156 research outputs found

    Deterministic End-to-End Transmission to Optimize the Network Efficiency and Quality of Service: A Paradigm Shift in 6G

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    Toward end-to-end mobile service provision with optimized network efficiency and quality of service, tremendous efforts have been devoted in upgrading mobile applications, transport and internet networks, and wireless communication networks for many years. However, the inherent loose coordination between different layers in the end-to-end communication networks leads to unreliable data transmission with uncontrollable packet delay and packet error rate, and a terrible waste of network resources incurred for data re-transmission. In an attempt to shed some lights on how to tackle these challenges, design methodologies and some solutions for deterministic end-to-end transmission for 6G and beyond are presented, which will bring a paradigm shift to the end-to-end wireless communication networks.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    The arabidopsis RCC1 family protein TCF1 regulates freezing tolerance and cold acclimation through modulating lignin biosynthesis

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    Cell water permeability and cell wall properties are critical to survival of plant cells during freezing, however the underlying molecular mechanisms remain elusive. Here, we report that a specifically cold-induced nuclear protein, Tolerant to Chilling and Freezing 1 (TCF1), interacts with histones H3 and H4 and associates with chromatin containing a target gene, BLUE-COPPER-BINDING PROTEIN (BCB), encoding a glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored protein that regulates lignin biosynthesis. Loss of TCF1 function leads to reduced BCB transcription through affecting H3K4me2 and H3K27me3 levels within the BCB gene, resulting in reduced lignin content and enhanced freezing tolerance. Furthermore, plants with knocked-down BCB expression (amiRNA-BCB) under cold acclimation had reduced lignin accumulation and increased freezing tolerance. The pal1pal2 double mutant (lignin content reduced by 30% compared with WT) also showed the freezing tolerant phenotype, and TCF1 and BCB act upstream of PALs to regulate lignin content. In addition, TCF1 acts independently of the CBF (C-repeat binding factor) pathway. Our findings delineate a novel molecular pathway linking the TCF1-mediated cold-specific transcriptional program to lignin biosynthesis, thus achieving cell wall remodeling with increased freezing tolerance

    Multi-task Learning-based CSI Feedback Design in Multiple Scenarios

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    For frequency division duplex systems, the essential downlink channel state information (CSI) feedback includes the links of compression, feedback, decompression and reconstruction to reduce the feedback overhead. One efficient CSI feedback method is the Auto-Encoder (AE) structure based on deep learning, yet facing problems in actual deployments, such as selecting the deployment mode when deploying in a cell with multiple complex scenarios. Rather than designing an AE network with huge complexity to deal with CSI of all scenarios, a more realistic mode is to divide the CSI dataset by region/scenario and use multiple relatively simple AE networks to handle subregions' CSI. However, both require high memory capacity for user equipment (UE) and are not suitable for low-level devices. In this paper, we propose a new user-friendly-designed framework based on the latter multi-tasking mode. Via Multi-Task Learning, our framework, Single-encoder-to-Multiple-decoders (S-to-M), designs the multiple independent AEs into a joint architecture: a shared encoder corresponds to multiple task-specific decoders. We also complete our framework with GateNet as a classifier to enable the base station autonomously select the right task-specific decoder corresponding to the subregion. Experiments on the simulating multi-scenario CSI dataset demonstrate our proposed S-to-M's advantages over the other benchmark modes, i.e., significantly reducing the model complexity and the UE's memory consumptionComment: 31 pages, 13 figures, 10 Table

    The Proangiogenic Potential of Mesenchymal Stem Cells and Their Therapeutic Applications

