3 research outputs found


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    Ayurveda, the ancient Medico Holistic Science, which is comprised of numerous fundamental concepts with basic doctrines. Ayurveda along with its concepts is eternal (Shaswata), and have their own identity which does not require other science to indulge in between. Such fundamental concepts are literally better understood, analyzed and merely utilized in clinical practice only with the proper utility of Pramanas. Pramanas in Ayurveda are means of true knowledge. Acharya Sushruta describe four Pramanas and among the four Pramanas i.e. Pratyaksha (Direct perception), Agama (Teaching of scriptures), Anumama (Inference), Upamana (Analogy). Upamana Pramana is used widely in Ayurvedic literatures. Upamana is having its own importance. Upamana or Aupamya give the knowledge or idea of an object by similar comparison. Acharya Charaka has not included Upamana Pramana under Pramanas but he described it under Vada Marga i.e. technical terms used in Sambasha by Vaidya-Samuha and ultimately helps in attaining valid knowledge, but more than being used in Sambasha, Upamana is having its clinical utility. Upamanas are the analogies or similes that bridge the known to the unknown and after the conceptual system of existing knowledge by modifying and strengthening its associations. Prime intention of such Upamana is incorporating open-ended, forced and visual similes to teach complex concepts and involving students in a creative dynamic though process to enhance understanding of such complex medical concepts. But we have to be very careful about its understanding such analogies, otherwise it may lead to wrong concepts. As said that “An Analogy is like a car, if you take it too far, it breaks downâ€. So here a sincere effort has been made to evaluate and analyze the Upamana Pramana in a simple way in three aspects i.e., physiological, diagnostic, philosophical aspects.

    A Critical Review on Ayurvedic Diagnostic Methods

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    Ayurveda is a holistic system of life which focuses the way of living along with treatment aspects. The antiquity of Ayurveda goes back to the Vedas and key points were taken from Darsanas too. The pramanas are the means to get the knowledge but Ayurveda implied the pramanas in a unique way as a examination tool (pareeksha) for diagnosis purpose in Atura and understanding of the individual in Swastha. Several types of pareeksha are available in Ayurvedic classics which include Dasavidha pareeksha, Astasthana pareeksha, Shadvidha pareeksha, Trividha pareeksha and the like. Of these, Dasavidha pareeksha is the most significant as it encompasses all other types of examinations. Many of the diagnostic methods mentioned in Ayurveda are not scientifically practised now a day. Some of the above mentioned examinations were given least importance in case taking and has now turned customary many aspects of examination are neglected. In the present study the prime intention was to formularize a standard separate proforma for diagnosis of diseases, based chiefly on the Dasavidha pareeksha to enable the students and practitioners to have a better procedure for diagnosis

    Clinical evaluation of hareetakyadi gutika on kaphaja kasa

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    Kasa is one of the most common ailments afflicting the Pranavaha Srotas. Kaphaja Kasa has been considered to be the cutting edge of the Doshic type of Kasa, which if neglected or mismanaged, may serve as the substratum for the emergence of a good number of disorders such as Kshataja Kasa, Kshayaja Kasa and Tamaka Swasa etc., which are very difficult to manage. This clinical study was carried out to evaluate the efficacy of Hareetakyadi Gutika in patients suffering from Kaphaja Kasa by selecting 30 patients in SV Ayurvedic Medical College Hospital, Tirupati during the period 2011-2012. Patients were given Hareetakyadi Gutika in a dose of 12 gm per day in divided doses for 14 days and effect was evaluated on pre-test and post-test design. Statistically significant (p<0.01) results were seen in the subjective symptoms like Mandagni, Gourava, Nishteeva etc., and objective signs like ESR, Neutrophils and Eosinophils counts giving a conclusion that Hareetakyadi Gutika is an effective treatment for Kaphaja Kasa