15 research outputs found

    Presentación del monográfico: aprendiendo del pasado enseñando por el futuro: propuestas para la enseñanza y aprendizaje de la Shoa desde la mirada intercultural y la educación en DDHH.

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    En el siguiente número de Edetania encontraran dos partes: la primera consiste en un conjunto de artículos que recogen un estudio monográfico sobre la Enseñanza y aprendizaje sobre el Holocausto (EAH): propuestas para el desarrollo de los valores cívicos y sociales. La segunda parte consiste en una sección de miscelánea compuesto por tres artículosEducació

    International day of commemoration in memory of the victims of the Holocaust: a critical pedagogy and human rights education based approach

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    Este artículo presenta un estudio de caso sobre la celebración del Día Internacional de Conmemoración en memoria de las víctimas del Holocausto3 en el Parlamento de Cataluña, que, en la actualidad, ha adquirido una dimensión que trasciende de su carácter inicial conme-morativo convirtiéndose en una propuesta educativa de Enseñanza y Aprendizaje del Holocausto basado en una perspectiva de pedagogía crítica y de educación en Derechos Humanos. El artículo comienza con una aproximación al marco teórico de la enseñanza y aprendizaje del Holocausto en el contexto de Europa seguido de una breve contextualización de cómo se ha configurado en España la Memoria del Holocausto en el ámbito educativo e institucional. Seguidamente se ofrece el Estudio de Caso, que está articulado en torno a las siguientes subsecciones: Una introducción sobre el marco conceptual de la Enseñanza y aprendizaje del Holocausto y la formación de profesorado, la Educación Actual del Holocausto en España y la especificidad de la Organización Territorial Española y la descentralización de competencias en Educación y Memoria en Cataluña; Retos a los que se enfrenta el Día Internacional de Conmemoración en memoria de las víctimas del Holocausto en el Parlamento de Cataluña; Hacia un nuevo concepto pedagógico en la celebración del Dia Internacional: la prevención del Racismo y el desarrollo de una cultura democrática. Termina con una reflexión sobre el valor educativo de la Enseñanza y Aprendizaje del Holocausto en el contexto del desarrollo de cultura democráticaThis paper presents a case-study on the celebration of the International Day of Commemoration in memory of the victims of the Holocaust in the Parliament of Catalonia, which, currently, has acquired a dimension that transcends its initial commemorative character, becoming an educational proposal of Teaching and Learning about the Holocaust based on a perspective of critical pedagogy and education in Human Rights. The article begins with an approach to the theoretical framework of teaching and learning about the Holocaust in the European context followed by a brief contextualization of how the Holocaust Memory has been configured in Spain in the educational and institutional sphere. Next, the Case Study is offered, which is articulated around the following subsections: An introduction to the concep-tual framework of Teaching and learning about the Holocaust and teacher training; Current Education about the Holocaust in Spain and the specificity of the Organization Spanish Territo-ry and the decentralization of competences in Education and Memory in Catalonia; Challenges faced by the International Day of Commemoration in memory of the victims of the Holocaust in the Parliament of Catalonia; Towards a new pedagogical concept in the celebration of the International Day: the prevention of Racism and the development of a democratic culture. It ends with a reflection on the educational value of Teaching and Learning about the Holocaust in the context of developing a democratic cultureEducació

    Interreligious Competence (IRC) in Students of Education:An Exploratory Study

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    The purpose of this study is to present a scale for the assessment ofinterreligious competence (IRC) and to make a first descriptive appraisal of future educators, focusedon their capacity to cope with conflicts.Educació

    Representaciones y reconocimiento de la infancia (des)protegida: dilemas de la Educación Social desde Melilla

