197 research outputs found

    Finding ways to improve the effectiveness of teaching and creative activity of students of pedagogical high school vocational

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    This article analyzes the psychological and pedagogical literature on the educational and creative activity of students and discusses its characteristics with the objectives of vocational teacher education.Проводится анализ психолого-педагогической литературы по организации учебно-творческой деятельности студентов и рассматриваются ее особенности с учетом целей профессионально-педагогического образования

    Features of training of design students for professional work-methodological aspect

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    The article discusses the features of the organization of teaching and creative activity of students through the use of a special method «graphic kaleidoscope», included in the structure of associative synectic technology and aimed at enhancing creative thinking of the future teachers of vocational training in the field of designРассматриваются особенности организации учебно-творческой деятельности студентов на основе применения специального метода «графический калейдоскоп», включенного в структуру ассоциативно-синектической технологии и направленного на активизацию образного мышления будущих педагогов профессионального обучения в области дизайн

    Activation of learning and creative activity of the vocational pedagogical university students

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    The relevance of the problem under study is based on the society’s demand for training students - future professional training teachers ready to solve in a creative manner a wide range of professional and pedagogical tasks, as well as to develop professionally-oriented creative work in the process of training; it is also caused by the insufficient extent of the prior research within the vocational training theory of scientific and methodological mechanisms required for implementing this process. The purpose of the article is to develop a conceptual structural model of professionally-oriented learning and creative activity of the vocational pedagogical university students. Leading method for studying this problem is modelling which allows to consider this problem as the process of goaloriented and deliberate acquiring by future professionals the creative approaches to implementation of professional activity. The article presents a structural model of learning and creative activity of vocational pedagogical university students, justifies the necessity to single out in the structure of the students’ learning and creative activity three interconnected components (creative, professional-pedagogical and personal-acmeological), proves the productivity of activating the learning and creative activity of the vocational pedagogical university students by organizing it as quasi-professional process of searching and solving professional tasks which are subjectively and objectively new, on the basis of using synectics including association methods of activating creative thinking integrated into the its structure. The article can be useful for teachers within the vocational and pedagogical education system, as well as for professionals who develop creative abilities of students based on the heuristic creativity methods. © 2016 Krayukhina et al

    The impact of updating the list of professions and specialties of secondary professional education the content of the training of teachers of vocational education

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    The article deals with the approach to the design of the content of training of teachers of vocational training on the basis of the actualization of the lists of professions and specialties of secondary vocational educationВ статье рассматривается подход к проектированию содержания подготовки педагогов профессионального обучения на основе учета актуализации перечней профессий и специальностей среднего профессионального образовани

    Training of teachers of professional training in the field of design on the basis of requirements of professional standards

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    The article discusses the approach to the implementation of the process of designing the content of educational programs based on the requirements professional standards, ensuring the process of training of specialists is of a leading characterВ статье рассматривается подход к осуществлению процесса проектирования содержания образовательных программ на основе требований профессиональных стандартов, обеспечивая процессу подготовки специалистов опережающий характе

    Types of geoecological research and areas of their application

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    Planning for the environmental management, construction, as well as forecasting the impact of human activity on the environment, should be carried out based on the provisions of geoecology, which combines relationships in geographical, biological (ecological) and social-production systems. In this case, a systematic approach, as well as knowledge of the links between different systems, will allow us to simulate the level of human impact on the environment and calculate the optimal degree of intervention in its structure. Modern methods of geoecological studies used to assess the impact of human economic activity on the environment are considered, a comparison of geoecological mapping in Russian and foreign studies is carried out, the main stages necessary for conducting geoecological studies are indicated. © 2019 Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.Authors are grateful for the support of experimental works by Act 211 Government Russian Federation, contract no. 02.A03.21.0006