70 research outputs found
Merging Black Feminist Ecologies and Psychology: Black Women Resisting the Psychological Costs of Environmental Racism
Environmental racism, or the disproportionate burden of environmental toxins in racially marginalized communities (Chavis, 1994), has been associated with poor mental health and wellbeing (e.g., Power et al., 2015). Though recent evidence has demonstrated that Black Americans are exposed to environmental toxins at higher rates than other racial groups (Mikati, 2018; Pinto de Moura & Reichmuth, 2019), the specific challenges that environmental racism pose specifically for Black women are understudied. Historically, Black American women have strategized and labored to bring about environmental equity and justice in their communities, and to facilitate social change (Collins, 2009; Simpson, 2011). However, inquiries into the impact of their resistance to environmental racism on their mental health are largely absent within psychological literature, as are examinations of the psychological costs and benefits of such resistance. To address this deficit in the literature, and grounded in both Black Feminist and Black Feminist Ecological frameworks, the present study seeks to examine Black women’s perspectives on the ramifications of their resistance to environmental racism in their communities on their mental health and wellbeing, as well as that of their family and community members
Maktabda tarbiya jarayonining ahamiyati, maqsad va vazifalari
Tarbiya jamiyat taraqqiyotida ijtimoiy xulqni boshqara olishi bilan dolzarb hisoblanadi. Mazkur maqola orqali tarbiyaning jamiyatdagi o’rni,o’ziga xos xususiyatlari, tub mohiyati, tushunchalari batafsil tushuntirildi, misollar orqali dalillandi
Coronavirus (COVID-19) and the Survival of Small and Medium Enterprises in Abeokuta, Ogun State Nigeria
This study assessed the relationship between COVID-19 and the survival of Small and Medium Enterprises. The survey research design was employed in carrying out the study and SMEs owners in Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria constituted the population. The study used the Yamane formula for calculating sample size to derive a total of 261 SMEs as the sample size for this study. Data for the study was collected using a standardized questionnaire and the collected data was analyzed using inferential statistics (regression analysis and correlation analysis). The result of the analysis unveiled those COVID-19 sub-variables (lockdown days, internal movement restriction and international travel restriction, with Beta value of (βÂ= -412, βÂ=-281 and βÂ=-044) all have significant negative relationship with the survival of SME businesses. Based on the finding, the study recommended that more financial and social aids/stimuli should be provided for SMEs owners in order to keep them operational during and after the pandemic. The study also recommended that social, health and economic infrastructures such as public health system, social welfare programs and digital economy should be worked upon. Keywords: Coranavirus, Coranavirus Disease, COVID-19, Pandemic, Economy, Small and Medium Enterprises. DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/12-16-05 Publication date:June 30th 2020
Linguistics, Literary Theory And History
The article explores and analyzes the types of art of tashbeh, and they are called tashbehi mutlaq, tashbehi kinoya, tashbehi mashrut, tashbehi mashrut, tashbehi aks, tashbehi izmar and tashbehi tafzil
O’qituvchi faoliyatida nutq texnikasi va madaniyati
Mazkur maqolada nutq texnikasi, notiqlik san’ati, nutq madaniyati haqida so‘z yuritiladi hamda o‘qituvchining faoliyatida nutq texnikasi qanchalik muhim o‘rin tutishi haqida ma’lumotlar keltirib o‘tiladi. Shuningdek, nutq madaniyati bilan bog‘liq muammolar keltirib o‘tiladi va ularga yechim bo‘luvchi bir qancha takliflar keltirib o‘tiladi
Design and Experimental Testing of a Solar Box Cooker with Paraffin Wax as Thermal Energy Storage Using Maiduguri Weather Condition
