81 research outputs found

    Neurotropin inhibits neuronal activity through potentiation of sustained Kv currents in primary cultured DRG neurons

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    Neurotropin (NTP) is a Japanese analgesic agent for treating neuropathic pain; however, its method of action remains unclear. This study examined the effects of NTP on the activity of small dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons using whole-cell patch clamp recordings. After 3 days of treatment, NTP decreased current injection-induced firing activity of cultured DRG neurons by raising the current threshold for action potential generation. Additionally, NTP increased the sustained component of voltage-gated potassium (Kv) channel currents without affecting other K⁺ currents. These results suggest that NTP inhibits the firing activity of DRG neurons through augmentation of sustained Kv current

    Ice Core Records of Antarctic Warming Events in the Last Glacial Period

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    第3回極域科学シンポジウム 横断セッション「海・陸・氷床から探る後期新生代の南極寒冷圏環境変動」11月26日(月) 国立国語研究所 2階講

    Classification and concepts of pancreatitis

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    膵炎の分類は膵臓研究の進歩とともに変遷を重ねたが,ここ20年間はマルセイユ分類(1963年)が国際的に広く用いられてきた。しかし最近,膵検査法の進歩と膵研究の知見の蓄積を背景にして,ケンブリッジ(1983年),マルセイユ(1984年),およびローマ(1988年)において分類の改訂を目的に国際シンポジウムが開催され,それぞれに新しい膵炎の分類が提案された。各分類には多くの共通点が見られるが重要な相違点もある。各分類を十分に理解していないとしばらくは混乱に陥ることが危惧される。幸い筆者の1人はこれらのシンポジウムに招待され参加する機会を得たので,成文の背景にある討議を詳しく紹介し,各分類を比較しながらその特徴を述べた。それとともに将来理想的な分類を完成するために今後検討すべき課題をも指摘した。そして,これら分類の当面の利用法に関する筆者らの提案を述べた。The present paper is a review of the historical changes in the classification and concept of pancreatitis. The Marseille classification and concept had enjoyed its international popularity for more than 20 years since it was adopted at the first Marseille symposium in 1962. However, the recent advancement in the study of the pancreas led to the attempts to revise the classification and concept of pancreatitis : International Symposium in Cambridge in 1983, Second International Symposium in Marseille in 1984 and Symposium at the International Congress of Gastroenterology in Rome in 1988. As one of us was invited to the last two symposia, we described the details of the revised classification and concept of Marseille (1984) and of Marseille-Rome (1988) ; then, we described the similarities and differences between the Cambridge classification, the revised Marseille classification and the Marseille-Rome classification. Finally we summarized the subjects to be further investigated to make better classification of pancreatitis in the future

    Clinical evaluation of an endoscopic image filing system, Olympus SDF-3

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    光ディスクとパーソナルコンピュータを組み合わせた内視鏡画像ファイリングシステムは電子内視鏡の画像の保存・管理,検索・再生などに威力を発揮する。今回,われわれはオリンパス社製内視鏡ファイリングシステムSDF-3を使用する機会を得たので,その有用性や問題点の検討を行った。有用性としては,①内視鏡画像を検査終了後直ちに再生し,再検討できる,②多数の項目についての検索や統計処理が可能である,③限られたスペース内で大量の画像データの一括保存・管理が可能であるなどが挙げられる。一方,問題点としては,①内視鏡再生画像は画質が劣化する,②検索機能を十分に活用するにはかなり煩雑な人力操作を必要とする,③光ディスクの清掃が必要であるなどがあげられる。本内視鏡ファイリングシステムに今後必要な改良点やその展望についても合わせて考案を加えた。Olympus SDF-3, an endoscopic image filing system using an electronic endoscope in conjunction with a personal computer and an optical disk, has been recently developed. We evaluated the usefulness of this filing system with 449 cases of gastroduodenal endoscopy. As a result, we have found that this filing system has following advantages : (1) one can review endoscopic images immediately after endoscopic examinations ; (2) previously documented endoscopic image can be searched and reviewed in a short time ; (3) statistical analysis of documented cases is facilitated. However, it has some disadvantages as well to be improved : (1) quality of endoscopic images is deteriorated in the process of filing ; (2) putting patients' data into the filing system is time-consuming ; (3) frequent cleaning of an optic disk is required. This endoscopic image filing system needs to be further developed and refined

