3 research outputs found


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    Ayurveda, the Indian system of medicine, has its own branch of specialty for understanding the disease process and proper diagnosis of a disease. Caraka has stated that the diagnosis is very important and essential before proceeding to medicine prescription. Ayurvedic way of diagnosis has 2 basic components namely Rogapariksha and Rogipariksha, which refers to Examination of disease and Examination of patient respectively. Among them Rogapariksha gives us the detailed knowledge about a disease starting from the etiological aspects to the actual manifestation of disease. The five basic components of Rogapariksha are Nidana, Purvarupa, Rupa, Upasaya and Samprapti, which are collectively known as Nidana Panchaka. Apart from diagnosing a disease, they also play a key role in planning the treatment of that disease. Nidana, the foremost component of Nidana Panchaka, not only gives the knowledge of causative factors of a disease but also helps in treatment by avoiding them. Purvarupa refers to Premonitory signs & symptoms and represents the 4th stage of disease formation. If physician is able recognize them as early as possible and treat accordingly, then the further progression of disease is ceased. In the same way, every component of Nidana Panchaka helps the physician for the better understanding of disease process and treating the disease at an earliest possible stage. The details of Nidana Panchaka and its role in diagnosis & treatment are explained elaborately in full paper


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    Various reports suggest that 30 to 50% of women in the reproductive age group suffer from excessive and irregular uterine bleeding by various causative factors. Various treatments prescribed in modern medicine like hormone therapy, antiprostaglandins and antifibrinolytic agents etc have not proved their definite efficacy inspite of high price and side effect, and lastly hysterectomy may lead to hormonal imbalance and psychological upset in young fertile women. Ayurveda considered the same as Asrigdara and Stambhana Chikitsa is the commonly prescribed management for this. But prior to Stambhana Chikitsa, Pachana Chikitsa is to be performed as without Amapachana, Stambhana Chikitsamay not show better efficacy. So a clinical trial was conducted on 30 Patients, who were divided in 2 groups, 15 patients in each. In Group A (Control group) Stambhana Chikitsa alone with Panchavalkala Kashaya was given and in Group B (Trial group) Stambhana Chikitsawith Panchavalkala Kashaya proceeded by Pachana Chikitsa with Guduchyadi Kashaya was given to patients for treatment. The present Study reveals, significant benefit in trial group to reduce symptoms of Asrigdara with a p-value of <0.001 in comparison with alone Stambhana Chikitsa


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    Ayurveda is a science of life. It says, one has to strictly follow the regimens and dietary habits advocated in Samhitas, the classical Ayurvedic texts, to achieve long and healthy life. Any sort of deviation from these principles will lead to the manifestation of disease. According to Ayurveda, the basis for disease manifestation is either Vriddhi or Kshaya of Doshas, and bringing back to normalcy of these Doshas leads to the restoration of health. This process of bringing normalcy is known as Chikitsa and the basic principle of the Chikitsa is Samanya and Visesa siddhanta. According to this Siddhanta, intake of medicine or food having similar properties to that of our body tissues, will results in the increase and those with opposite properties will results in the decrease of our body tissues. Thus, if a disease is manifested due to the Vriddhi of a Dosha, then to pacify that Vriddha dosha, Dravyas having opposite Guna or Karma should be administered. If a disease is manifested due to the Kshaya of a Dosha, then to nourish that Ksheena dosha, Dravyas having similar Guna or Karma should be administered. This Samanya and Visesa Siddhanta should be followed in a rational way while describing the medicine or diet based on the quantitative and qualitative knowledge of Vriddhi or Kshaya of Doshas. Thus, the Samanya and Visesa Siddhanta plays a crucial role in treating diseases and has become the fundamental principle for Ayurvedic management. He details of this Siddhanta are explained elaborately in full paper