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    El texto1 reflexiona sobre los conceptos de infancia, justicia social, reconocimiento y ciudadanía poniendo el foco en la infancia no acompañada y las implicaciones para la función socioeducativa relacionadas con este colectivo. Para ello, se han realizado cinco entrevistas a niños, adolescentes y jóvenes (NNAJ) norafricanos no acompañados que residen en Melilla (España) y a dos de sus educadores. Dos de los NNAJ aún no han cumplido los 18 años y residen en un centro de protección, mientras que los otros tres han cumplido dicha edad y dos viven en pisos tutelados ambos de régimen abierto, subvencionados por la Consejería de Servicios Sociales de la Ciudad Autónoma de Melilla. Como resultado, ofrecemos un análisis de las experiencias, relatos y situación relacionada con la infancia y la edad adulta, el reconocimiento, la situación y expectativa legal y el impacto en los profesionales de la Educación Social. Finalmente se presentan unas conclusiones que pretenden abrir debates para la formación en la Educación Social, en torno a cuatro líneas de intervención futura: (1) reforzar la ciudadanía de la infancia; (2) repensar el sistema de protección de niños, niñas, adolescentes y jóvenes en el Estado español desde una perspectiva intercultural e identitaria; (3) promover un enfoque de derechos basados en la dignidad humana; (4) y reforzar la competencia intercultural de los educadores sociales. Palabras clave: Infancia; Justicia social; Trabajo social; Desarrollo participativo; Control social

    Addressing educational needs of teachers in the EU for inclusive education in a context of diversity

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    In spite of policy impetus, research shows that teachers struggle to address the increasing diversity in classrooms, among others, due to the lack of competences to deal with it. The acquisition of Intercultural Competence (IC), which could be defined as “the ability to mobilise and deploy relevant attitudes, skills, knowledge and values in order to interact effectively and appropriately in different intercultural situations”, is a crucial need for teachers to deal with diversity and to be successful in their teaching. In this context, in 2019 the JRC launched the INNO4DIV project with the aim to support polices in the field of IC of teachers, through the analysis of literature and innovative good practices which have successfully addressed the existing barriers for teacher´s IC development. The conceptual framework presented in this report aims at providing, for the purpose of the research project, a model of reference for the development of IC in teacher’s education in Europe. It offers an overview of international frameworks elaborated during the last decade in order to provide teachers with competences for addressing cultural diversity in the classroom, including the UNESCO Intercultural Competence, OECD Global Competence and Council of Europe (CoE) Competence for Democratic Culture frameworks, analysed within the perspective of the EU 2018 European Council Recommendation on Key Competences for Lifelong learning. The first part concludes by posing the CoE Reference Framework on Competences for Democratic Culture as the most suitable framework model for the research purpose, for its comprehensiveness and policy endorsement at EU level. The report also elaborates on the additional requirements for developing IC among teachers, such as institutional support, pedagogical approaches, assessment methods and tools, as well as personal and professional transformation.Educació

    Addressing educational needs of teachers in the EU for inclusive education in a context of diversity Volume 3, Part 2: overview of 21 innovative cases for the development of intercultural and democratic competences in teacher education

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    In spite of policy impetus, research shows that teachers struggle to address the increasing diversity in classrooms, among others, due to the lack of competences to deal with it. The acquisition of Intercultural Competence (IC), which the ability to mobilise and deploy relevant attitudes, skills, knowledge and values in order to interact effectively and appropriately in different intercultural situations to be successful in their teaching. In this context, in 2019 the JRC launched the INNO4DIV project with the aim to support polices in the field of IC of teachers, through the analysis of literature and innovative good practices which have successfully addressed the existing barriers for teacher´s IC development. The initial project reports provide the conceptual framework of the project, Competence: Working definition and implications for teacher education (Shuali et al., 2020), and the results of the literature review, Volume 2. Literature review on competence development and their associated barriers (Simó et al., 2020). The methodology for the selection and assessment of innovative practices overcoming barriers in the development of intercultural and democratic competences was developed in the third report, Volume 3. Part 1: Assessment guidelines for teacher education and training practices on intercultural and democratic competence development. This report provides an overview of the 21 selected innovative cases for the development of intercultural and democratic competences in teacher education, which analysis has been the basis to extract lessons learnt in support of evidence based educational policy development. The results of this analysis and the recommendations provided will be published in INNO4DIV Volume 4, the final project report. This overview includes: the geographical scope of implementation, the sources of financial support, the diversity of stakeholders involved, the target groups addressed, the maturity of the cases in terms of duration, methodological alignment of the case with the Council of Europe Reference Framework for the Competence of Democratic Culture (CoE, 2016), the educational setting in which they take place (formal, non-formal education) and the number of participants (learners). Following the overview, the report provides a short description of each case including: the participating actors and countries, the project start/end dates and its implementation status, the geographical scope, the target audience, the different stakeholders involved, the background context, the case summary and the major findings with regards to the innovation carried out, the overcome barriers and the major case outcomes.Educació

