12 research outputs found

    Impact of tempeh flour supplementation on the properties of non-gluten pasta product

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    Gluten-free products are needed by people with gluten allergy such as celiac disease and autism. The consumption of gluten-free products rises annually and, therefore, there is potential in the development of gluten-free products. Most of the non-gluten pasta products (NGP) contain a low amount of protein. In this study, NGP prepared from modified cassava flour (mocaf) (40%), rice flour (35%), and maize flour (25%), was supplemented with tempeh flour as a source of protein. In this research, NGP was prepared by extrusion. The cooked dough was extruded using a single screw extruder (screw diameter, 60 mm, locally manufactured by the Research Centre for Appropriate Technology-Indonesian Institute of Sciences, Subang, West Java Indonesia). The procedure of making NGP involved mixing all ingredients, steaming, extrusion, tempering, drying, and packaging. The effect of tempeh flour supplementation (0%, 2.5%, 5%, 7.5%, 10%, 12.5%, and 15% (w/w)) on the properties of NGP product was evaluated. The parameters of NGP that were evaluated included chemical properties, texture profile, elongation break, cooking properties, crystallinity structure, and morphological properties. The chemical properties included proximate and mineral content (iron (Fe) and zinc (Zn)) analysis. Results showed that adding tempeh flour significantly increased the protein, fat, fibre, iron, and zinc contents of NGP. The NGP had a moisture content of approximately 10%–12%. The higher tempeh flour addition resulted in the higher protein, lipid, Fe, and Zn contents of NGP. The highest protein and minerals (Fe and Zn) were obtained by 15% tempeh flour addition. Adding a higher amount of tempeh flour induced the higher percentage of V-type crystalline structure of amylose–lipid complex. Higher supplementation of tempeh flour resulted in higher cooking loss and decreased adhesiveness, springiness, and cohesiveness of the NGP product. The range of cooking time of NGP was between 5 min 25 sec and 6 min 50 sec. The supplementation of tempeh flour in the NGP reduced the cooking time. Observation of the morphological properties showed that starch of NGP ingredients had been fully gelatinized during the extrusion process as indicated by absence of intact starch granules.  Based on the results, it is suggested to supplement NGP with tempeh flour up to 10% (w/w) to get the nutritional advantage of tempeh without depressing its textural and cooking qualities

    Pengaruh Kombinasi Plasticizer Terhadap Karakteristik Edible Film Dari Karagenan Dan Lilin Lebah - (the Effect of Plasticizer Combination on Characteristics of Edible Film From Carrageenan and Beeswax)

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    Edible film (lembaran tipis dapat dimakan) berbasis karagenan-lilin lebah telah dibuat dengan menggunakan dua jenis plasticizer (bahan pemlastis) yaitu gliserol dan gula. Gliserol pada konsentrasi tetap 1% dikombinasikan dengan gula (fruktosa, glukosa dan sukrosa) masing-masing pada tiga level konsentrasi yaitu 0,5%, 1% dan 1,5% b/vt. Edible film mempunyai kadar air, ketebalan, kuat tarik, elongasi dan kecepatan transmisi uap air masing-masing sebesar 13,69-14,91%, 0,059-0,102 mm, 12,62-32,40 MPa, 13,34-43,57% dan 17,65-25,38 g/m2/24 jam. Kenaikan konsentrasi plasticizer menghasilkan kenaikan kadar air, ketebalan, elongasi dan kecepatan transmisi uap air namun menurunkan kuat tariknya. Semua edible film menunjukkan sifat warna yang baik dengan lightness antara 84,45-85,61 sedangkan edible film dengan plasticizer gliserol-sukrosa memperlihatkan lightness paling rendah. Hasil scanning electron microscopy menunjukkan bahwa edible film yang diberi perlakuan Plasticizer gliserol-fruktosa dan gliserol-glukosa memiliki permukaan yang lebih homogen dan halus daripada edible film kontrol dan edible film dengan plasticizer gliserol-sukrosa

    Identification of Pathogenic Leptospira in Rat and Shrew Populations Using RpoB Gene and Its Spatial Distribution in Boyolali District

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    Leptospirosis becomes health problem in Indonesia. Until April 2014, cases of leptospirosis transmitted by rats were reported in Boyolali with case fatality rate (CFR) 83.3%. Leptospira genus consists of various serovars and genetic types living in different environment. Classification of Leptospira species based on rpoB gene could be used as this gene has high level of polymorphism. This study aimed to identify Leptospira serovars in rat population using kinship analysis based on rpoB gene polymorphism and to describe spatial distribution of rats with Leptospira positive in Boyolali District. A cross sectional study was conducted on April 2014 at Sindon Village in Ngemplak Subdistrict and Jeron Village in Nogosari Subdistrict, Boyolali District. Polymerase Chain Reaction test was performed on 104 rat kidney samples from the two locations of study. Spatial analysis was conducted to map distribution of rats with Leptospira positive. There were six positive rpoB gene samples in Rattus tanezumi, Rattus argentiventer and Suncus murinus. Five of six positive samples showed the closest genetic kinship to Leptospira borgpetersenii serovar Sejroe based on rpoB gene. One isolate did not have a close genetic kinship to any serovar included in the cluster. Spatial analysis based on home range buffer zone showed that rats with Leptospira positive were found in 30 meter and 150 meter from leptospirosis patients

