13 research outputs found

    Utilizing Composted Jatropha & Neem cake and Tobacco Waste to sustain Garlic yields in Indo-Gangetic plains

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    The effect of composted Jatropha de-oiled cake, neem de-oiled cake and tobacco waste on morphological parameters like maximum leaf length, number of leaves, fresh and dry weight of bulb and yield was studied for Garlic (Allium sativum L.). Trials were conducted on field plots under the RBD design. The parameters recorded for plants grown on soil treated with composted organic fertilizer treatments were compared to those recorded for plants grown on chemical fertilizer treated soil and control. The results showed that the application of 2 tones per hectare mixture of composted Jatropha cake and tobacco waste (in ratio 2:1) resulted in an increase of 22.88 % in fresh bulb weight, 29.52% in dried bulb weight per plant and 18.3% in average yield of bulb as compared to control. This yield enhancement was significantly higher than control and comparable to that recorded for plants grown on soil treated with chemical fertilizers. The significant increase in garlic yield on application of composted Jatropha cake and tobacco waste is due to the availability o

    Implementation of High Efficiency, High Lifetime and Low Cost Converter for an Automatic Photovoltaic Water Pumping Station

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    A novel idea of photovoltaic (PV) energy based converter for water pumping system without the USAge of fuel cells or batteries. In proposed system, the design of a three phase induction motor drive is directly supplied by using photovoltaic system energy. Presence of a three phase induction motor has better performance with optimized efficiency compared to the commercial water pumping system of DC motor. The developed resonant of Two Inductor Boost Converter (TIBC) and voltage quadruple with three phase Voltage Source Inverter (VSI) are based on the current fed multi resonant converter. Low input current ripple and high voltage gain are the features of TIBC. So the classical topology used to improve the system with a constant duty cycle control and a non dissipative snubber circuit along with a hysteresis controller to improve its efficiency. Due to the non existence of electrolytic capacitors the system is required to have a high lifetime and total system cost is low. As a result, in isolated locations the system has an optimistic solution and it provide water to poor societies

    Estimation and comparison of thrombocyte count by peripheral blood smear method and automated method in women with pregnancy

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    Background: Thrombocyte is important and very essential component of blood and have significant role in maintenance of hemostasis. Thrombocyte count is an important investigation done in various acquired and congenital coagulable states which include conditions like pregnancy. Thrombocyte count is routinely done by automated hematology analyzer method. The automated hematology analyzer counters are not usually available at all centres especially in peripheral and rural side though thrombocytes can also be assessed from the peripheral blood smears, which can be easily and precisely done at any set up. Aim and objective of this study was to compare the thrombocyte estimation by peripheral blood smear method and automated hematology analyzer in pregnant women.Methods: Thrombocyte estimation was done from samples taken from 120 normal pregnant women between December 2018 to March 2019, where samples were Ethylene Diamine Tetra Acetic acid (EDTA) anticoagulated. Thrombocyte was counted manually using PBS (Leishman stain) and hematology analyzer (Sysmex XN1000 series). Thrombocyte counts were expressed in Mean and standard Deviation. Statistical analysis was done by student’s t test using MS excel and SPSS version 17.Results: Thrombocyte count by PBS have mean value of 2.04 lacs/mm3 with standard deviation of 0.56 lacs/mm3 and by automated method have mean value of 1.89 lacs/mm3 and standard deviation of 0.71 lacs/mm3 with p value 0.010. Thus, there was no statistically significant difference found between two methods.Conclusions: Estimation of thrombocyte count on the basis of manual thrombocyte count is a reliable technique and can be used to validate automated thrombocyte counts. It can also be used in under resourced laboratories, where there are no automated counters of good precision available. In fact, all the tests showing abnormal thrombocyte counts must be reported only after cross examining on PBS

    To study the serum C-reactive protein level and its correlation with prognostic variables in stable COPD patients

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    Introduction: C-reactive protein is a stable and excellent biomarker of systemic inflammation which is easy to measure. COPD is an inflammatory disorder of lung with widespread Systemic manifestations and associated Systemic inflammatory response. C-reactive protein levels are increased in COPD patients. Present study investigated C-reactive protein level in stable COPD patients and its relation with clinically important outcome variable, exercise capacity. Method: Study included 56 stable COPD patients with mild to moderate severity in age group 40-70 years and 56 nonsmoking controls in the same age group. Clinical and physiological characteristics were determined and C-reactive protein levels were measured. Result: This study confirms the finding of higher C-reactive protein levels in smoker COPD patients (4.9 vs 4.0 mg-L-1) as compared to nonsmoker COPD patients. It also confirms that level of C-reactive protein in ex-smoker COPD population remains significantly higher than nonsmoker control group (4.9±0.5 vs 3.1mg/l). Conclusion: C-reactive protein level was strongly associated and correlated with 6 minute walk distance, FEV1 and GOLD stages, so C-reactive protein level can indirectly reflect prognosis of COPD patient and his exercise capacity. We recommend that measurement of C-reactive protein levels may be a useful tool to predict the prognosis and patient outcome in COPD patients. It also provides strong argument to develop therapies aimed at decreasing inflammation independent of smoking cessation

    Venoarterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation in aluminum phosphide poisoning: A case report

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    Aluminum phosphide (ALP) poisoning is one of the most common and lethal poisonings with no antidote available till now. Inhalation or ingestion of ALP leads to the production of phosphine gas when exposed to moisture. We here report an adolescent female with alleged consumption of ALP available as celphos tablet, followed by severe metabolic acidosis and cardiogenic shock. Rapid timely initiation of venoarterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation leads to intact neurological outcome and survival. Timely referral to higher center with extracorporeal life support facility is a key

    Castor Oil: A Promising Source for the Production of Flavor and Fragrance Through Lipase-Mediated Biotransformation

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    Castor (Ricinus communis; family: Euphorbiaceae) oil extracted from castor seed is a nonedible, nontoxic, yellowish color liquid that has become an essential bioresource material for industrial uses. The castor oil is rich in ricinoleic acid; this is a key precursor of the production of lactones. The presence of a double bond and hydroxyl and carboxylic groups with a long hydrocarbon chain in ricinoleic acid proposes several possibilities for converting it into valuable compounds. γ-Decalactone is an aroma compound having peach-like essence, generally utilized in food industries. Lipase-mediated biotransformation is used to produce γ-decalactone from ricinoleic acid under controlled conditions. Several studies and industrial approaches have explained the genetic and metabolic engineering and bioprocess engineering strategies in the enrichment of aroma compounds, but few studies have been available on the utilization of castor oil as a natural raw material for the synthesis of aroma compounds. As a result, this review draws attention to the importance of castor oil in the production of value-added aroma compounds with their estimated global market prospective. The review gives information about the properties of castor oil and its geographical accessibility and its exploitation as a bio-based resource for the production of various value-added materials. In addition, this review emphasizes the utilization of ricinoleic acid or castor oil as a renewable source for the production of aroma compounds. Though chemical transformation for the production of lactone derivatives is known, the products are chiral mixtures. On the other hand, the lipase-based conversion is enantiospecific, and this product is categorized as nature-identical and considered safe for using in food products