    “Developing Capabilities”. Inclusive Extracurricular Enrichment Programs to Improve the Well-Being of Gifted Adolescents.

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    The educational inclusion of gifted students requires not only equity but also emotional accessibility and social participation. However, different studies indicate that gifted students constitute a vulnerable group (for example, the incidence of bullying is higher). Psychosocial variables are determinants for the development and expression of giftedness, particularly during adolescence. This study analyzes the impact of an inclusive extracurricular enrichment program for gifted secondary school students on the well-being of adolescents. The program was based on the enrichment model of Renzulli and Reis (2016). The objective was to develop a cluster to facilitate high-achieving learning in collaboration with teachers, administrators, and guidance counselors from their schools as well as university professors and students that would address their emotions and socialization across the board and benefit or involve their peers in their regular classrooms. The intervention took place over two years: eight sessions, one afternoon per week, for five months during each school year. The sample consisted of 47 students from the first and second years of compulsory secondary education (Educación Secundaria Obligatoria - ESO) (age, mean (M) = 12.57, standard deviation (SD) = 0.82) during the first year and 27 students from the first, second, and third years of ESO (age, M = 13.48, SD = 0.94) during the second year; 61.4% were girls. Participants completed a questionnaire before (T1) and (T3) and after (T2) and (T4) each intervention. The results show better outcomes for psychological and subjective well-being, more positive moods, and a significant reduction in school fears. The results from this study indicate the importance of educational screening and support for gifted students to promote their well-being through collaborative enrichment activities.Psicologí

    Addressing educational needs of teachers in the EU for inclusive education in a context of diversity (Inno4Div): Volume 2 - Literature review on key enabling components of teachers' intercultural and democratic competence development and their associated barriers

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    In spite of policy impetus, research shows that teachers struggle to address the increasing diversity in classrooms, among others, due to the lack of competences to deal with it. The acquisition of Intercultural Competence (IC), which could be defined as “the ability to mobilise and deploy relevant attitudes, skills, knowledge and values in order to interact effectively and appropriately in different intercultural situations”, is a crucial need for teachers to deal with diversity and to be successful in their teaching. In this context, in 2019 the JRC launched the INNO4DIV project with the aim to support polices in the field of IC of teachers, through the analysis of literature and innovative good practices which have successfully addressed the existing barriers for teacher´s IC development. Within this context, the main purpose of this deliverable is to provide an updated list of key enabling components (KECs) for the development of teachers’ intercultural and democratic competence and the barriers that hinder such development. The Literature review confirms prior research, which served as a departure point for the present study, and identified the following 8 KECs: 1. a common understanding of the knowledge skills and attitudes related to IC; 2. supporting policies; 3. effective initial teacher education curricula, including mandatory IC and related assessment methods, naming specific learning objectives and competences, and how to foster them with respective tools, methods and teaching approaches in classroom education as well as in extracurricular activities; 4. availability of high-quality professional IC courses for teachers’ continuous professional development; 5. integrated IC across the school curriculum; 6. the application of effective teaching methods, based on adapted pedagogical approaches such as: Peer-learning, IC networks, IC working groups in school, IC connections within and beyond teacher training, Experiential Learning Collaboration, Challenging assumptions, and Communities of Practice; 7. the availability of supporting tools; and, 8. a whole school approach to intercultural learning, framing, accompanying and supporting teachers IC learning and teaching activities, which needs to be promoted by policy makers and has to be put into practice by the respective educators and school administrators. In addition, the review detected a new essential KEC: Teacher educators with experiential knowledge about interculturality and diversity.JRC.B.4-Human Capital and Employmen

