852 research outputs found

    Fingerprinting models of first-order phase transitions by the synergy between collider and gravitational-wave experiments

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    We investigate the sensitivity of future space-based interferometers such as LISA and DECIGO to the parameters of new particle physics models which drive a first-order phase transition in the early Universe. We first perform a Fisher matrix analysis on the quantities characterizing the gravitational wave spectrum resulting from the phase transition, such as the peak frequency and amplitude. We next perform a Fisher analysis for the quantities which determine the properties of the phase transition, such as the latent heat and the time dependence of the bubble nucleation rate. Since these quantities are determined by the model parameters of the new physics, we can estimate the expected sensitivities to such parameters. We illustrate this point by taking three new physics models for example: (1) models with additional isospin singlet scalars (2) a model with an extra real Higgs singlet, and (3) a classically conformal BLB-L model. We find that future gravitational wave observations play complementary roles to future collider experiments in pinning down the parameters of new physics models driving a first-order phase transition.Comment: 64 pages, 35 figure


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    INTRODUCTION: If you are a defensive player of football or basketball, you must have an experience that you were impotently left behind the offensive player while you certainly knew he/she cut back to left and you should have stepped to left. Why this happen? As a basic research to answer this question, we conducted the lift-one-leg task from quiet standing with and without visual feedback of weight distribution. We hypothesized that the time to lift leg depends on the initial weight distribution. The aim of the present study is to investigate if and how much the initial weight distribution during quiet standing influences the time to lift leg

    Anticipatory Postural Adjustments During Lateral Step Motion in Patients With Hip Osteoarthritis

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    Patients with hip osteoarthritis (OA) have difficulty with mediolateral postural control. Since the symptom of hip OA includes joint pain, which mostly occurs upon initial movement, patients with hip OA might have disabling problems with movement initiation. This study aimed to identify the movement strategy during the anticipatory postural adjustments in the lateral step motion in patients with hip OA. We studied 18 female subjects with unilateral hip OA and 10 healthy subjects, and measured temporal, kinetic, and kinematic variables. Patients with hip OA required a longer duration of anticipation phase than the control subjects, the total duration of lateral stepping was not different between the groups. Displacement of the center of mass to the supporting (affected) side during the anticipation phase was not different between the two groups. These findings suggest that, in patients with hip OA, the center of mass slowly moved to the affected side. Furthermore, patients with hip OA showed greater shift of the trunk to the supporting side than did the control subjects. These movement characteristics might contribute to the achievement of both protection of the affected hip joint and quickness in the subsequent lateral step in patients with hip OA

    <ORGINAL ARTICLE>Evaluation of the Relationship between a Face Anxiety Scale and the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory

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    我々は簡単に短時間で患者の不安の程度を把握するために,我々が考案した顔不安スケール(Face Anxirty Scale FAS)を臨床で使用している。今回の研究はこのFASが不安をアセスメントする心理テスト,すなわちState-traitanxiety inventry (STAI)の得点に相関するのか検討した。FASとSTAIは歯科診療(口腔外科処置)前に待合室で実施し,患者自身に記入させた。尚,対象から対人恐怖症および自律神経失調症の患者は除外した。その結果,対象は33名(女性14名,男性19名),平均年齢は24.4才(19才から49才)。対象患者の多くは智歯の抜歯手術だった。歯科に関する既往歴は永久歯の抜歯経験が無い患者から歯科診療恐怖症の患者,精神鎮静法下に難抜歯の経験有る患者など,いろいろであった。今回は対象患者の約半数に対して,静脈内鎮静法(フルニトラゼパム投与)を施行した。特性不安はFASが0から2点,0.80±0 53(mean±S.D)であった。STAKA-trait)は32から64,43.46±8.29(mean±S.D.)となった。FASとSTAI(A-trait)の相関関係はFig2に示したように,Y=41.38+2.98X,R^2=0.04であった。歯科診療前の状態不安はFASが0から4点,平均1.94±1.35(mean±S.D )であった。STAI(A-state)は23から72,47.46±13.92(maen±S.D.)となった。FASとSTAI(A-trait)の相関関係はFig3に示したように,Y=30.22+8.87X,R^2=0.69(P <0.01)であった。以上の結果から,FASとSTAIの状態不安尺度は相関を認めた。従って,FASは歯科患者の状態不安を客観的,簡便に評価する事が認められた。また,我々が考案したFASは歯科治療に対する患者の不安評価方法として,有用性が示唆された。To determine the degree of fear of dental treatment in general, we applied a Face Anxiety Scale (FAS) for pre-operative levels of anxiousness. The FAS is valuable as it is easy and fast. The FAS assess anxiety at 6 levels, the lowest is 0, the highest 5. We assessed the pre-operative (minor dental surgery) anxiety of patients subject to intravenous sedeation, without psychosedation. To establish the reliability of the FAS, an evaluation of the relationship between the FAS and the State-trait anxiety inventory (STAI) was made. The pre-operative FAS ranged from 4 to 0 Anxiety with STAI (A-state) had a highest score of 72, and a lowest score of 23 The relationship between FAS and anxiety state with STAI was Y=30.22+8.87X,R^2=0.69(P<0 01). The FAS was significant correlated with state anxiety of STAI. The results suggest that FAS is a reliable measure for state anxiety in dental treatment

