6 research outputs found


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    A non-convex Environmental Economic Loss Dispatch (NCEELD) is a constrained multi-objective optimization problem that has been solved for assigning generation cost to all the generators of the power network with equality and inequality constraints. The objectives considered for simultaneous optimization are emission, economic load and network loss dispatch. The valve-point loading, prohibiting operating zones and ramp rate limit issues have also been taken into consideration in the generator fuel cost. The tri-objective problem is transformed into a single objective function via the price penalty factor. The NCEELD problem is simultaneously optimized using a fuzzy-based real-coded genetic algorithm (GA). The proposed technique determines the best solution from a Pareto optimal solution set based on the highest rank. The efficacy of the projected method has been demonstrated on the IEEE 30-bus network with three and six generating units. The attained results are compared to existing results and found superior in terms of finding the best-compromise solution over other existing methods such as GA, particle swarm optimization, flower pollination algorithm, biogeography-based optimization and differential evolution. The statistical analysis has also been carried out for convex multi-objective problem


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    To integrate network load and line uncertainties in the radial distribution network (RDN), the probabilistic and possibilistic method has been applied. The load uncertainty is considered to vary as Gaussian distribution function whereas line uncertainty is varied at a fixed proportion. A voltage stability index is proposed to assign solar PV-DG optimally followed by application of PSO technique to determine the optimal power rating of DG. Standard IEEE 33- and 69-bus RDN are considered for the analysis. The impact of various uncertainties in the presence of optimally integrated solar PV-DG has been carried out on 69-bus network. The results obtained are superior to fuzzy-arithmetic algorithm. Faster convergence characteristic is obtained and analyzed at different degree of belongingness and realistic load models. The narrower interval width indicates that the observed results are numerically stable. To improve network performance, the technique takes into account long-term changes in the load profile during the planning stage. The significant drop in network power losses, upgraded bus voltage profile and noteworthy energy loss savings are observed due to the introduction of renewable DG. The results are also statistically verified


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    This article presents the distributed generator (DG) integration in a radial distribution system (RDS). The DG penetration changes the single power source to multiple power sources and bidirectional load flow which enhances the system reliability and reduces system power losses. The particle swarm optimization and gravitational search algorithm are implemented for the optimal siting and sizing of one and three DG units in the RDS to examine its impact on system reliability and loss reduction. The types of DGs considered are Type I (injects real power) and Type IV (injects reactive and real power). The constant power is the chosen load model. The reliability indices taken for the analysis of system reliability are Average Energy Not Supplied, Total Energy Not Supplied and Average System Interruption Duration Index. The efficacy of the proposed method is validated on 33-bus in the presence of single and multiple DGs. The significant decrease in system power losses with the upgraded bus voltage profile, system reliability and remarkable annual loss saving is analyzed for Type IV DG over Type I DG. The results determined are compared to other meta-heuristic approaches as well as analytical techniques to demonstrate the superiority of the proposed methodology. The results are also statistically verified

    Outbreak of Aspergillus fumigatus in an Organized Emu Farm in Indore, India

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    Detailed postmortem examination was conducted on eleven emu chicks presented to the Department of Veterinary Pathology, College of Veterinary and Animal Science, Mhow, MP, India from local emu farm in Indore. Birds had died with history of respiratory signs and mild nervous signs. On gross examination, numerous small grayish white nodules were seen in many organs particularly in the lungs. Histopathologically nodules on the lungs were characterized by granulomatous necrotic areas infiltrated with monocytes, lymphocytes and plasma cells. Numerous thin, tubular septate branching fungal hyphae with parallel-sided walls were seen in the parenchymatous tissue along with mononuclear cell infiltration. Liver of the affected birds revealed severe subcapsular and sinusoidal congestion. Diffuse areas of necrosis and severe congestion were noticed in the spleen. The disease was diagnosed as aspergillosis by correlating clinical signs with postmortem findings (Gross lesions and histopathology) and microscopic detection of fungus in the lung tissue followed by isolation and identification of the fungus. As the disease may take a very fatal course and no effective treatment has been established yet, so effective preventive measures should be taken to reduce the ensuing economic losses

    Maggot Therapy and its Implications in Veterinary Medicine: An Overview

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    Alternative therapies to conventional wound management are available now-a-days to facilitate faster wound healing without any complications. Among various alternative therapies, it has been well established that maggot therapy can be used successfully to treat chronic long-standing infected wounds which previously failed to respond to conventional treatment. Maggot therapy employs the use of freshly emerged, sterile larvae of the common greenbottle fly, Phaenicia (Lucilia) sericata, and is a form of artificially induced myiasis in a controlled clinical situation. Maggot therapy, however, is used relatively little in veterinary medicine. Nevertheless, concern over antibiotic resistance and the increase in demand for organic husbandry and residue-free meat and milk, suggest that it is an option which merits further consideration. In this review article, authors’ discuss the role of maggots and their preparation for veterinary medical use