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    Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) can be isolated from many tissue types and following in vitro culture expansion, large numbers of patient-specific or allogenic cells can be produced for clinical applications. MSCs exhibit anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory properties and are identified as lacking major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II molecules. Cellular-based approaches using MSCs to enhance new blood vessel formation have shown promise in preclinical models and preliminary clinical trials. Transplantation of MSCs in vivo has significantly enhanced the formation of new blood vessels and promoted the healing of chronic wounds. The proangiogenic potential of MSCs can be further enhanced through gene delivery such as vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) or endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) providing long-term therapeutic expression. In this chapter, we review recent advances on the isolation and characterization of MSCs and in vivo applications for promoting angiogenesis. Enhancement of angiogenesis is also required for improved healing in myocardial infarction and cerebral ischemia, and the use of MSCs in these areas will also be reviewed. Furthermore, the combination of MSCs with biomaterials has greatly improved their survival and potency with improved vascularization of tissue-engineered constructs and integration within the host. In summary, this chapter provides an overview of both the basic science supporting the proangiogenic properties of MSCs and their translational use

    Profiles of cyclin B and cdc2 during ovarian and embryonic development in <em>Exopalaemon carinicauda</em>

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    Mitosis-promoting factor (MPF) is a complex formed by cyclin B (cyclin B) and cyclin-dependent kinase (cdc2). To investigate the role of MPF in the reproduction of Exopalaemon carinicauda, we cloned its full-length cDNA of the Ec-cyclin B and Ec-cdc2 genes. We analyzed their molecular characteristics and expression profiles during ovarian and embryonic development. The results showed that the Ec-cyclin B gene was 1194 bp long and encoded a 397 amino acid (aa) long protein. However, Ec-cdc2 was 900 bp long, which encoded 299 aa with a conserved cyclin binding motif PSTAIRE. The phylogenetic tree analysis showed that Ec-cyclin B had the highest homology with the cyclin B of Macrobrachium rosenbergii (81.06%). In comparison, Ec-cdc2 had the highest homology with the cdc2 of E. modestus (96.80%). Ec-cyclin B showed the highest expression in the ovary, whereas Ec-cdc2 was the highest in the hepatopancreas, followed by the ovary. In the five stages of ovarian development, Ec-cyclin B and Ec-cdc2 expression levels reach the highest at stage Ⅴ(p < 0.05). Overall, the expression of these two genes first increased and then decreased at different embryonic developmental stages. Therefore, these findings suggested that cyclin B and cdc2 played an essential role in the ovarian and embryonic development of E. carinicauda


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    Abstract: Perajin gerabah di paklili telah membuat gerabah selam ratusan tahun, namun harga gerabahnya masih sangat murah, sehingga belum dapat meningkatkan kesejahtraannya. Oleh sebab itu, melalui IBM tim pengabdi akan melatih teknik pengolahan bahan baku tanah liat yang lebih halis dan lebih baik sehingga bisa menghasilkan produk gerabah yang lebih halus. Metode pendekatan menggunakan ceramah, diskusi, eksprimen, dengan menerapkan pengembangan desain pelibatan dan partisipasi perajin, luaran yang diharapkan adalah: Perajin lebih mengenal dan terampil mengolah tanah liat agar menghasilkan kualitas gerabah yang lebih baik. Hasil IbM menunjukkan secara umum keterampilan yang dimiliki oleh mitra setelah pelatihan dapat bertambah, khususnya teknik pengolahan tanah liat secara baik, walaupun masih manual, namun bisa meningkatkan kualitas bahan baku yang digunakan sehingga bisa menghasilkan poduk baru dan fungsi baru selain gerabah uring-uring. Secara umum jika dilihat secara total ketercapaian tujuan Ipteks bagi Masyarakt, maka teknik pengolahan bahan baki berada pada urutan teratas presentase 37% bobot penguasaan keterampialm teknis peserta perajin, teknik hias berada diurutan kedua dengan bobot 33%, sedangkan teknik pembentukan mencapai bobot 30%. Teknik pembentukan dengan menggunakan alat putar masih sulit diwujudkan oleh perajin yang menjadi peserta, sebab para perajin telah menekuni pembuatan gerabah dengan teknik tatap pelandas, sehingga adaptasi terhadap teknologi alat putar masih membutuhkan labih banyak pembiasaan dan latihan. Pola Kerja dengan sistem tatap pelandas sudah menjadi bagian dari irama kehidupan sehari-hari perajin, sehingga perajin membutuhkan upaya lebih keras untuk membentuk dengan teknik putar