302 research outputs found

    An analytical treatment of in-plane magnetotransport in the Falicov-Sievert model

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    We derive an analytical expression which allows efficient computation of the effect of all the Fermi surface trajectories induced by a combination of Bragg scattering and magnetic breakdown on the in-plane components of the resistivity tensor. The particular network of coupled orbits which we consider was first formulated by Falicov and Sievert, who studied the problem numerically. Our approach, based upon a method used previously to derive an analytical solution for interlayer transport, allows us to show that the conductivity tensor can be written as a sum of a matrix representing the effect of total magnetic breakdown and one representing a combination of complex electronic trajectories, and we find a compact expression for the in-plane components of the resistivity tensor that can be evaluated straightforwardly.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Hypothalamic control of food intake in cats and monkeys

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    The role of the central nervous system in regulating food intake was probably suggested first by the discovery that either obesity or emaciation may occur in patients with nervous diseases. For a while these observations were not properly evaluated, because emphasis was laid upon the obesity as such, or the leanness, rather than upon the changed eating habits responsible for the clinical picture. Interest was focused on the hypothalamic region by the experimental studies of many workers (Hetherington, 1941; Hetherington & Ranson, 1940, 1942 a, b; Brobeck, Tepperman & Long, 1943; Kennedy, 1950; Ranson, Fisher & Ingram, 1938) who showed that bilateral lesions in the medial hypothalamus, especially lesions in or ventro-lateral to the ventromedial nucleus, resulted in obesity. The confusion introduced by the notion that pituitary disturbances caused obesity was also clarified by Hetherington (1943), who showed that the hypophysis is in no way directly concerned with the pathogenesis of obesity following injury to the base of brain. Brobeck et al. (1943) demonstrated that this hypothalamic obesity was due to increased food intake (hypothalamic hyperphagia) rather than to disturbances in the fat, carbohydrate or intermediary metabolism. From the time of its discovery this hyperphagia was assumed to be a release phenomenon brought about through the destruction of an inhibitory mechanism.The existence of another mechanism in the lateral hypothalamus of the rat, which controls the 'instinct' or the 'urge' to eat, was demonstrated by Anand & Brobeck (1951 a, b). They showed that bilateral destruction of a well localized area in the lateral hypothalamus, at the same rostro-caudal level as the ventro-medial nucleus, produces complete aphagia and death due to starvation, in spite of the availability of food. It was also observed that of the two mechanisms the lateral one exerts the more basic type of control over food intake and the medial one (inhibitory) produces its effects only when the lateral is intact. The lateral mechanism is designated a 'feeding centre', or even an 'appetite centre', while the medial one is called a 'satiety centre'. Joliffe named the two, together, the 'appestat'. The present study was undertaken to determine, whether similar mechanisms exist in the hypothalamic regions of higher mammals, cats and monkeys, and also whether they are modified by the more highly evolved higher nervous centres

    Large bulk resistivity and surface quantum oscillations in the topological insulator Bi2Te2Se

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    Topological insulators are predicted to present novel surface transport phenomena, but their experimental studies have been hindered by a metallic bulk conduction that overwhelms the surface transport. We show that a new topological insulator, Bi2Te2Se, presents a high resistivity exceeding 1 Ohm-cm and a variable-range hopping behavior, and yet presents Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations coming from the surface Dirac fermions. Furthermore, we have been able to clarify both the bulk and surface transport channels, establishing a comprehensive understanding of the transport in this material. Our results demonstrate that Bi2Te2Se is the best material to date for studying the surface quantum transport in a topological insulator.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Magnetic oscillations in a two-dimensional network of compensated electron and hole orbits

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    The FS of (ET)8Hg4Cl12(C6H5Br)2 can be regarded as a 2D network of compensated electron and hole orbits coupled by magnetic breakthrough. Simultaneous measurements of the interlayer magnetoresistance and magnetic torque have been performed up to 28 T. Magnetoresistance and de dHvA oscillations spectra exhibit frequency combinations typical of such a network. Even though some of the observed magnetoresistance oscillations cannot be interpreted on the basis of neither conventional SdH oscillations nor quantum interference, the temperature and magnetic field (both orientation and magnitude) dependence of all the Fourier components of the dHvA spectra can be consistently accounted for by the LK formula. This behaviour is at variance with that currently reported for compounds illustrating the linear chain of coupled orbits model.Comment: accepted for publication in europhysics Letter