The performance of paraffin wax as phase change material (PCM) for thermal energy storage (TES) was investigated using a Solar Box Cooker (SBC) exposed to Maiduguri weather condition. Temperature and energy generated by SBC were experimentally established. The result shows tremendous improvement in energy storage compared to SBCs without TES in existence within Maiduguri and environs. The measured temperature and energy generated by the PCM in the experiment were 118oC and 4164.5KJ respectively, an adequate temperature and energy for cooking during off-sunshine hours and beyond. First figure of merit (F1) and second figure of merit (F2) were deduced to be 0.13 and 0.44 with overall SBC efficiency (ɳ) of 63% qualifying the SBC to grade A based on the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS
Raqamli ta’lim muhitida pedagoglarni samarali ishlashi uchun kompetensiyalarni shakllantirish
Maqolada raqamli kompetensiyalar to’g’risida fikr yuritilgan bo’lib uni rivojlantirish yo’nalishlari ko’rsatilgan. O’qituvchini yangi raqamli kompetensiyalariga qanday bo’lishi jahon pedagogikasi misolida bayon qilingan. Raqamlashtirish kompyuterlashtirishni joriy qilinishi, hayotni va jamiyatni barcha sohalariga ham o’z ta’sirini ko’rsatmoqda. Raqamli ta’limda shubhasiz ta’lim tub o’zgarishlarga uchraydi. Shundan kelib chiqib pedagoglarni tayyorlash kasbiy tayyorgarlik integratsiyalashadi. Bunda pedagoglar yanada sifat jihatdan yangi kasbiy kompetensiyalarga ega bo’ladi. Chunki ta’limni raqamlashtirilganida ularni pedagogik faoliyati samaradorligi oshishi kerak
Application of Stearic Acid for Solar Thermal Energy Storage in a Double Compartment Solar Box Cooker
Energy storage in some form is the need of the hour to even out the mismatch between energy supply and demand. Thermal Energy Storage (TES) system employing a phase change material (PCM) has been widely considered as an effective way to store and retrieve energy due to its high heat storage capacity at almost constant temperature during the phase change. In this work, an energy storage system was designed to study the heat transfer characteristics of stearic acid (as a phase change material in a double compartment solar box cooker (DCSBC) fabricated using wooden materials with high thermal energy storage system. In order to analyze the various characteristics of the PCM, the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) was used throughout the experiment. Investigations were performed to determine the first and second figure of merits (F1 and F2) of compartments 1 and 2 (C1 and C2) simultaneously. The results for F1 were found to be (C1= 0.14 and C2= 0.15) and F2 were (C1=0.47 and C2= 0.4) while the overall thermal efficiency of the cooker after water boiling test for C1 with 2.5kg and C2 with 3kg of water were deduced to be 77% for C1 and 92% for C2 after six hours of the load test, showing considerable temperature increase and extension of heat retention making possible to cook the dinner and even breakfast the next day
Umumiy o’rta ta’lim maktablarining ona tili darsliklarida o’quvchilarning lug’at bilan ishlash ko’nikmasini oshirish
Ushbu maqolada lug’at o’zi nima? Ona tili darsliklarida lug’at bilan ishlashning o’rni qandayligi haqida so’z yuritiladi. Shuningdek, lug’at turlari va ularning o’quvchilar uchun ahamiyati ta’kidlab o’tiladi
Numerical Investigation of the Effect of Changes in Glass Typeon the Cooling Load in a Building
Solar radiation enters the building through the glass by both radiation and conduction. The heat passing through the glass is one of the largest cooling loads. Therefore, modifying the glass type, will potentially reduce the cooling load significantly. This numerical study uses Cooling Load Temperature Difference (CLTD) method to calculate the change in cooling load in a five-story hospital. The Glass material was changed from clear glass to coated glass. Based on the calculation of cooling load per hour, from 07.00 to 19.00, it is obtained that the peak load occurs at 17.00, both when using clear glass clear and coated glass. The replacement of clear glass with coated glass results in a 70.0% decrease in radiation cooling load, from 104.59 kW to 31.38 kW. In addition, replacing this type of glass will reduce the total cooling load by 17.0%, from 418.80 kW to 347.57 kW. The decrease in total cooling load will lead to a decrease in the operational cost of the air conditioning system. If it is assumed that the AC system operates at 75% peak load for 16 hours per day, then replacing the glass will reduce electricity costs by approximately Rp. 43.6 million/month
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