3 research outputs found

    Interaction of 2,6,7-Trihydroxy-Xanthene-3-Ones with Iron and Copper, and Biological Effect of the Most Active Derivative on Breast Cancer Cells and Erythrocytes

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    Metal chelators can be potentially employed in the treatment of various diseases, ranging from metal overload to neoplastic conditions. Some xanthene derivatives were previously reported to complex metals. Thus, in a search for a novel iron or copper chelator, a series of 9-(substituted phenyl)-2,6,7-trihydroxy-xanthene-3-ones was tested using a competitive spectrophotometric approach. The most promising compound was evaluated in biological models (breast adenocarcinoma cell lines and erythrocytes). In general, substitution of the benzene ring in position 9 had a relatively low effect on the chelation. Only the trifluoromethyl substitution resulted in stronger chelation, probably via a positive effect on solvation. All compounds chelated iron, but their copper-chelating effect was only minimal, since it was no longer observed under highly competitive conditions. Interestingly, all compounds reduced both iron and copper. Additional experiments showed that the trifluoromethyl derivative protected erythrocytes and even cancer cells against excess copper. In summary, the tested compounds are iron chelators, which are also capable of reducing iron/copper, but the copper-reducing effect is not associated with increased copper toxicity

    Žmogaus citomegaloviruso (HCMV) proteazės inhibitorinių kūrimas

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    Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) is a widespread virus that infects up to 95% of the population. The goal of this research is to determine molecular target for novel pharmacological agent which inhibit replication of Cytomegalovirus (CMV) virus. HCMV encodes with 256 amino acids, serine protease is responsible for capsid assembly, and its responsible for herpes virus production. The clinical complications of CMV can be divided into direct and indirect accouterments. Gastrointestinal disease is most common clinical complication, which can rescue blood-based vigilance by PCR and the pp65 antigenemia assay in approximately 30% of infected people. CMV pneumonia is also most common deliberate complication, but has become infrequent with current prevention strategies. rare complications include retinitis and encephalitis. The conditioning regimens and stem cell sources can influence both the time to reactivation and disease severity, nonetheless, preventative strategies are an important variable. CMV also exhibits an immunosuppressive effect, which can lead to an increased susceptibility to invasive bacterial and fungal disease as well as GVHD in selected clinical settings. Because of the currently available drugs have major limitations novel treatment options for CMV are urgently needed. In this research we estimate target for novel CMV antivirals, called as protease Assemblin. For several members of this CMV virus family, advances have been made recently in the pharmacology and molecular biology of the essential viral protease, revealing common features that possible to exploit in the development of a new class of anti-CMV agents. The HCMV proteases have been identified as belonging to a unique class of serine protease, with a Ser-His-His catalytic triad. Assemblin protease has been determined by Western Blot. From the 3D crystal Structure estimated that serine proteases, dimerization has been shown to be required for activity of the cytomegalovirus and HSV proteases. The dimerization requirement actively impacts methods which needed for productive, enzymatic analysis and antiviral discovery. The conserved functional and catalytic properties of the CMV proteases lead to common considerations for this group of proteases in the early phases of inhibition. Classical serine protease inhibitors that react with active site residues do not readily inactivate the CMV proteases. We did screening of chemical libraries which inhibit CMV replication which may be early phase for new drug development This research first provided replication independent system which allows protease is target for novel drugs. A cell-based protease assay was developed to test these pharmacological agents in a replication-independent way then we successfully show that new compounds inhibit MCMV replication with exhibiting 50% inhibitory concentrations (IC50s) in the low-micromolar range Inhibition of replication of CMV was specific, by report of our previous work all active substances not influenced on hepatitis C virus (HCV) and HIV-1 replication. Inhibitor mechanism identified by Immunofluorescence analysis in vivo and in vitro. These new compounds inhibited the CMV protease with IC50s in the low-micro molar range in cells. Furthermore, this novel pharmacological agent inhibits MCMV viral replication at micro molar concentrations, successfully.