    Fermi Surface Reconstruction in CeRh1x_{1-x}Cox_{x}In5_{5}

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    The evolution of the Fermi surface of CeRh1x_{1-x}Cox_xIn5_5 was studied as a function of Co concentration xx via measurements of the de Haas-van Alphen effect. By measuring the angular dependence of quantum oscillation frequencies, we identify a Fermi surface sheet with ff-electron character which undergoes an abrupt change in topology as xx is varied. Surprisingly, this reconstruction does not occur at the quantum critical concentration xcx_c, where antiferromagnetism is suppressed to T=0. Instead we establish that this sudden change occurs well below xcx_c, at the concentration x ~ 0.4 where long range magnetic order alters its character and superconductivity appears. Across all concentrations, the cyclotron effective mass of this sheet does not diverge, suggesting that critical behavior is not exhibited equally on all parts of the Fermi surface.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Magnetization of small lead particles

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    The magnetization of an ensemble of isolated lead grains of sizes ranging from below 6 nm to 1000 nm is measured. A sharp disappearance of Meissner effect with lowering of the grain size is observed for the smaller grains. This is a direct observation by magnetization measurement of the occurrence of a critical particle size for superconductivity, which is consistent with Anderson's criterion.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, Submitted to PR

    Electric Field Modulation of Galvanomagnetic Properties of Mesoscopic Graphite

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    Electric field effect devices based on mesoscopic graphite are fabricated for galvanomagnetic measurements. Strong modulation of magneto-resistance and Hall resistance as a function of gate voltage is observed as sample thickness approaches the screening length. Electric field dependent Landau level formation is detected from Shubnikov de Haas oscillations in magneto-resistance. The effective mass of electron and hole carriers has been measured from the temperature dependant behavior of these oscillations.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures included, submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Pressure induced softening of YB_6: pressure effect on the Ginzburg-Landau parameter \kappa=\lambda/\xi

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    Measurements of the transition temperature T_c, the second critical filed H_{c2} and the magnetic penetration depth \lambda under hydrostatic pressure (up to 9.2 kbar) in the YB_6 superconductor were carried out. A pronounced and {\it negative} pressure effects (PE) on T_c and H_{c2} with dT_c/dp=-0.0547(4) K/kbar and \mu_0dH_{c2}(0)/dp =-4.84(20) mT/kbar, and zero PE on \lambda(0) were observed. The PE on the coherence length d\xi(0)/dp=0.28(2) nm/kbar was calculated from the measured pressure dependence of H_{c2}(0). Together with the zero PE on the magnetic penetration depth \lambda(0), our results imply that the Ginzburg-Landau parameter \kappa(0)=\xi(0)/\lambda(0) depends on pressure and that pressure "softens" YB_6, e.g. moves it to the type-I direction.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Quantum oscillations in graphene in the presence of disorder and interactions

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    Quantum oscillations in graphene is discussed. The effect of interactions are addressed by Kohn's theorem regarding de Haas-van Alphen oscillations, which states that electron-electron interactions cannot affect the oscillation frequencies as long as disorder is neglected and the system is sufficiently screened, which should be valid for chemical potentials not very close to the Dirac point. We determine the positions of Landau levels in the presence of potential disorder from exact transfer matrix and finite size diagonalization calculations. The positions are shown to be unshifted even for moderate disorder; stronger disorder, can, however, lead to shifts, but this also appears minimal even for disorder width as large as one-half of the bare hopping matrix element on the graphene lattice. Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations of the conductivity are calculated analytically within a self-consistent Born approximation of impurity scattering. The oscillatory part of the conductivity follows the widely invoked Lifshitz-Kosevich form when certain mass and frequency parameters are properly interpreted.Comment: Appendix A was removed, as the content of it is already contained in Ref. 17. Thanks to M. A. H. Vozmedian

    Condon Domain Phase Diagram for Silver

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    We present the Condon domain phase diagram for a silver single crystal measured in magnetic fields up to 28 T and temperatures down to 1.3 K. A standard ac method with a pickup coil system is used at low frequency for the measurements of the de Haas-van Alphen effect (dHvA). The transition point from the state of homogeneous magnetization to the inhomogeneous Condon domain state (CDS) is found as the point where a small irreversibility in the dHvA magnetization arises, as manifested by an extremely nonlinear response in the pickup voltage showing threshold character. The third harmonic content in the ac response is used to determine with high precision the CDS phase boundary. The experimentally determined Condon domain phase diagram is in good agreement with the theoretical prediction calculated by the standard Lifshitz-Kosevich (LK) formula