27 research outputs found

    Transportasi Laut Kontainer Dalam Pengembangan Master Plan Percepatan Dan Perluasan Ekonomi Indonesia Di Indonesia Bagian Timur

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    Potential demand of sea transport for containers will grow rapidly along with the development of the processing industry in the region development of the integrated economic and regional strategies or Economic Corridor in the Master Plan of the Accelaration and Expansion of Indoneisa Economic Development in Eastern Indonesia. There were changes in the function of the port into a multipurpose port serving conventional and container freight. The problem that arises is the pier and container handling facility requires adjustment unless neither special container port Makassar and Bitung, nor the limited land development for land side facilities. Geometric conditions of the road connecting the port to the hinterland and have not planned for container services. Collector and feeder ports require adjustments to the revitalization of demand load wheels and multi-pack

    Growth and Yield Stability of Sweet Potato Clones Across Four Locations in East Nusa Tenggara

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    A number of promising sweet potato clones from East Nusa Tenggara and a checked cultivar were evaluated in several locations for the following objectives: 1) to elucidate genotype by environment effect on growth and yield of the sweet potato clones, and 2) to determine growth and yield stability of the clones across diverse locations in East Nusa Tenggara province. The study was carried out in four locations and was laid out in a Randomized Block Design consisting of 10 sweet potato genotypes as treatments and two replicates. Obtained data were subjected to combined analysis of variance to determine GxE interaction, followed by stability analysis based on joint regression model of Eberhart and Russell. Research results revealed that genotypes, locations and genotype by location interaction posed significant effect on the observed variables. Most of the evaluated clones were unstable for vegetative growth characters but were stable for tuber yield and yield components. The local clone LB-01 produced the highest mean tuber yield over all locations, averaging at 4.15 kg.plant-1 (~ 46.11 t.ha-1). Two local clones, i.e. ON-06 and LB-01, and the check cultivar Kidal were the most stable clones for tuber yield and yield components across diverse environments

    Orbiting Astronomical Satellite for Investigating Stellar Systems (OASIS): following the water trail from the interstellar medium to oceans

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    Orbiting Astronomical Satellite for Investigating Stellar Systems (OASIS) is a space-based, MIDEX-class mission concept that employs a 17-meter diameter inflatable aperture with cryogenic heterodyne receivers, enabling high sensitivity and high spectral resolution (resolving power ≥106) observations at terahertz frequencies. OASIS science is targeting submillimeter and far-infrared transitions of H2O and its isotopologues, as well as deuterated molecular hydrogen (HD) and other molecular species from 660 to 80 μm, which are inaccessible to ground-based telescopes due to the opacity of Earth’s atmosphere. OASIS will have <20x the collecting area and ~5x the angular resolution of Herschel, and it complements the shorter wavelength capabilities of the James Webb Space Telescope. With its large collecting area and suite of terahertz heterodyne receivers, OASIS will have the sensitivity to follow the water trail from galaxies to oceans, as well as directly measure gas mass in a wide variety of astrophysical objects from observations of the ground-state HD line. OASIS will operate in a Sun-Earth L1 halo orbit that enables observations of large numbers of galaxies, protoplanetary systems, and solar system objects during the course of its 1-year baseline mission. OASIS embraces an overarching science theme of “following water from galaxies, through protostellar systems, to oceans.” This theme resonates with the NASA Astrophysics Roadmap and the 2010 Astrophysics Decadal Survey, and it is also highly complementary to the proposed Origins Space Telescope’s objectives

    Aplicación actual del uso clínico del láser en los programas de odontología de un grupo de Universidades de Colombia.

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    La presente investigación que con el título aplicación actual del uso clínico del láser en los programas de odontología de un grupo de universidades de Colombia nos lleva con una metodología de una revisión bibliográfica documentada de especialistas que en la práctica clínica se presenta la siguiente situación la cual no es muy común, debido a que esta es una terapia no muy usada en la actualidad. el uso del láser como herramienta en las diferentes patologías, en tejidos blandos en la cavidad bucal, se ha propuesto como una innovadora opción terapéutica debido a sus beneficios; acelera y facilita el proceso de cicatrización, disminuye la inflamación y hemorragia, así como factores de riesgo de infección y estrés. la aplicación del láser en la odontología debe basarse en el conocimiento de una serie de procesos físicos y biológicos que dependen de diversos factores. se ha notado el incremento del uso del láser en la odontología como una herramienta muy importante para el tratamiento de lesiones en la cavidad bucal. se concluye que el uso del láser en los tratamientos odontológicos genera múltiples beneficios a los pacientes, entre los cuales están: ausencia de dolor en la mayoría de los casos evitando el uso de anestesia, disminución significativa del sangrado, rápida cicatrización, la recuperación es más rápida y disminución de analgésicos, etc. esto genera gran satisfacción en el paciente, de acuerdo la eficiencia del tratamient

    The complete genome and proteome of Laribacter hongkongensis reveal potential mechanisms for adaptations to different temperatures and habitats

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    Laribacter hongkongensis is a newly discovered Gram-negative bacillus of the Neisseriaceae family associated with freshwater fish–borne gastroenteritis and traveler's diarrhea. The complete genome sequence of L. hongkongensis HLHK9, recovered from an immunocompetent patient with severe gastroenteritis, consists of a 3,169-kb chromosome with G+C content of 62.35%. Genome analysis reveals different mechanisms potentially important for its adaptation to diverse habitats of human and freshwater fish intestines and freshwater environments. The gene contents support its phenotypic properties and suggest that amino acids and fatty acids can be used as carbon sources. The extensive variety of transporters, including multidrug efflux and heavy metal transporters as well as genes involved in chemotaxis, may enable L. hongkongensis to survive in different environmental niches. Genes encoding urease, bile salts efflux pump, adhesin, catalase, superoxide dismutase, and other putative virulence factors—such as hemolysins, RTX toxins, patatin-like proteins, phospholipase A1, and collagenases—are present. Proteomes of L. hongkongensis HLHK9 cultured at 37°C (human body temperature) and 20°C (freshwater habitat temperature) showed differential gene expression, including two homologous copies of argB, argB-20, and argB-37, which encode two isoenzymes of N-acetyl-L-glutamate kinase (NAGK)—NAGK-20 and NAGK-37—in the arginine biosynthesis pathway. NAGK-20 showed higher expression at 20°C, whereas NAGK-37 showed higher expression at 37°C. NAGK-20 also had a lower optimal temperature for enzymatic activities and was inhibited by arginine probably as negative-feedback control. Similar duplicated copies of argB are also observed in bacteria from hot springs such as Thermus thermophilus, Deinococcus geothermalis, Deinococcus radiodurans, and Roseiflexus castenholzii, suggesting that similar mechanisms for temperature adaptation may be employed by other bacteria. Genome and proteome analysis of L. hongkongensis revealed novel mechanisms for adaptations to survival at different temperatures and habitats