    Pemanfaatan Limbah Organik Berbasis Bio Cyclo Farming (Studi Kasus di Desa Telaga Murni

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    Pada dasarnya United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) menyatakan bahwa pembangunan perkotaan bergantung pada 3 pilar yaitu ekonomi, sosial dan lingkungan yang dapat mewujudkan keseimbangan pembangunan nasional. Pembangunan perkotaan menjadi bagian penting dalam meningkatnya kualitas lingkungan, taraf hidup, kemampuan dan kemandirian masyarakat. Pembangunan perkotaan dititik beratkan pada sistem kota yang kuat, dinamis, dan diselenggarakan pada tata kesinambungan yang tepat. Kawasan perkotaan semakin penting peranannya dengan kegiatan seperti pusat pelayanan, pusat produksi, distribusi, serta pusat inovasi dan kemajuan sosial budaya. Pemuda sebagai generasi bangsa harus berperan aktif dalam membangun keseimbangan perkotaan terlebih membangun kesejahteraan masyarakat dalam bentuk kerja nyata contohnya melalui kegiatan pemuda “Bricus-system” berbasis Bio Cyclo Farming yang terfokus pada pengelolaan sampah organik sebagai media budidaya cacing tanah (Lumbricus Rubellus) dengan usaha mereduksi limbah organik dan melakukan proses pengelolaan limbah untuk dimanfaatkan kembali pada sektor lainnya. Oleh karena itu diperlukan pengembangan kawasan tertentu yang dapat mengurangi risiko produksi limbah skala besar, berwawasan lingkungan dan beruntun pada penerapan konsep Bio Cyclo Farming, dalam hal ini penulis menyusun bussiness plan sebagai konsep implementasi kegiatan tersebut. Tujuan yang ingin dicapai dalam penelitian ini adalah melalui kegiatan peran pemuda “Bricus-system” untuk memperbaiki kondisi lingkungan yang mengalami penurunan daya fungsi dengan memanfaatkan limbah organik sebagai media budidaya cacing yang diharapkan dapat memperbaiki kondisi lingkungan dan ekonomi. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah studi kasus dengan melakukan observasi terhadap daerah yang mengalami masalah pembangunan keseimbangan perkotaan dan melakukan perbaikan daerah tersebut melalui kegiatan pemuda “Bricus-system” berbasis Bio Cyclo Farming

    Pengaruh Kontrol Diri terhadap Pembelian Impulsif Belanja Online pada Karyawan Department Store

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar peran pengendalian diri terhadap pembelian impulsif pada karyawan Department Store. Penelitian kuantitatif ini bertujuan untuk menguji atau mengetahui pengaruh antara dua variabel, yaitu variabel kontrol diri dan variabel pembelian impulsif. Penelitian ini melibatkan 68 karyawan Department Store (3 karyawan pria dan 65 karyawan wanita). Metode penelitian ini menggunakan Non Probability Sampling, dengan sampel jenuh. Data yang terkumpul dianalisis, proses analisis dibantu dengan SPSS 25.0 for Windows. Hasil regresi yang digunakan untuk memprediksi variabel Y, hasil tabel ANOVA atau uji F diperoleh nilai F hitung sebesar 121,383, tingkat signifikansi (p) 0,00 < 0,05 dengan persamaan garis regresi Y = 73,491 -0,547 X adalah self- kontrol untuk memprediksi pembelian impulsif belanja online. Hasil penelitian ini adalah terdapat pengaruh negatif dengan koefisien determinasi R Square sebesar 0,648. Artinya R = 64,8% artinya pengendalian diri memiliki kontribusi efektif terhadap pembelian impulsif pada karyawan Department Store sebesar 64,8%, sedangkan sisanya 35,2% dipengaruhi oleh variabel lain di luar penelitian

    Pandemi Covid-19: Cemaskah Masyarakat?