    Comparison of DNA methylation levels of repetitive loci during bovine development

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    <p> Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>DNA methylation of cytosine residues in CpG dinucleotide controls gene expression and dramatically changes during development. Its pattern is disrupted in cloned animals suggesting incomplete reprogramming during somatic cell nuclear transfer (the first reprogramming). However, the second reprogramming occurs in the germ cells and epigenetic errors in somatic cells of cloned animals should be erased. To analyze the DNA methylation changes on the spermatogenesis of bulls, we measured DNA methylation levels of three repetitive elements in blastocysts, blood and sperm.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>DNA from PBLs (peripheral blood leukocytes), sperm and individual IVF (<it>in vitro</it> fertilized) and parthenogenetic blastocysts was isolated and bisulfite converted. Three repetitive elements; Satellite I, Satellite II and <it>art2</it> sequences were amplified by PCR with specific pairs of primers. The PCR product was then cut by restriction enzymes and analyzed by agarose gel electrophoresis for determining the DNA methylation levels.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Both Satellite I and Satellite II sequences were highly methylated in PBLs, whereas hypo-methylated in sperm and blastocysts. The <it>art2</it> sequence was half methylated both in PBLs and sperm but less methylated in blastocysts. There was no difference in DNA methylation levels between IVF and parthenogenetic blastocysts.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>These results suggest that there is a dynamic change of DNA methylation during embryonic development and spermatogenesis in cattle. Satellite I and Satellite II regions are methylated during embryogenesis and then de-methylated during spermatogenesis. However, <it>art2</it> sequences are not de-methylated during spermatogenesis, suggesting that this region is not reprogrammed during germ cell development. These results show dynamic changes of DNA methylation levels during bovine embryogenesis, especially genome-wide reprogramming in germ cells.</p


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    The purpose of this study was to analyze the angular momentum in the judo throwing technique osoto-gari. Ten male judo athletes participated in this study. The kinematic and kinetic data were collected using a three-dimensional motion capture system and two force plates. We analyzed the resultant angular momentum of a system that includes both the thrower and the faller. The counterclockwise angular momentum continuously increased during the throwing phase, indicating the torque was always acting toward the throwing direction. Our results demonstrated that the torque was associated with the horizontal GRF during the early swing phase and it was associated with the Y-axis moment arm during the late throwing phase

    Diagnostic value of ventilation/perfusion single-photon emission computed tomography/computed tomography for bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome in patients after lung transplantation

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the diagnostic value of function volume/morphological volume ratio calculated from ventilation/perfusion single-photon emission computed tomography/computed tomography in distinguishing the lungs with bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome (BOS) from the lungs without this syndrome after lung transplantation and to assess its relationship with spirometry parameters. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We retrospectively identified 84 consecutive lung transplant recipients and 13 donors who underwent ventilation/perfusion single-photon emission computed tomography/computed tomography. Differences in the function volume/morphological volume ratio of unilateral lungs were tested for significance between the lungs with and without BOS. Receiver operating characteristics and correlations between function volume/morphological volume ratios of bilateral lungs and forced expiratory volume in 1 s, forced vital capacity, and total lung capacity were analyzed. RESULTS: The function volume/morphological volume ratios of ventilation and perfusion images of unilateral lungs were significantly lower in lungs with BOS (each P CONCLUSION: The function volume/morphological volume ratio enables a semiquantitative assessment of ventilation and perfusion lung functions and is useful for diagnosing BOS after lung transplantation


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    The focus of this study was how baseball players acquire rapid visuo-motor processing during developmental stages. We compared simple and Go/Nogo reaction times in a button-press task and a swing-a-bat task between different age groups of teenage baseball players. Though reaction time, swing time and total reaction time were shorter in the older group, baseball-specific visuo-motor skills could not be investigated by our experiment. These results indicate that the general neural foundations underlying baseball performance develop over the school years