1,408 research outputs found

    CP-safe Gravity Mediation and Muon g-2

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    We propose a CP-safe gravity mediation model, where the phases of the Higgs B parameter, scalar trilinear couplings and gaugino mass parameters are all aligned. Since all dangerous CP violating phases are suppressed, we are now safe to consider low-energy SUSY scenarios. As an application, we consider a gravity mediation model explaining the observed muon g2g-2 anomaly. The CP-safe property originates in two simple assumptions: SUSY breaking in the K\"ahler potential and a shift symmetry of a SUSY breaking field ZZ. As a result of the shift symmetry, the imaginary part of ZZ behaves as a QCD axion, leading to an intriguing possibility: the strong CP problem in QCD and the SUSY CP problem are solved simultaneously.Comment: 23 pages, 2 figures; v2 with additional explanation

    HED Meteorites, Carbonaceous Chondrites, Vesta, and Space Weathering.

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    第3回極域科学シンポジウム/第35回南極隕石シンポジウム 11月29日(木) 国立国語研究所 2階講

    Visible and Near-Infrared Spectral Survey of Select HED Meteorite Samples Stored at the National Institute of Polar Research.

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    第2回極域科学シンポジウム/第34回南極隕石シンポジウム 11月18日(金) 国立国語研究所 2階講

    Contracted Representation of Yang's Space-Time Algebra and Buniy-Hsu-Zee's Discrete Space-Time

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    Motivated by the recent proposition by Buniy, Hsu and Zee with respect to discrete space-time and finite spatial degrees of freedom of our physical world with a short- and a long-distance scales, lPl_P and L,L, we reconsider the Lorentz-covariant Yang's quantized space-time algebra (YSTA), which is intrinsically equipped with such two kinds of scale parameters, λ\lambda and RR. In accordance with their proposition, we find the so-called contracted representation of YSTA with finite spatial degrees of freedom associated with the ratio R/λR/\lambda, which gives a possibility of the divergence-free noncommutative field theory on YSTA. The canonical commutation relations familiar in the ordinary quantum mechanics appear as the cooperative Inonu-Wigner's contraction limit of YSTA, λ0\lambda \to 0 and $R \to \infty.

    Diaspora, a large family of Ty3-gypsy retrotransposons in Glycine max, is an envelope-less member of an endogenous plant retrovirus lineage

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    BACKGROUND: The chromosomes of higher plants are littered with retrotransposons that, in many cases, constitute as much as 80% of plant genomes. Long terminal repeat retrotransposons have been especially successful colonizers of the chromosomes of higher plants and examinations of their function, evolution, and dispersal are essential to understanding the evolution of eukaryotic genomes. In soybean, several families of retrotransposons have been identified, including at least two that, by virtue of the presence of an envelope-like gene, may constitute endogenous retroviruses. However, most elements are highly degenerate and are often sequestered in regions of the genome that sequencing projects initially shun. In addition, finding potentially functional copies from genomic DNA is rare. This study provides a mechanism to surmount these issues to generate a consensus sequence that can then be functionally and phylogenetically evaluated. RESULTS: Diaspora is a multicopy member of the Ty3-gypsy-like family of LTR retrotransposons and comprises at least 0.5% of the soybean genome. Although the Diaspora family is highly degenerate, and with the exception of this report, is not represented in the Genbank nr database, a full-length consensus sequence was generated from short overlapping sequences using a combination of experimental and in silico methods. Diaspora is 11,737 bp in length and contains a single 1892-codon ORF that encodes a gag-pol polyprotein. Phylogenetic analysis indicates that it is closely related to Athila and Calypso retroelements from Arabidopsis and soybean, respectively. These in turn form the framework of an endogenous retrovirus lineage whose members possess an envelope-like gene. Diaspora appears to lack any trace of this coding region. CONCLUSION: A combination of empirical sequencing and retrieval of unannotated Genome Survey Sequence database entries was successfully used to construct a full-length representative of the Diaspora family in Glycine max. Diaspora is presently the only fully characterized member of a lineage of putative plant endogenous retroviruses that contains virtually no trace of an extra coding region. The loss of an envelope-like coding domain suggests that non-infectious retrotransposons could swiftly evolve from infectious retroviruses, possibly by anomalous splicing of genomic RNA


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    Spontaneous breakdown of the continuous symmetry is studied in the framework of discretized light-front quantization. We consider linear sigma model in 3+1 dimensions and show that the careful treatment of zero modes together with the regularization of the theory by introducing NG boson mass leads to the correct description of Nambu-Goldstone phase on the light-front.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of the 13th Symposium on Theoretical Physics, Mt. Sorak, Korea, from 27 June to 2 July, 1994

    General moments of the inverse real Wishart distribution and orthogonal Weingarten functions

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    Let WW be a random positive definite symmetric matrix distributed according to a real Wishart distribution and let W1=(Wij)i,jW^{-1}=(W^{ij})_{i,j} be its inverse matrix. We compute general moments E[Wk1k2Wk3k4...Wk2n1k2n]\mathbb{E} [W^{k_1 k_2} W^{k_3 k_4} ... W^{k_{2n-1}k_{2n}}] explicitly. To do so, we employ the orthogonal Weingarten function, which was recently introduced in the study for Haar-distributed orthogonal matrices. As applications, we give formulas for moments of traces of a Wishart matrix and its inverse.Comment: 29 pages. The last version differs from the published version, but it includes Appendi

    Adventures in Holographic Dimer Models

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    We abstract the essential features of holographic dimer models, and develop several new applications of these models. First, semi-holographically coupling free band fermions to holographic dimers, we uncover novel phase transitions between conventional Fermi liquids and non-Fermi liquids, accompanied by a change in the structure of the Fermi surface. Second, we make dimer vibrations propagate through the whole crystal by way of double trace deformations, obtaining nontrivial band structure. In a simple toy model, the topology of the band structure experiences an interesting reorganization as we vary the strength of the double trace deformations. Finally, we develop tools that would allow one to build, in a bottom-up fashion, a holographic avatar of the Hubbard model.Comment: 22 pages, 8 figures; v2: brief description of case of pure D5 lattice added in sec.3; v3: minor typo fixed; v4: minor change