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    Terjadinya pandemi Covid-19 yang berdampak pada berbagai sektor kehidupan, menjadi salah satu pemicu timbulnya kepanikan dan ketakutan bagi masyarakat, khususnya pada daerah zona merah. Tujuan penelitian untuk mendeskripsikan gejala-gejala kecemasan yang ditunjukkan masyarakat terhadap masa pandemi Covid-19. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan tipe studi kasus. Teknik pemilihan subjek menggunakan teknik purposive sampling sehingga terdapat empat subjek dalam penelitian ini. Pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan pedoman wawancara semi terstruktur. Analisis data menggunakan model Miles and Huberman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ketiga aspek kecemasan yaitu gejala fisik, gejala behavior, dan gejala kognitif terdapat pada keempat subjek penelitian. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, subjek penelitian dapat dikatakan memiliki gejala kecemasan sehingga diperlukan penanganan secara menyeluruh terkait kecemasan masyarakat pada masa pandemi Covid-19, khususnya pada daerah zona merah

    Morphological Characteristic Difference Between Mosquitoes Vector For Malaria And Dengue Fever

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    Malaria and Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever (DHF) are two major tropical diseases in East Java. The pathogens of these diseases are transmitted to human hosts via haematophagy by vector mosquitoes. Anopheles spp. specifically transmits Plasmodium parasites which cause Malaria, while Aedes spp. transmits Dengue viruses that cause DHF. Bangsring, Banyuwangi is one of the endemic areas of Malaria, while Jember is one of endemic areas of DHF. Two species of Malaria vectors i.e Anopheles vagus and Anopheles sundaicus have been found from several samplings which were conducted in Bangsring region. This mosquitoes have been previously identified as a major vector for malaria. Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus, which were major vectors for DHF, have been easily found in Jember during our sampling for any season of the year. This research wanted to differentiate the morphological characteristic of those vectors for malaria and Dengue. Adult mosquitoes can be distinguished from one another by characterizing their morphological features. Palpi, wings, and legs characteristics are commonly used as determination keys in Anopheles sp., while thoraxes and legs characteristics are used as identification keys in Aedes sp. Morphological identification is considered as the basic necessity in understanding and determining bionomic of mosquito vector. This is very important in developing effective and efficient mosquito vector control strategies, which is also an important step to prevent the death risks associated with Malaria and DHF cases

    Translokasi Asimilat pada Anggrek Akar

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    Anggrek akar hidup pada habitat lembab dan bersifat epifit. Anggrek yang juga dikenal sebagai anggrek hantu ini, memiliki ciri khusus yaitu akar yang berfungsi sebagai organ source. Salah satu contoh anggrek akar adalah Taeniophyllum biocellatum. Akarnya berwarna hijau, memiliki velamen, dan berkas pembuluh yang memainkan peran penting dalam proses translokasi hasil asimilat. Proses translokasi asimilat dimulai dari sel produsen menuju sieve element dan berakhir di organ sink. Tipe pengangkutan simplasmik dan apoplasmik didasarkan pada ada atau tidaknya saluran plasmodesmata. Senyawa yang terkandung dalam fotosintat meliputi zat organik seperti sukrosa, hormon, dan protein sedangkan senyawa anorganik meliputi air, mineral, nitrogen, dan lainnya. Alokasi dan proporsi fotosintat disesuaikan pada kebutuhan dominan pertumbuhan dan perkembangan anggrek akar

    Menjaga Kualitas Jamu Kunyit Asam Segar Industri Rumah Tangga X YOGYAKARTA dengan Penyimpanan Suhu yang Tepat Berdasarkan Kadar Kurkuminoid

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    IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF FRESH ACID TURMERIC JAMU OF HOME INDUSTRY X AT THE RIGHT TEMPERATURE STORAGE BASED ON CURCUMINOID CONCENTRATION. Tamarind turmeric herbal medicine contains about 10% curcuminoids, consisting of: 1-5% curcumin, demectosicurcumin and bisdemethoxy-curcumin. Curcuminoids are a group of phenolic compounds as antibacterial, anticholesterol and antioxidants. Home Industry (IRT) X in Yogyakarta produces fresh turmeric and sour herbal medicine and is sold via delivery via an online application. Handling and storage at inappropriate temperatures can affect curcuminoid levels in herbal medicine, so it is necessary to do research on curcuminoid levels at various temperatures to provide information on IRT X in particular and herbal medicine manufacturers in general. Samples of herbal turmeric acid IRT X Yogyakarta stored at room temperature (25±2°C), refrigerator temperature (4±2°C), and freezer temperature (-10±2°C), analyzed the levels of curcuminoids on variations in storage temperature manually. quantitative method with UV-Vis Spectrophotometry. The analysis begins with the manufacture of standard curves and assays which are replicated three times. The results showed that curcuminoid levels were affected by storage temperature. Samples of herbal turmeric acid IRT X Yogyakarta which were analyzed by UV-Vis spectrophotometry method obtained a standard curve of y = 0.009x + 0.025 with a value of r = 0.997. The results of curcuminoid levels at room temperature were 4.74±0.13; refrigerator temperature 4.85±0.22; and freezer temperature 5.18±0.22. The optimum temperature in the handling and storage of the tamarind turmeric herbal medicine is at low temperatures, namely the refrigerator temperature and freezer temperature to maintain the curcuminoid content in the herbal medicine