10 research outputs found

    SSR data for population genetic screen of the common morning glory

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    SSR loci data for I. purpurea field collections. Leaf material used for DNA isolation and SSR genotyping was obtained from field collections in 2012 growing season. in GenalEx format from 2012 sampling period. Shown are population ID (POPID), and each SSR locus size for 2 alleles per 15 loci used in the data set. Data are shown in 30 subsequent columns (2 columns per locus): 31, 2, 27, 8, 34, 18, 1, 36, 47, 12, 21, 6, 45, 26, 42. A zero indicates missing data at a locus

    Glyphosate dose response data for the common morning glory

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    Dose response data from field-collected seed material. RoundUp PowerMax was used in herbicide resistance screen. All data was collected in University of Georgia Plant Sciences greenhouses (Athens, GA). Shown are individual ID (ID), Experimental replicate (Experiment), Treatment Dose (TreatmentLevel), Population ID number (POPID),State in which population was samped, region in which population was sampled, Survival to glyphosate (Survivorship, 1= survived, 0= died)


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    Genotypes and locations of adults in 6 populations

    Mating system data

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    Data from: Natural and anthropogenic influences on the mating system of the common morning glor


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    R script for environmental association analyses on the mating system of Ipomoea purpure


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    Latitudes for each population