21 research outputs found

    An analysis of clinical process measures for acute healthcare delivery in Appalachia: The Roane Medical Center experience

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    OBJECTIVE: To survey management of selected emergency healthcare needs in a Tennessee community hospital. MATERIALS AND METHODS: In this descriptive report, discharges and associated standard process measures were retrospectively studied for Roane Medical Center (RMC) in Harriman, Tennessee (pop. 6,757). Hospital data were extracted from a nationwide database of short-term acute care hospitals to measure 16 quality performance measures in myocardial infarction (MI), heart failure, and pneumonia during the 14 month interval ending March 2005. The data also permitted comparisons with state and national reference groups. RESULTS: Of RMC patients with myocardial infarction (MI), 94% received aspirin on arrival, a figure higher than both state (85%) and national (91%) averages. Assessment of left ventricular dysfunction among heart failure patients was also higher at RMC (98%) than the state (74%) or national (79%) average. For RMC pneumonia patients, 79% received antibiotics within 4 h of admission, which compared favorably with State (76%) and national (75%) average. RMC scored higher on 13 of 16 clinical process measures (p<0.01, sign test analysis, >95% CI) compared to state and national averages. DISCUSSION: Although acute health care needs are often met with limited resources in medically underserved regions, RMC performed above state and national average for most process measures assessed in this review. Our data were derived from one facility and the associated findings may not be applicable in other healthcare settings. Further studies are planned to track other parameters and specific clinical outcomes at RMC, as well as to identify specific institutional policies that facilitate attainment of target quality measures

    Gay, Mostly Gay, or Bisexual Leaning Gay? An Exploratory Study Distinguishing Gay Sexual Orientations Among Young Men

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    This exploratory study assessed physiological, behavioral, and self-report measures of sexual and romantic indicators of sexual orientation identities among young men (mean age = 21.9 years) with predominant same-sex sexual and romantic interests: those who described themselves as bisexual leaning gay (n = 11), mostly gay (n = 17), and gay (n = 47). Although they were not significantly distinguishable based on physiological (pupil dilation) responses to nude stimuli, on behavioral and self-report measures a descending linear trend toward the less preferred sex (female) was significant regarding sexual attraction, fantasy, genital contact, infatuation, romantic relationship, sex appeal, and gazing time to the porn stimuli. Results supported a continuum of sexuality with distinct subgroups only for the self-report measure of sexual attraction. The other behavioral and self-report measures followed the same trend but did not significantly differ between the bisexual leaning gay and mostly gay groups, likely the result of small sample size. Results suggest that romantic indicators are as good as sexual measures in assessing sexual orientation and that a succession of logically following groups from bisexual leaning gay, mostly gay, to gay. Whether these three groups are discrete or overlapping needs further research

    The gap between policy and practice: a systematic review of patient-centred care interventions in chronic heart failure

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    Patient-centred care (PCC) is recommended in policy documents for chronic heart failure (CHF) service provision, yet it lacks an agreed definition. A systematic review was conducted to identify PCC interventions in CHF and to describe the PCC domains and outcomes. Medline, Embase, CINAHL, PsycINFO, ASSIA, the Cochrane database, clinicaltrials.gov, key journals and citations were searched for original studies on patients with CHF staged II–IV using the New York Heart Association (NYHA) classification. Included interventions actively supported patients to play informed, active roles in decision-making about their goals of care. Search terms included ‘patient-centred care’, ‘quality of life’ and ‘shared decision making’. Of 13,944 screened citations, 15 articles regarding 10 studies were included involving 2540 CHF patients. Three studies were randomised controlled trials, and seven were non-randomised studies. PCC interventions focused on collaborative goal setting between patients and healthcare professionals regarding immediate clinical choices and future care. Core domains included healthcare professional-patient collaboration, identification of patient preferences, patient-identified goals and patient motivation. While the strength of evidence is poor, PCC has been shown to reduce symptom burden, improve health-related quality of life, reduce readmission rates and enhance patient engagement for patients with CHF. There is a small but growing body of evidence, which demonstrates the benefits of a PCC approach to care for CHF patients. Research is needed to identify the key components of effective PCC interventions before being able to deliver on policy recommendations. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s10741-015-9508-5) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    The benefits of tree-based models for stock selection

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    The identification of the primary drivers of stock returns has been of great interest to both financial practitioners and academics alike for many decades. Influenced by classical financial theories such as the CAPM (Sharp, 1964; Lintner, 1965) and APT (Ross, 1976), a linear relationship is conventionally assumed between company characteristics as derived from their financial accounts and forward returns. Whilst this assumption may be a fair approximation to the underlying structural relationship, it is often adopted for the purpose of convenience. It is actually quite rare that the assumptions of distributional normality and a linear relationship are explicitly assessed in advance even though this information would help to inform the appropriate choice of modelling technique. Non-linear models have nevertheless been applied successfully to the task of stock selection in the past (Sorensen et al, 2000). However, their take-up by the investment community has been limited despite the fact that researchers in other fields have found them to be a useful way to express knowledge and aid decision-making..

    Estudo da incidência de coledocolitíase em pacientes com colecistite calculosa aguda e crônica submetidos à colecistectomia vídeolaparoscópica

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    OBJETIVO: Avaliar a incidência da coledocolitiase em pacientes submetidos à colecistectomia laparoscópica, portadores de colecistopatia calculosa aguda e crônica. O presente estudo, também, analisa se a era laparoscópica modificou a incidência e a história natural da litíase da via biliar quando compara os dados da literatura com os índices do Grupo estudado. MÉTODO: O estudo foi realizado em um Grupo de 946 pacientes, distribuídos em Grupo A de 214 pacientes de 1991-1995 e Grupo B de 732 pacientes de 1999-2007 colecistectomizados pelo método laparoscópico. O critério diagnóstico de coledocolitíase foi estabelecido por colangiofluoroscopia de rotina em todas as operações. RESULTADOS: A incidência total de coledocolitiase no Grupo A de 9,8% e no B de 5,8% não mostram diferença estatística significativa entre si e com a literatura mundial (p=0,08).Nos pacientes operados por colecistite aguda também não se observou diferença estatística entre o grupo A e B na incidência de litíase da via biliar( p=0,8). A análise dos dados nos pacientes operados por colecistite crônica revela uma taxa de coledocolitíase menor no Grupo B de 3,7% com significância estatística do que no A de 8,4% p=0,03. CONCLUSÃO: O presente estudo revela uma diminuição expressiva na incidência de coledocolitiase no Grupo B em relação ao A e a literatura mundial quando a indicação cirúrgica ocorre na fase não complicada da doença litiásica biliar. O estudo também demonstra um aumento significativo na indicação da colecistectomia laparoscópica eletiva mais precoce no Grupo B como já observado em diversas publicações da literatura médica