11 research outputs found

    Optimal Good-Case Latency for Rotating Leader Synchronous BFT

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    This paper explores the good-case latency of synchronous Byzantine Fault Tolerant (BFT) consensus protocols in the rotating leader setting. We first present a lower bound that relates the latency of a broadcast when the sender is honest and the latency of switching to the next sender. We then present a matching upper bound with a latency of 2? (? is the pessimistic synchronous delay) with an optimistically responsive change to the next sender. The results imply that both our lower and upper bounds are tight. We implement and evaluate our protocol and show that our protocol obtains similar latency compared to state-of-the-art stable-leader protocol Sync HotStuff while allowing optimistically responsive leader rotation

    Communication and Round Efficient Parallel Broadcast Protocols

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    This work focuses on the parallel broadcast primitive, where each of the nn parties wish to broadcast their ℓ\ell-bit input in parallel. We consider the authenticated model with PKI and digital signatures that is secure against t<n/2t < n/2 Byzantine faults under a synchronous network. We show a generic reduction from parallel broadcast to a new primitive called graded parallel broadcast and a single instance of validated Byzantine agreement. Using our reduction, we obtain parallel broadcast protocols with O(n2ℓ+κn3)O(n^2 \ell + \kappa n^3) communication (κ\kappa denotes a security parameter) and expected constant rounds. Thus, for inputs of size ℓ=Ω(n)\ell = \Omega(n) bits, our protocols are asymptotically free. Our graded parallel broadcast uses a novel gradecast protocol with multiple grades with asymptotically optimal communication complexity of O(nℓ+κn2)O(n \ell + \kappa n^2) for inputs of size ℓ\ell bits. We also present a multi-valued validated Byzantine agreement protocol with asymptotically optimal communication complexity of O(nℓ+κn2)O(n \ell + \kappa n^2) for inputs of size ℓ\ell bits in expectation and expected constant rounds. Both of these primitives are of independent interest

    Synchronous Distributed Key Generation without Broadcasts

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    Distributed key generation (DKG) is an important building block in designing many efficient distributed protocols. In this work, we initiate the study of communication complexity and latency of distributed key generation protocols under a synchronous network in a point-to-point network. Our key result is the first synchronous DKG protocol for discrete log-based cryptosystems with O(κn3)O(\kappa n^3) communication complexity (κ\kappa denotes a security parameter) that tolerates t<n/2t < n/2 Byzantine faults among nn parties. We show two variants of the protocol: a deterministic protocol with O(tΔ)O(t\Delta) latency and randomized protocol with O(Δ)O(\Delta) latency in expectation where Δ\Delta denotes the bounded synchronous delay. In the process of achieving our results, we design (1) a gradecast protocol with optimal communication complexity of O(κn2)O(\kappa n^2) for linear-sized inputs and latency of O(Δ)O(\Delta), (2) a primitive called ``recoverable set of shares\u27\u27 for ensuring recovery of shared secrets, (3) an oblivious leader election protocol with O(κn3)O(\kappa n^3) communication and O(Δ)O(\Delta) latency, and (4) a multi-valued validated Byzantine agreement (MVBA) protocol with O(κn3)O(\kappa n^3) communication complexity for linear-sized inputs and O(Δ)O(\Delta) latency in expectation. Each of these primitives may be of independent interest

    Making Synchronous BFT Protocols Secure in the Presence of Mobile Sluggish Faults

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    BFT protocols in the synchronous setting rely on a strong assumption: every message sent by a party will arrive at its destination within a known bounded time. To allow some degree of asynchrony while still tolerating a minority corruption, recently, in Crypto\u2719, a weaker synchrony assumption called mobile sluggish faults was introduced. In this work, we investigate the support for mobile sluggish faults in existing synchronous protocols such as Dfinity, Streamlet, Sync HotStuff, OptSync and the optimal latency BFT protocol. We identify key principles that can be used to ``compile\u27\u27 these synchronous protocols to tolerate mobile sluggish faults

    RandPiper -- Reconfiguration-Friendly Random Beacons with Quadratic Communication

