9 research outputs found

    Analysis of taking of inventory of hotbed gases extrass from burial-places hard domestic wastes in Ukraine

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    Систематизовано дані про параметрі метаноутворення на полігонах твердих побутових відходів (ТПВ) та запропоновано шляхи зниження невизначеності розрахунків при проведені національної інвентаризації парникових газів з полігонів ТПВ в Україні.Data on methane generation parameters while municipal solid waste (MSW) disposal are systemized. As a result, the ways to reduce uncertainty of greenhouse gases emission inventory while MSW disposal were suggested.Систематизированы данные о параметрах метанообразования на полигонах твердых бытовых отходов (ТБО) и предложены пути снижения неопределенности расчетов при проведении национальной инвентаризации парниковых газов (ПГ) с полигонов ТБО в Украине


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    Research results on seasonality of municipal solid waste parameters generated in Borispol city of Kiev region are adduced.Приведены результаты экспериментальных исследований динамики изменения важнейших параметров твердых бытовых отходов в городе Борисполь Киевской области.Наведено результати експериментальних досліджень динаміки зміни найважливіших параметрів твердих побутових відходів у місті Бориспіль Київської області

    Trends and Seasonal Patterns in the Composition and Energy Content of Waste from three Ukrainian City Districts: The Influence of Commercial and Residential Areas

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    The volume and composition of Ukraine’s municipal solid waste (MSW) has changed in recent years. The percentage of paper and plastics has increased considerably; consequently, manual separation of these materials from landfills has become necessary. In 2012, thirteen million tons of MSW were collected and questions about the origin and effects of these increases have arisen. According to the EU Waste Directive, the separation and subsequent recycling of certain waste materials should be a priority; however, these materials can also be used to produce electricity, heat, and gas. This presents a difficult choice because Ukraine currently depends heavily on imported gas for fuel. This article studied the composition and energy content of waste collected separately from three sectors in a mid-sized town near Kiev. The first sector consisted of office buildings, the second consisted of multi-family housing units, and the third consisted of single-family housing units. The varying waste compositions identified among the sectors are relevant to potential energy-recovery planning efforts, particularly if energy-rich paper and plastics are sorted out. Multi-family housing waste was found to contain the greatest percentage of paper and plastics of the three sectors analyzed; this number has increased in recent years. Conversely, the pattern followed by single-family housing waste appeared weaker. For waste produced by the office district, average monthly wages had a strong impact on the materials that were collected. Moreover, strong seasonal effects were observed in all districts. The presented data support future waste management decisions related to waste utilization in the current and long terms. In contrast to western European countries, seasonal changes exhibited by unsorted municipal waste must be considered when making waste management decisions in Eastern Europe. The unique findings of this report may be relevant to other developing countries

    Experience of using advagraf after kidney transplantation in the Sklifosofsky Research Institute for Emergency Medicine

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    The efficiency of the advagraf as the main immunosuppressant in renal transplant recipients in the early postoperative period has been assessed. A good tolerability of the medicament has been confirmed. Satisfactory performance of renal graft function recovery after surgery was marked. Recommendations on the use of the advagraf in the early terms after kidney transplantation, including a condition of a violation of the gastrointestinal tract function

    Seasonal variation of municipal solid waste generation and composition in four East European cities

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    The quality of recyclable and residual municipal solid waste (MSW) is, among other factors, strongly influenced by the seasonal variation in MSW composition. However, a relatively marginal amount of published data on seasonal MSW composition especially in East European countries do not provide sufficient information on this phenomenon. This study provides results from municipal waste composition research campaigns conducted during the period of 2009-2011 in four cities of Eastern European countries (Lithuania, Russia, Ukraine and Georgia). The median monthly MSW generation values ranged from 18.70 in Kutaisi (Georgia) to 38.31 kg capita(-1) month(-1) in Kaunas (Lithuania). The quantitative estimation of seasonal variation was performed by fitting the collected data to time series forecasting models, such as non-parametric seasonal exponential smoothing, Winters additive, and Winters multiplicative methods. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved