. Continual exposure to CSE promoted reactive oxygen species production in human epithelial cells in a dose-dependent manner. More importantly, continual exposure to low dose of CSE promoted the epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition process and anchorage-independent growth, and increased chromosome instability in bronchial epithelial cells, accompanied by activating the GRP78, NF-κB, and PI3K pathways.ConclusionsThe established microfluidic chip is suitable for primary culture of human tumor-adjacent bronchial epithelial cells to investigate the malignant transformation. Continual exposure to low doses of CSE promoted tumor-like transformation of human nontumor bronchial epithelial cells by inducing reactive oxygen species production and activating the relevant signaling

    The transcriptional coactivator TAZ regulates reciprocal differentiation of T(h)17 cells and T(reg) cells

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    自身免疫性疾病是一类机体对自身抗原发生免疫反应而导致自身多器官、组织受累的慢性炎症性疾病。目前大量研究表明机体内促炎症的TH17细胞和抑制炎症Treg细胞在类群数量和活化状态的失衡是造成自身免疫疾病的主要致病因素。陈兰芬教授和周大旺教授团队的前期研究发现小鼠中Hippo信号通路中激酶Mst1/2缺失导致免疫缺陷,机体易受病原体感染并伴随着严重自身免疫疾病。该研究揭示了Hippo 信号通路转录共激活因子TAZ在决定CD4+初始T细胞分化为促进炎症的TH17效应细胞和抑制免疫反应的Treg调节性细胞过程中发挥着关键作用,拓展了当前对于Hippo信号通路的相关研究内容。 陈兰芬,博士,厦门大学生命科学学院教授。【Abstraact】An imbalance in the lineages of immunosuppressive regulatory T cells (Treg cells) and the inflammatory TH17 subset of helper T cells leads to the development of autoimmune and/or inflammatory disease. Here we found that TAZ, a coactivator of TEAD transcription factors of Hippo signaling, was expressed under T H17 cell–inducing conditions and was required for TH17 differentiation and TH17 cell–mediated inflammatory diseases. TAZ was a critical co-activator of the TH17-defining transcription factor RORγt. In addition, TAZ attenuated Treg cell development by decreasing acetylation of the Treg cell master regulator Foxp3 mediated by the histone acetyltransferase Tip60, which targeted Foxp3 for proteasomal degradation. In contrast, under T regcell–skewing conditions, TEAD1 expression and sequestration of TAZ from the transcription factors RORγt and Foxp3 promoted Treg cell differentiation. Furthermore, deficiency in TAZ or overexpression of TEAD1 induced Treg cell differentiation, whereas expression of a transgene encoding TAZ or activation of TAZ directed TH17 cell differentiation. Our results demonstrate a pivotal role for TAZ in regulating the differentiation of Treg cells and TH17 cells.J. Avruch for comments on the manuscript.Supported by the National Basic Research Program (973) of China (2015CB910502 to L.C.), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (81422018 to L.C.; 31625010 and U1505224 to D.Z.; U1405225 and 81372617 to L.C.; J1310027 to D.Z.; 81472229 to L.H.; and 31600698 to J. Geng), the 111 Projects (B12001 and B06016), China's 1000 Young Talents Program (D.Z., and L.C.), the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities of China-Xiamen University (20720160071 to D.Z. and 20720160054 to L.H.) and Major disease research projects of Xiamen (3502Z20149029 to L.C.)

    CD13 Inhibition Enhances Cytotoxic Effect of Chemotherapy Agents

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    Multidrug resistance (MDR) of hepatocellular carcinoma is a serious problem. Although CD13 is a biomarker in human liver cancer stem cells, the relationship between CD13 and MDR remains uncertain. This study uses liver cancer cell model to understand the role of CD13 in enhancing the cytotoxic effect of chemotherapy agents. Cytotoxic agents can induce CD13 expression. CD13 inhibitor, bestatin, enhances the antitumor effect of cytotoxic agents. Meanwhile, CD13-targeting siRNA and neutralizing antibody can enhance the cytotoxic effect of 5-fluorouracil (5FU). CD13 overexpression increases cell survival upon cytotoxic agents treatment, while the knockdown of CD13 causes hypersensitivity of cells to cytotoxic agents treatment. Mechanistically, the inhibition of CD13 leads to the increase of cellular reactive oxygen species (ROS). BC-02 is a novel mutual prodrug (hybrid drug) of bestatin and 5FU. Notably, BC-02 can inhibit cellular activity in both parental and drug-resistant cells, accompanied with significantly increased ROS level. Moreover, the survival time of Kunming mice bearing H22 cells under BC-02 treatment is comparable to the capecitabine treatment at maximum dosage. These data implicate a therapeutic method to reverse MDR by targeting CD13, and indicate that BC-02 is a potent antitumor compound

    Emergence of Fatal PRRSV Variants: Unparalleled Outbreaks of Atypical PRRS in China and Molecular Dissection of the Unique Hallmark

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    Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) is a severe viral disease in pigs, causing great economic losses worldwide each year. The causative agent of the disease, PRRS virus (PRRSV), is a member of the family Arteriviridae. Here we report our investigation of the unparalleled large-scale outbreaks of an originally unknown, but so-called “high fever” disease in China in 2006 with the essence of PRRS, which spread to more than 10 provinces (autonomous cities or regions) and affected over 2,000,000 pigs with about 400,000 fatal cases. Different from the typical PRRS, numerous adult sows were also infected by the “high fever” disease. This atypical PRRS pandemic was initially identified as a hog cholera-like disease manifesting neurological symptoms (e.g., shivering), high fever (40–42°C), erythematous blanching rash, etc. Autopsies combined with immunological analyses clearly showed that multiple organs were infected by highly pathogenic PRRSVs with severe pathological changes observed. Whole-genome analysis of the isolated viruses revealed that these PRRSV isolates are grouped into Type II and are highly homologous to HB-1, a Chinese strain of PRRSV (96.5% nucleotide identity). More importantly, we observed a unique molecular hallmark in these viral isolates, namely a discontinuous deletion of 30 amino acids in nonstructural protein 2 (NSP2). Taken together, this is the first comprehensive report documenting the 2006 epidemic of atypical PRRS outbreak in China and identifying the 30 amino-acid deletion in NSP2, a novel determining factor for virulence which may be implicated in the high pathogenicity of PRRSV, and will stimulate further study by using the infectious cDNA clone technique