    Interstitial matrix components in relation to the pathogenesis of fibrosis

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    慢性膵炎の症例は近年増加の一途をたどっており,その発症機序と病態の解明および対策の確立が急がれている。慢性膵炎の重要な所見の一つである膵間質線維化の発生機序の解明および早期発見法の確立は重要な課題であるが,従来の知見は断片的にすぎない。そこで,筆者らは膵線維化の系統的な研究を始めるにあたって,細胞間マトリックスの構成成分と線維化に関する従来の知見および今後の課題を整理した。細胞間マトリックスのうちでも特にコラーゲン,グリコサミノグリカン,フィブロネクチンをとりあげ,その構造と機能および組織の線維化形成における役割について文献的考察を行った。今後,膵組織および膵液中のプロリンハイドロキシラーゼ,コラーゲンとその型別分布および各型コラーゲンの比,ヘキソサミン,デルマタン硫酸,フィブロネクチン,ラミニンを検討することが重要と思われた。Increasing numbers of patients with chronic pancreatitis have been reported all over the world, including Japan. Pathogenesis of chronic pancreatitis has remained to be revealed and the early detection has remaind difficult despite extensive investigations. Interstitial fibrosis forms one of the most important histopathological features of chronic pancreatitis along with loss of parenchyma and irregular dilatation of the ducts and ductules. However, only a limited numbers of reports have been pubiished on the pathogenetic mechanisms of interstitial fibrosis of the pancres, because tissue materials are not easily accessible and blood samples can hardly reflect the fibrotic process of the pancreas unlike the case of the iiver. Our Preliminary studies revealed that biochemical and immunochemical analysis of pure pancreatic juice, such as determination of collagen, hexosamine, fibronectin and proline hydroxylase, might reflect the fibrotic process of the pancreas. The results led us to review the earlier reports on inter-cellular matrix in relation to the formation of fibrosis to find suitable markers to be evaluated in the future systematic investigations. The review revealed that pure pancreatic juice should be analyzed for collagen, types of collagen, hexosamine, dermatan sulfate, fibronectin, larninin, proline hydroxylase, collagenase and cathepsin B(1)

    Delineation of musculocontractural Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome caused by dermatan sulfate epimerase deficiency

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    Background Musculocontractural Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (mcEDS) is a rare connective tissue disorder caused by biallelic loss-of-function variants in CHST14 (mcEDS-CHST14) or DSE (mcEDS-DSE), both of which result in defective dermatan sulfate biosynthesis. Forty-one patients with mcEDS-CHST14 and three patients with mcEDS-DSE have been described in the literature. Methods Clinical, molecular, and glycobiological findings in three additional patients with mcEDS-DSE were investigated. Results Three patients from two families shared craniofacial characteristics (hypertelorism, blue sclera, midfacial hypoplasia), skeletal features (pectus and spinal deformities, characteristic finger shapes, progressive talipes deformities), skin features (fine or acrogeria-like palmar creases), and ocular refractive errors. Homozygous pathogenic variants in DSE were found: c.960T>A/p.Tyr320* in patient 1 and c.996dupT/p.Val333Cysfs*4 in patients 2 and 3. No dermatan sulfate was detected in the urine sample from patient 1, suggesting a complete depletion of DS. Conclusion McEDS-DSE is a congenital multisystem disorder with progressive symptoms involving craniofacial, skeletal, cutaneous, and cardiovascular systems, similar to the symptoms of mcEDS-CHST14. However, the burden of symptoms seems lower in patients with mcEDS-DSE

    Development of stepping measurement device for evaluation of and training in walking

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    急性膵炎の回復後その発症原因の検索において発見された小膵癌の3例を報告し,膵炎の発症原因の一つとして膵癌を常に念頭におく必要があることを強調した。またスクリーニング検査および精査において小膵癌を診断する手順について考察を加えた。症例1は初回発作の回復後に,症例2および症例3は再発発作の回復後に急性膵炎の発症原因の検索を目的に紹介された。いずれの症例においても血清腫瘍マーカーは正常植を示し,腹部USおよびCTは腫瘍から尾側の膵管の拡張を示したが腫瘍そのものは描出はできなかった。症例1ではERCP像から膵体部癌を強く疑い,症例2と症例3ではERCP像と細胞診陽性所見から膵頭部癌と確診し,手術を行った。腫瘍の最大径は症例1では0.9cm,症例2では1.5cm,症例3では2.0cmであり,いずれも転移を認めず根治切除可能であった。Although gait training equipment such as the bicycle ergometer and treadmill exists for patients whose walking ability is high, there is no appropriate gait training mehtod or training instrument for patients whose walking ability has become impaired, who often use a cane or walker, etc. in the course of daily life. In the case of gait training for persons whose walking ability involves impaired locomotion, there is always the danger of a fall. Consequently, a caregiver is required, and the effect of the training is cut by half because the patient's anxiety about falling is exacerbated. Slow stepping affords strengthening and balance training of the leg muscles for patients whose walking ability has become low, and walking ability is improved. However,whether such training appropriately carries out stepping and the degree of the effect of such training has not been evaluated. Therefore, we have developed a stepping measturement device that monitors stepping for evaluation and training of walking ability. This system consists of two mat switches for stepping, a measuring circuit for stepping detection, and a book-sized personal computer with a PC card-type AD converter. This system can detect a left or right single stance phase and a double stance phase relative to the ON, OFF condition of the mat switch. After measurement, the following items are analyzed and displayed : ・number of steps, ・average time of double stance phase, ・the average time of single stance phase, and so on. Finally, we measured the stepping of subjects whose walking ability is low, and showed the relationship between daily walking conditions and stepping conditions. The effectiveness of this system was considered in light of the results