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    Random beacon protocols provide a continuous public source of randomness and their applications range from public lotteries to zero-knowledge proofs. Existing random beacon protocols in the bounded synchronous model sacrifice either the fault tolerance or the communication complexity for security, or ease of reconfigurability. This work overcomes the challenges with the existing works through a novel communication efficient combination of state machine replication and (publicly) verifiable secret sharing (PVSS/VSS) protocols. We first design a new Byzantine fault-tolerant state machine replication protocol with O(κn2)O(\kappa n^2) bits communication per consensus decision without using threshold signatures. Next, we design GRandPiper (Good Pipelined Random beacon), a random beacon protocol with bias-resistance and unpredictability, that uses PVSS and has a communication complexity of O(κn2)O(\kappa n^2) always (best and worst cases), for a static adversary. However, GRandPiper allows an adaptive adversary to predict beacon values up to t+1t+1 epochs into the future. Therefore, we design BRandPiper (Better RandPiper), that uses VSS and has a communication complexity of O(κfn2)O(\kappa fn^2), where ff is the actual number of faults, while offering a strong unpredictability with an advantage of only a single round even for an adaptive adversary

    Efficient Synchronous Byzantine Consensus

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    With the emergence of decentralized technologies such as Blockchains, Byzantine consensus protocols have become a fundamental building block as they provide a consistent service despite some malicious and arbitrary process failures. While the Byzantine consensus problem has been extensively studied for over four decades under various settings, many challenges and open problems still exist. Improving the communication complexity and the latency or round complexity are the two key challenges in the design of efficient and scalable solutions for the Byzantine consensus problem. This thesis focuses on improving the communication complexity and the round complexity of the synchronous Byzantine consensus problem under various setup assumptions. In this thesis, I will first present OptSync, a new paradigm to achieve optimistic responsiveness that allows a consensus protocol to commit with the best-possible latency under all conditions. A lower bound that relates to the commit latencies for an optimistically responsive protocol and matching upper bound protocols with optimal commit latency under all conditions will be presented. Then, I will discuss consensus protocols in the absence of threshold setup; this setting supports efficient reconfiguration of participating parties. In this setting, I will present two efficient consensus protocols that incur quadratic communication per decision and optimistically responsive latency during optimistic conditions. Next, I will discuss the design of communication and round efficient protocols for distributed key generation (DKG). I will present a new framework to solve the DKG problem and present two new constructions following the framework. The first protocol incurs cubic communication in expectation and expected constant rounds, while the second protocol incurs cubic communication in the worst-case and linear round complexity. Improved constructions for several useful primitives such as gradecast and multi-valued validated Byzantine agreement will also be presented. Finally, I will present communication and round efficient protocols for parallel broadcast where all parties wish to broadcast their input. A generic reduction from parallel broadcast to graded parallel broadcast and validated Byzantine consensus will be presented along with improved constructions for gradecast with multiple grades and multi-valued validated Byzantine agreement

    OptRand: Optimistically responsive distributed random beacons

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    Public random beacons publish random numbers at regular intervals, which anyone can obtain and verify. The design of public distributed random beacons has been an exciting research direction with significant implications for blockchains, voting, and beyond. Distributed random beacons, in addition to being bias-resistant and unpredictable, also need to have low communication overhead and latency, high resilience to faults, and ease of reconfigurability. Existing synchronous random beacon protocols sacrifice one or more of these properties. In this work, we design an efficient unpredictable synchronous random beacon protocol, OptRand, with quadratic (in the number n of system nodes) communication complexity per beacon output. First, we innovate by employing a novel combination of bilinear pairing based publicly verifiable secret-sharing and non-interactive zero-knowledge proofs to build a linear (in n) sized publicly verifiable random sharing. Second, we develop a state machine replication protocol with linear-sized inputs that is also optimistically responsive, i.e., it can progress responsively at actual network speed during optimistic conditions, despite the synchrony assumption, and thus incur low latency. In addition, we present an efficient reconfiguration mechanism for OptRand that allows nodes to leave and join the system. Our experiments show our protocols perform significantly better compared to state-of-the-art protocols under optimistic conditions and on par with state-of-the-art protocols in the normal case. We are also the first to implement a reconfiguration mechanism for distributed beacons and demonstrate that our protocol continues to be live during reconfigurations