Žmogaus citomegalovirusas (HCMV) yra plačiai paplitęs virusas iš herpeso virusų šeimos, kuris užkrečia iki 95% populiacijos. Šio tyrimo tikslas yra nustatyti naujo farmakologinio agento tikslinę molekulę, kuri slopina HCMV viruso replikaciją. CMV koduojamas 256 amino rūgščių, serino proteazė yra atsakinga už kapsidės surinkimą, pastarosios atsako už herpeso viruso gamybą. Klinikiniai CMV apraiškos gali būti skirstomos į tiesiogines ir netiesiogines. Virškinimo ligos yra labiausiai paplitę ligos iš klinikinių komplikacijų, kurios gali būti nustatytos atliekant kraujo PGR testą ir pp65 antigenemijos tyrimą maždaug 30% užsikrėtusių žmonių. CMV pneumonija yra dažniausia lėtinė komplikacija, bet tapo reta taikant dabartines prevencijos strategijas. Retos komplikacijos yra retinitas ir encefalitas. Imuniteto ir kamieninių ląstelių problemos gali paveikti ligos atsinaujinimą, todėl yra svarbios prevencinės strategijos. CMV taip pat slopina imunitetą, kuris gali sukelti padidėjusį jautrumą invazinėms bakterinėms ir grybelinėms ligoms, taip pat GAHV kai kuriais klinikiniais atvejais. Kadangi šiuo metu naudojami vaistai turi daug trūkumų, kyla naujų CMV gydymo galimybių poreikis. Šiame tyrime nustatėme naują CMV antivirusinių vaistų taikinį, taip vadinamą Assemblin proteazę. Tiriant keletą CMV virusų šeimai priklausančių narių, buvo atlikti esminės virusinės proteazės farmakologiniai ir molekulinės biologijos tyrimai, atskleidė bendrų bruožų, kad galima panaudoti tai naujos klasės anti-CMV agentų kūrimui. HCMV proteazės Buvo nustatyta, kad, ši proteazė priklauso unikaliai serino proteazių klasei, su Ser-His-His katalizine triada. Assemblin proteazė buvo nustatyta naudojant Western Blot metodą. Ištyrus serino proteazių 3D kristalų struktūrą nustatyta, kad aktyvumui būtina dimerizacija kaip ir citomegalo viruso ir HSV proteazės atveju. Dimerizacijos būtinumas lemia metodus, kurie reikalingi produkcijai, fermentinio aktyvumo įvertinimui ir antivirusiniams tyrimams. Inhibuotos funkcinės ir katalizinės CMV proteazės savybės sudaro bendras prielaidas šių proteazių grupės slopinimui pirminiais etapais. Klasikinės serino proteazės inhibitoriai, kurie reaguoja su aktyviais ligandais lengvai nedeaktyvuoja CMV proteazių. Mes atlikome pirminę junginių atraką iš cheminių bibliotekų, kurie galimai slopina CMV dauginimąsi, ir kurie gali būti potencialūs vaistai kandidatai. Šis tyrimas pirmą kartą pasiūlė nuo replikacijos nepriklausomą sistemą, kuri leidžia proteazę laikyti naujų vaistų taikiniu. Sukūrus nuo replikacijos nepriklausomą proteazės testą farmacinio aktyvumo junginiams ląstelių kultūrų pagrindu, sėkmingai parodėme, kad nauji junginiai slopina MCMV replikaciją 50% (IC50s) esant žemoms mikromolių koncentracijoms. Ankstesniame darbe parodyta, kad visos šios veikliosios medžiagos neturi įtakos hepatito C viruso (HCV) ir ŽIV-1 replikacijai. Inhibitorius veikimo mechanizmas ištirtas Imunofluorescencinės analizės in vivo ir in vitro metodu. Šie nauji junginiai slopina CMV proteazę ląstelėse IC50s žemos-mikromolių koncentracijos diapazone. Be to, šie nauji farmakologišakai aktyvūs junginiai sėkmingai slopina MCMV virusų replikaciją esant submikromolinei koncentracijai.Gamtos mokslų fakultetasVytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    Zika virus disease

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    ZIKV (Zika virus) is first major infectious disease related to human birth defects. ZIKV is flavivirus, family Flaviviridae causally associated with Guillain-Barre´ Syndrome, fetal microcephaly and other birth defects. Zika virus diseases discovered about 69 years ago and it remains in relative obscurity, within the span of two years it introduced in Brazil, Latin America and spared rapidly in Asia, USA, Europe and Australia. Detection methods are potentially increases which is positive sign to diagnosis of ZIKV disease and development of vaccine. Sexual transmission of Zika in to male-to-female and maleto-male is documented. There is no conformed vaccination or particular Treatment. In the review, we discussed current epidemiology, virology studies, Diagnosis and Treatment and link between nervous system disordersBiochemijos katedraVytauto Didžiojo universiteta