103 research outputs found

    Myconanotechnology and application of nanoparticles in biology

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    To develop a new green approach for biosynthesis of nanoparticles, myconanotechnology has been represented as a novel field of study in nanotechnology. Several scientists have re-explored the fungi including yeasts and filamentous fungi as a biofactory for eco-friendly, cost-effective synthesis of nanoparticles. The advantageous of fungal-mediated biosynthesis of nanoparticles have turned the attention of scientists to the kingdom of fungi. The most notable benefits of applying fungi in nanoscience are their resistance to many harsh conditions as well as secretion of extracellular reductive proteins so that it makes the downstream processes easier. This review focuses on general introduction, synthesis of nanoparticles through fungi and its application in biology

    Self-Esteem and Collective Self-Esteem Among Adolescents: An Interventional Approach

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    Present research was conducted with the purpose to study the effectiveness of behavioural intervention program in enhancing the self-esteem and collective self-esteem among adolescents. The research was conducted on 74 subjects in the age range of 17-23 years. Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale (RSE; Rosenberg, 1965) and Collective self-esteem scale developed by Luhtanen and Crocker (1992) were used to measure self-esteem and collective self-esteem respectively. A self-structured behavioural intervention program was administered for three months to enhance low level of self-esteem and low level of collective self-esteem among subjects. In the interventional program, teachers and parents were requested to cooperate. Pre- and post-test design was used. Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test was applied to test the significance of difference between pre-intervention scores and post-intervention scores of self-esteem and collective self-esteem. The results showed that the mean self-esteem score in pre-measure was 11.31, which increased to 17.42 in post measure and Z value was 7.51 that was significant at .01 level. It suggests that there is significant difference between pre-intervention self-esteem score and post-intervention self-esteem score. Further, the results showed that the mean collective self-esteem score was 34.73 in pre-intervention measure which increased to 53.47 in post-intervention measure. The obtained Z value for collective self-esteem was 7.57 that was also significant at .01 level. It suggests that there is significant difference between pre-intervention collective self-esteem scores and post-intervention collective self-esteem scores. Thus, the results proved the effectiveness of interventional program in enhancing self-esteem and collective self-esteem

    Loschmidt echo with a non-equilibrium initial state: early time scaling and enhanced decoherence

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    We study the Loschmidt echo (LE) in a central spin model in which a central spin is globally coupled to an environment (E) which is subjected to a small and sudden quench at t=0t=0 so that its state at t=0+t=0^+, remains the same as the ground state of the initial environmental Hamiltonian before the quench; this leads to a non-equilibrium situation. This state now evolves with two Hamiltonians, the final Hamiltonian following the quench and its modified version which incorporates an additional term arising due to the coupling of the central spin to the environment. Using a generic short-time scaling of the decay rate, we establish that in the early time limit, the rate of decay of the LE (or the overlap between two states generated from the initial state evolving through two channels) close to the quantum critical point (QCP) of E is independent of the quenching. We do also study the temporal evolution of the LE and establish the presence of a crossover to a situation where the quenching becomes irrelevant. In the limit of large quench amplitude the non-equilibrium initial condition is found to result in a drastic increase in decoherence at large times, even far away from a QCP. These generic results are verified analytically as well as numerically, choosing E to be a transverse Ising chain where the transverse field is suddenly quenched.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figures; New results, figures and references added, title change

    Community Detection over Social Media: A Compressive Survey

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    Social media mining is an emerging field with a lot of research areas such as, sentiment analysis, link prediction, spammer detection, and community detection. In today’s scenario, researchers are working in the area of community detection and sentiment analysis because the main component of social media is user. Users create different types of community in social world. The ideas and discussions in the community may be negative or positive. To detect the communities and their behavior researcher have done a lot of work, but still two major issues are presents per survey, Scalability and Quality of the community. These issues of community detection motivate to work in this area of social media mining. This paper gives a bird eye view over social media and community detection

    The role of Swarna Bhasma in the treatment of Autoimmune disease

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    According to Ayurveda point of view Swarna Bhasma is considered as the best medicine for various disease. Swarna Bhasma is frequently used in the treatment of autoimmune disorder. It is considered as best remedy in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, Ankylosing Spondolosis, SLE (Systemic lupus erythematosus), Multiple sclerosis, GBS (Guillen Barry Syndrome), Myasthenia gravis etc. The Karma of Swarna Bhasma is Vrishya, Brimhana, Medhya, Hridya, Balya, Rasayan, Vajikarana, Smritiprada, Tridoshaghana, Yogwahi, Chkshusya, Ojovridhhikara etc. The indication of Swarna Bhasma is in Prameha, Rajayakshama, Unmada, Jwara, Pandu, Swasa, Kasa, Aruchi, Agnimandya, phthisis, loss of vitality, burning sensation, acidity, microbial infection, toxicity, infertility etc. It can be used in all diseases along with different adjuvants or other medium or herb to speed up the recovery process and to increase the body resistance diseases. Swarna Bhasma is potent antitoxin, immunomodulatory, nootropic, antirheumatic, antimicrobial and antiviral in addition. It is also a nervine tonic. Swarna Bhasma overall acts on all organs in the body, especially it acts on nerves, brain, lungs

    Geographical variation in Chemo profile, Genetic profile and In-vitro Anticancer activity of Chitraka (Plumbago zeylanica Linn.) collected from Himalayas and Western Ghats

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    Therapeutic actions of medicinal plants are due to the chemical components present in them. These chemical constituents often vary with change in geographical and climatic conditions. Climate, altitude, and temperature play an important role to make a herb therapeutically potent. Ancient Ayurvedic physicians mentioned that medicinal plants which grow in Himalayan region are more potent as compared to the plants growing in other regions. A modest study was therefore undertaken to compare the in vitro anticancer activity of Plumbago zeylanica Linn. collected from Himalayan region and Western Ghats with respect to their chemo profile and genetic patterns. Variation in physio-chemical, phyto-chemical, the genetic profiles were observed in plants collected from these two regions and corresponding variation was also seen in their anticancer activities
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