11 research outputs found

    Data for QTL analysis and regression analysis

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    Three spread sheets showing data for the QTL analysis and the regression analysis condunted in this paper

    Effects of OBX intruder mice on behaviors of the residents.

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    <p>Behaviors of the B6 and B6-Chr15<sup>MSM</sup> (15) residents upon encountering an OBX ICR intruder. Average frequencies of occurrence (by 1 sec time-sampling method) for each behavioral item for trials 1 and 2 are shown. For the percentage of aggressive pairs, the result of trial 1 is indicated. An asterisk indicates a significant strain difference between B6 resident and 15 resident (p < 0.05).</p><p>Effects of OBX intruder mice on behaviors of the residents.</p

    Comparison of homogeneous and heterogeneous set tests.

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    <p>Behavior of C57BL/6J (B6) and B6-Chr15<sup>MSM</sup> consomic strain (15) in the homogeneous set test and the heterogeneous set test. Average frequencies of occurrence (by 1 sec time-sampling method) of each behavioral item in trials 1 and 2 are shown. For the percentage of aggressive pairs, that showed attack bites behavior, the result of trial 1 is indicated.</p><p>*p < 0.05 compared with B6 vs. B6 pair.</p><p>Comparison of homogeneous and heterogeneous set tests.</p

    Aggressive behaviors in homogeneous set test.

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    <p>Aggressive behavior of B6 and B6-Chr15<sup>MSM</sup> consomic strain in a homogeneous set test, in which males of the same strain were used as both residents and intruders. The trial-by-trial changes in attack bites [A], tail rattles [B], and attack latency [C] during three 15-min trials. B6 showed a gradual increase in aggressive behavior over the trials (dashed line), whereas B6-Chr15<sup>MSM</sup> exhibited the opposite pattern (solid line). An asterisk indicates a significant strain difference when comparing corresponding trials (*p < 0.05). Average frequency of behavioral occurrences [D] and latency to first attack [E] in trials 1 and 2. An asterisk indicates a significant strain difference in each behavioral index (*p < 0.01). Error bars indicate standard error of the mean (SEM).</p

    Estimates of the regression coefficients for attack latency.

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    <p>The ‘intercept’ of the regressors denotes the regression coefficient β0 of the regression models. The notation ‘A: B’ refers to the interaction between markers A and B, while ‘C—D’ represents the chromosomal region ranging from C to D. For the lasso, all of the markers are listed. Estimates of the regression coefficients and the corresponding p-values of the linear model (all subsets) are also presented. The significant p-values are indicated in boldface (p < 0.05). Asterisks represent the variables eliminated by all subsets.</p><p>Estimates of the regression coefficients for attack latency.</p

    Aggressive behavior of B6 and B6-Chr15<sup>MSM</sup> consomic strain towards OBX ICR intruders [A, B] or B6 intruders to which urine had been applied [C, D].

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    <p>No strain differences were detected between B6 (B) and B6-Chr15<sup>MSM</sup> (15) in terms of [A] the rates of attack bites and tail rattles, and [B] the latency to first attack towards OBX ICR intruders. In addition, no significant difference of urine pheromones between B6 and B6-Chr15<sup>MSM</sup> males, which was examined by applying the urine of either group onto the backs of B6 intruders, was detected in terms of [C] the rates of attack bites and tail rattles, and [D] the latency to first attack. Error bars indicate SEM.</p

    The least squares linear regression model identified four genetic loci on Chr 15 for the attack latency.

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    <p>[A] The predictors estimated by the regression model fitted to the actual data for each strain. [B] A plot of the residuals and predictors showed no inter-correlations, suggesting the independence of the model errors. [C] The mapped location of genetic loci by the regression model for attack latency on Chr 15. Black areas are the loci that decrease attack latency, and the gray area indicates the locus that increases attack latency.</p

    Establishment and analysis of a panel of subconsomic strains of MSM Chr 15.

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    <p>[A] Diagram of subconsomic strains used for the homogeneous set test. The horizontal lines indicate the approximate locations of genetic MIT markers, and their physical positions (Mb) are indicated. Chromosomal regions that were substituted with DNA from MSM are shown in black. The average frequency of occurrence of tail rattles [B] and the latency to the first attack [C] for trials 1 and 2 in 10 subconsomic lines during the resident-intruder test are shown. An asterisk indicates a significant difference when compared with B6 (*Dunnett’s t-test, p < 0.05). The result of B6-Chr15<sup>MSM</sup> (15) is indicated as a reference (data from <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0137764#pone.0137764.g001" target="_blank">Fig 1</a>, +p < 0.05). Error bars indicate SEM.</p

    The effect of opponent’s genotype as observed in the heterogeneous set test in B6 and B6-Chr15<sup>MSM</sup>.

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    <p>The B6 (B) and B6-Chr15<sup>MSM</sup> (15) residents encountered intruders of either genotype, so there were four types of encounter: B vs. B, B vs. 15, 15 vs. B, and 15 vs. 15 (resident vs. intruder, respectively). Strong effects of the opponent were observed in terms of attack bites, tail rattles, and attack latency. Data represent the average of trials 1 and 2, and error bars indicate SEM. a: p < 0.05 compared with B-B, b: p < 0.05 compared with B-15, and c: p < 0.05 compared with 15-B by Tukey-Kramer’s t-test. The data for the homogeneous pairs are from <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0137764#pone.0137764.g001" target="_blank">Fig 1</a>.</p