6 research outputs found

    Derivation of the Lamb shift with due account of wave features for the proton-electron interaction

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    We regard the hydrogen atom as a pulsing spherical-cylindrical wave system to which the three-dimensional wave equation is valid. On this basis, taking into account radial pulsations of the spherical shell of a proton, we arrive at a zero level (background) spectrum of the hydrogen atom. The background spectrum obtained contains the term corresponding to the 2.728 K temperature that is the characteristic value for “relict” background measured by NASA’s Cosmic Background Explorer (COBE) satellite. The frequency gaps 8172.852 MHz and 1057.8447 MHz between the nearest background terms among all calculated almost coincide with the most accurate experimental values available for the 1S and 2S Lamb shifts. PACS numbers: 06.20.Jr, 12.90.+b, 32.30.Bv

    Microwave background radiation of hydrogen atoms

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    We show that the microwave background radiation, observed in Cosmos, apparently, is the zero-level (background) radiation of all atoms in the Universe. This radiation naturally originates from the dynamic model of microparticles, where the hydrogen atom is regarded as a paired proton-electron system with the binary wave spherical-cylindrical field. Optical spectrum of the exited H-atom and background radiation-absorption spectrum of the H-atom, being in equilibrium with the wave field-space of the Universe, are derived here on the basis of such a model

    Dynamic model of elementary particles and the nature of mass and “electric” charge

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    The physical model of elementary particles, based on the wave features of their behavior, is described here. Elementary particles are regarded as elementary dynamical structures of the microworld, interrelated with all levels of the Universe, i.e., inseparable from the structure of the Universe as a whole. Between any elementary particles and the ambient field of matter-space-time, as well as between elementary particles themselves, there exists an interchange of matter-space-time occurring both in horizontal (within the same level) and vertical (between different levels) directions. This model allowed revealing the nature of mass and charge of elementary particles that is described here along with other important results originated from such a model

    Rolling friction of a viscous sphere on a hard plane

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    A first-principle continuum-mechanics expression for the rolling friction coefficient is obtained for the rolling motion of a viscoelastic sphere on a hard plane. It relates the friction coefficient to the viscous and elastic constants of the sphere material. The relation obtained refers to the case when the deformation of the sphere Îľ\xi is small, the velocity of the sphere VV is much less than the speed of sound in the material and when the characteristic time Îľ/V\xi/V is much larger than the dissipative relaxation times of the viscoelastic material. To our knowledge this is the first ``first-principle'' expression of the rolling friction coefficient which does not contain empirical parameters.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figure

    C. Roy Keys Inc.

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    This paper is devoted to a wave theory of probability of wave spaces, including atomic and molecular spaces. It reveals kinematics of wave probabilistic processes (the form of the process), i.e., the spatial distribution of singularities -- nodal points, where amplitude of probabilistic potential achieves extreme and zero values. Results obtained are applicable to problems of condensed matter physics. In particular, they reveal morphology of crystals and the law of constancy of angles between edges, and elucidate the "strictly forbidden" symmetry found in quasicrystals, et