    Addressing educational needs of teachers in the EU for inclusive education in a context of diversity: VOLUME 1 — Teachers' intercultural competence: Working definition and implications for teacher education

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    In spite of policy impetus, research shows that teachers struggle to address the increasing diversity in classrooms, among others, due to the lack of competences to deal with it. The acquisition of Intercultural Competence (IC), which could be defined as “the ability to mobilise and deploy relevant attitudes, skills, knowledge and values in order to interact effectively and appropriately in different intercultural situations”, is a crucial need for teachers to deal with diversity and to be successful in their teaching. In this context, in 2019 the JRC launched the INNO4DIV project with the aim to support polices in the field of IC of teachers, through the analysis of literature and innovative good practices which have successfully addressed the existing barriers for teacher´s IC development. The conceptual framework presented in this report aims at providing, for the purpose of the research project, a model of reference for the development of IC in teacher’s education in Europe. It offers an overview of international frameworks elaborated during the last decade in order to provide teachers with competences for addressing cultural diversity in the classroom, including the UNESCO Intercultural Competence, OECD Global Competence and Council of Europe (CoE) Competence for Democratic Culture frameworks, analysed within the perspective of the EU 2018 European Council Recommendation on Key Competences for Lifelong learning. The first part concludes by posing the CoE Reference Framework on Competences for Democratic Culture as the most suitable framework model for the research purpose, for its comprehensiveness and policy endorsement at EU level. The report also elaborates on the additional requirements for developing IC among teachers, such as institutional support, pedagogical approaches, assessment methods and tools, as well as personal and professional transformation.JRC.B.4-Human Capital and Employmen

    Addressing Educational Needs of Teachers in the EU for Inclusive Education in a Context of Diversity (INNO4DIV): Volume 3 - Part 1: Assessment guidelines for teacher education and training practices on intercultural and democratic competence development.

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    In spite of policy impetus, research shows that teachers struggle to address the increasing diversity in classrooms, among others, due to the lack of competences to deal with it. The acquisition of Intercultural Competence (IC), which could be defined as “the ability to mobilise and deploy relevant attitudes, skills, knowledge and values in order to interact effectively and appropriately in different intercultural situations”, is a crucial need for teachers to deal with diversity and to be successful in their teaching. In this context, in 2019 the JRC launched the INNO4DIV project with the aim to support polices in the field of IC of teachers, through the analysis of literature and innovative good practices which have successfully addressed the existing barriers for teacher´s IC development. In this context, it was necessary to identify innovative practices for overcoming barriers in the development of intercultural and democratic competences (IDC) of teachers. Given the wealth and variety of educational practices, and in order to preserve the scientific rigour of the identification process, this report offers the rationale and the description of the selection criteria that have been developed according to the conceptual framework of the project, Volume 1. Teachers ́ Intercultural Competence: Working definition and implications for teacher education. Similarly, the process for case identification and selection is also described. Following a brief explanation of the sources for the selection of cases (Section 2), the report focuses on establishing the selection criteria, which are divided into generic and specific criteria (Section 3). The generic criteria apply to all the cases. The specific criteria, however, relate to the scope of each specific Key Enabling Component (KEC), and are the most direct reference to the particular features of the cases. Finally, the document contains an elaborate protocol for case selection that will lead to the final list of selected cases.JRC.B.4-Human Capital and Employmen