5 research outputs found

    On the benefits of the tryptophan metabolite 3-hydroxyanthranilic acid in Caenorhabditis elegans and mouse aging.

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    Tryptophan metabolism through the kynurenine pathway influences molecular processes critical to healthy aging including immune signaling, redox homeostasis, and energy production. Aberrant kynurenine metabolism occurs during normal aging and is implicated in many age-associated pathologies including chronic inflammation, atherosclerosis, neurodegeneration, and cancer. We and others previously identified three kynurenine pathway genes-tdo-2, kynu-1, and acsd-1-for which decreasing expression extends lifespan in invertebrates. Here we report that knockdown of haao-1, a fourth gene encoding the enzyme 3-hydroxyanthranilic acid (3HAA) dioxygenase (HAAO), extends lifespan by ~30% and delays age-associated health decline in Caenorhabditis elegans. Lifespan extension is mediated by increased physiological levels of the HAAO substrate 3HAA. 3HAA increases oxidative stress resistance and activates the Nrf2/SKN-1 oxidative stress response. In pilot studies, female Haao knockout mice or aging wild type male mice fed 3HAA supplemented diet were also long-lived. HAAO and 3HAA represent potential therapeutic targets for aging and age-associated disease

    Protocol for nuclear dissociation of the adult C. elegans for single-nucleus RNA sequencing and its application for mapping environmental responses

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    Summary: Caenorhabditis elegans is a valuable model to study organ, tissue, and cell-type responses to external cues. However, the nematode comprises multiple syncytial tissues with spatial coordinates corresponding to distinct nuclear transcriptomes. Here, we present a single-nucleus RNA sequencing (snRNA-seq) protocol that aims to overcome difficulties encountered with single-cell RNA sequencing in C. elegans. We describe steps for isolating C. elegans nuclei for downstream applications including snRNA-seq applied to the context of alcohol exposure.For complete details on the use and execution of this protocol, please refer to Truong et al. (2023).1 : Publisher’s note: Undertaking any experimental protocol requires adherence to local institutional guidelines for laboratory safety and ethics

    Single-nucleus resolution mapping of the adult C. elegans and its application to elucidate inter- and trans-generational response to alcohol

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    Summary: Single-cell transcriptomic platforms provide an opportunity to map an organism’s response to environmental cues with high resolution. Here, we applied single-nucleus RNA sequencing (snRNA-seq) to establish the tissue and cell type-resolved transcriptome of the adult C. elegans and characterize the inter- and trans-generational transcriptional impact of ethanol. We profiled the transcriptome of 41,749 nuclei resolving into 31 clusters, representing a diverse array of adult cell types including syncytial tissues. Following exposure to human-relevant doses of alcohol, several germline, striated muscle, and neuronal clusters were identified as being the most transcriptionally impacted at the F1 and F3 generations. The effect on germline clusters was confirmed by phenotypic enrichment analysis as well as by functional validation, which revealed a remarkable inter- and trans-generational increase in germline apoptosis, aneuploidy, and embryonic lethality. Together, snRNA-seq represents a valuable approach for the detailed examination of an adult organism’s response to environmental exposures