1,541 research outputs found

    Quantum information processing via a lossy bus

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    We describe a method to perform two qubit measurements and logic operations on pairs of qubits which each interact with a harmonic oscillator degree of freedom (the \emph{bus}), but do not directly interact with one another. Our scheme uses only weak interactions between the qubit and the bus, homodyne measurements, and single qubit operations. In contrast to earlier schemes, the technique presented here is extremely robust to photon loss in the bus mode, and can function with high fidelity even when the rate of photon loss is comparable to the strength of the qubit-bus coupling.Comment: Added more discussion on effects of noise. Typos correcte

    Improving Quantum Query Complexity of Boolean Matrix Multiplication Using Graph Collision

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    The quantum query complexity of Boolean matrix multiplication is typically studied as a function of the matrix dimension, n, as well as the number of 1s in the output, \ell. We prove an upper bound of O (n\sqrt{\ell}) for all values of \ell. This is an improvement over previous algorithms for all values of \ell. On the other hand, we show that for any \eps < 1 and any \ell <= \eps n^2, there is an \Omega(n\sqrt{\ell}) lower bound for this problem, showing that our algorithm is essentially tight. We first reduce Boolean matrix multiplication to several instances of graph collision. We then provide an algorithm that takes advantage of the fact that the underlying graph in all of our instances is very dense to find all graph collisions efficiently

    Nonlocal resources in the presence of Superselection Rules

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    Superselection rules severely alter the possible operations that can be implemented on a distributed quantum system. Whereas the restriction to local operations imposed by a bipartite setting gives rise to the notion of entanglement as a nonlocal resource, the superselection rule associated with particle number conservation leads to a new resource, the \emph{superselection induced variance} of local particle number. We show that, in the case of pure quantum states, one can quantify the nonlocal properties by only two additive measures, and that all states with the same measures can be asymptotically interconverted into each other by local operations and classical communication. Furthermore we discuss how superselection rules affect the concepts of majorization, teleportation and mixed state entanglement.Comment: 4 page

    Magic state distillation with low overhead

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    We propose a new family of error detecting stabilizer codes with an encoding rate 1/3 that permit a transversal implementation of the pi/8-rotation TT on all logical qubits. The new codes are used to construct protocols for distilling high-quality `magic' states T+>T|+> by Clifford group gates and Pauli measurements. The distillation overhead has a poly-logarithmic scaling as a function of the output accuracy, where the degree of the polynomial is log231.6\log_2{3}\approx 1.6. To construct the desired family of codes, we introduce the notion of a triorthogonal matrix --- a binary matrix in which any pair and any triple of rows have even overlap. Any triorthogonal matrix gives rise to a stabilizer code with a transversal TT-gate on all logical qubits, possibly augmented by Clifford gates. A powerful numerical method for generating triorthogonal matrices is proposed. Our techniques lead to a two-fold overhead reduction for distilling magic states with output accuracy 101210^{-12} compared with the best previously known protocol.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figure

    Clifford Gates by Code Deformation

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    Topological subsystem color codes add to the advantages of topological codes an important feature: error tracking only involves measuring 2-local operators in a two dimensional setting. Unfortunately, known methods to compute with them were highly unpractical. We give a mechanism to implement all Clifford gates by code deformation in a planar setting. In particular, we use twist braiding and express its effects in terms of certain colored Majorana operators.Comment: Extended version with more detail

    Quantum divisibility test and its application in mesoscopic physics

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    We present a quantum algorithm to transform the cardinality of a set of charged particles flowing along a quantum wire into a binary number. The setup performing this task (for at most N particles) involves log_2 N quantum bits serving as counters and a sequential read out. Applications include a divisibility check to experimentally test the size of a finite train of particles in a quantum wire with a one-shot measurement and a scheme allowing to entangle multi-particle wave functions and generating Bell states, Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger states, or Dicke states in a Mach-Zehnder interferometer.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    Discrete Wigner functions and quantum computational speedup

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    In [Phys. Rev. A 70, 062101 (2004)] Gibbons et al. defined a class of discrete Wigner functions W to represent quantum states in a finite Hilbert space dimension d. I characterize a set C_d of states having non-negative W simultaneously in all definitions of W in this class. For d<6 I show C_d is the convex hull of stabilizer states. This supports the conjecture that negativity of W is necessary for exponential speedup in pure-state quantum computation.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, RevTeX. v2: clarified discussion on dynamics, added refs., published versio

    Contextuality in Measurement-based Quantum Computation

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    We show, under natural assumptions for qubit systems, that measurement-based quantum computations (MBQCs) which compute a non-linear Boolean function with high probability are contextual. The class of contextual MBQCs includes an example which is of practical interest and has a super-polynomial speedup over the best known classical algorithm, namely the quantum algorithm that solves the Discrete Log problem.Comment: Version 3: probabilistic version of Theorem 1 adde

    Using continuous measurement to protect a universal set of quantum gates within a perturbed decoherence-free subspace

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    We consider a universal set of quantum gates encoded within a perturbed decoherence-free subspace of four physical qubits. Using second-order perturbation theory and a measuring device modeled by an infinite set of harmonic oscillators, simply coupled to the system, we show that continuous observation of the coupling agent induces inhibition of the decoherence due to spurious perturbations. We thus advance the idea of protecting or even creating a decoherence-free subspace for processing quantum information.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figure. To be published in Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Genera

    Relaxation to equilibrium driven via indirect control in Markovian dynamics

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    We characterize to what extent it is possible to modify the stationary states of a quantum dynamical semigroup, that describes the irreversible evolution of a two-level system, by means of an auxiliary two-level system. We consider systems that can be initially entangled or uncorrelated. We find that the indirect control of the stationary states is possible, even if there are not initial correlations, under suitable conditions on the dynamical parameters characterizing the evolution of the joint system.Comment: revtex4, 7 page