    Diagnosis of chronic pancreatitis

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    近年,各種膵疾患に対する検査法の発達には目を見張るものがあるが,実際の運用にあたっては各検査法の適応,限界,組合わせおよび実施する順序等に迷うことが少なくない。本研究では,最近我々が経験した慢性膵炎Ⅰ群116例の診断過程を振り返ることにより,慢性膵炎の診断における理想的な検査法の組合わせとそれぞれの役割を検討し,同時に診断名のみならず病態と病期が容易に理解できる表現方法を提案した。画像診断法,膵外分泌機能検査法(EX),膵内分泌機能検査法(EN)を比較検討し,以下の結果を得た。①画像診断法は必須である。②内視鏡的逆行性膵胆管造影(ERCP)を軸とした腹部超音波検査(US)あるいは腹部CTスキャン(CT)の組合わせは欠くことができない。③EXもまた必須の検査法である。④ENは慢性膵炎の診断に必要不可欠ではないが,治療方針を決めるうえで重要である。⑤純粋膵液(PPJ)の生化学的検査と組織化学的検査は膵炎の診断と病態生理の解明に重要である。⑥PPJ中の細胞診は慢性膵炎に合併した膵癌の検索に有用である。⑦以下に示すような診断の記載方法を提案した。"Calcified chronic pancreatitis, alcoholic, diffuse, ERCP-3, US-2, CT-3, EX-2, EN-1, Lf(+)"。Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP), ultrasonography (US), computed tomography (CT), exocrine pancreatic function test (EX), endocrine pancreatic function test (EN), and analysis of pure pancreatic juice (PPJ) are currently available for the investigation of pancreatic diseases. The purpose of the present study is to evaluate the roles and preferable combinations of these tests in the diagnosis of chronic pancreatitis and then to propose a way to describe the results of the tests along with diagnosis for a better understanding of the disease process. Comparative studies of imaging, EX and EN led to the following conclusions. 1) imaging procedures (ERCP, US and CT) are mandatory, partly because they were frequently the test that showed diagnostic changes and partly because they often gave key information for operative treatment. Among the imaging procedures, ERCP combined with US and/or CT is mandatory because these combinations alone can reveal detailes of structural changes attendant on chronic pancreatitis. 2) EX is also mandatory, because it was occasionally the only test that showed diagnostic changes and partly because it often gave important information for medical treatment. 3) EN is also important, not because it was indispensable for detecting chronic pancreatitis, but because it often gave important information for medical treatment. For btter understanding of the disease process as well as diagnosis, we propose, as suggested by Seligson, that the test used for the establishment of the diagnosis and the degree as well as extent of abnormalities. An example is "Calcified chronic pancreatitis, alcoholic, diffuse, ERCP-3, US-2, CT-3, EX-2, EN-1, Lf(+)". This attitude will lead to a more rational approach to both diagnosis and treatment

    Retinol Supplements Antiviral Action of Interferon in Patients with Chronic Hepatitis C: A Prospective Pilot Study

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    Sustained virologic response with peg-interferon and ribavirin combination therapy for 48 weeks is still inadequate. Our study examined whether short-term administration of retinol clinically influences the anti-viral activity of interferon early during interferon and ribavirin combination therapy. The control group received 6 MIU of interferon α-2b every day for two weeks and then 3 times a week for 22 weeks intramuscularly plus 600 mg or 800 mg per day of ribavirin orally for 24 weeks. The retinol group, in addition to above treatment, received retinol 30,000 units per day orally for 3 weeks from one week before the start of interferon α-2b plus ribavirin combination therapy. The hepatitis C virus (HCV) RNA negativity rate at 1 week after the end of interferon α-2b and ribavirin combination therapy was 46.7% (28/60) for the retinol group and 31.7% (19/60) for the control group, which was significantly higher for the retinol group. The level of serum HCV RNA in the retinol group was significantly lower at 1 week after beginning treatment as compared to the control group (p<0.01). Furthermore, serum 2,5'AS protein at 1 week after beginning treatment was significantly higher in the retinol group (p = 0.0002). The results suggest that retinol supplement increases the antiviral effect of interferon α-2b plus ribavirin only during the administration of IFN α-2b, ribavirin and retinol in patients with chronic hepatitis C