219 research outputs found

    An NF-κB - EphrinA5-Dependent Communication between NG2+ Interstitial Cells and Myoblasts Promotes Muscle Growth in Neonates

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    SummarySkeletal muscle growth immediately following birth is critical for proper body posture and locomotion. However, compared with embryogenesis and adulthood, the processes regulating the maturation of neonatal muscles is considerably less clear. Studies in the 1960s predicted that neonatal muscle growth results from nuclear accretion of myoblasts preferentially at the tips of myofibers. Remarkably, little information has been added since then to resolve how myoblasts migrate to the ends of fibers. Here, we provide insight into this process by revealing a unique NF-κB-dependent communication between NG2+ interstitial cells and myoblasts. NF-κB in NG2+ cells promotes myoblast migration to the tips of myofibers through cell-cell contact. This occurs through expression of ephrinA5 from NG2+ cells, which we further deduce is an NF-κB target gene. Together, these results suggest that NF-κB plays an important role in the development of newborn muscles to ensure proper myoblast migration for fiber growth

    Oncocytic carcinoma of parotid gland: a case report with clinical, immunohistochemical and ultrastructural features

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    BACKGROUND: Oncocytic carcinoma is an extremely rare neoplasm of the salivary glands. We report a case of oncocytic carcinoma arising in a parotid gland in a 66-year-old female. METHOD: An excisional biopsy of the parotid tumor was performed. The specimen was submitted for histology and after fixation in formalin solution and inclusion in paraffin, 3–5 μm sections were stained with hematoxylin and eosin for conventional evaluation and Periodic acid Schiff stain. Immunohistochemical studies were performed using antibodies against mitochondrial antigen, keratin, S-100, alpha-actin, vimentin, alpha-1-antichymotrypsin as well as an ultrastructural analysis was performed. RESULTS: Frozen sections revealed an infiltrative growth pattern and the diagnosis of a malignant epithelial lesion was made. Permanent sections stained with haematoxylin and eosin revealed a neoplasm that had replaced a wide area of the parotid gland and had invaded subcutaneous adipose tissue. Perineural invasion was evident, but vascular invasion was not found. Neoplastic elements were large, round or polyhedral cells and were arranged in solid sheets, islands and cords. The cytoplasm was abundant, eosinophilic and finely granular. The nuclei were large and located centrally or peripherally. The nucleoli were distinct and large. Periodic acid Schiff stain demonstrated a granular cytoplasm. Immunohistochemistry demonstrated mithochondrial antigen, keratin, and chymotrypsin immunoreactivity in the neoplastic cells. Ultrastructural analysis revealed numerous mitochondria packed into the cytoplasm of the neoplastic cells. Thus, the final diagnosis was that of oncocytic carcinoma of parotid gland. CONCLUSION: This neoplasm shows clinical, microscopical, histological and ultrastructural features of oncocytic carcinoma and this must be considered in the differential diagnosis of other proliferations in the parotid gland with abundant granular cytoplasm and metastatic oncocytic carcinomas

    Extensive arterial and venous thrombo-embolism with chemotherapy for testicular cancer: a case report

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    Germ cell tumours tend to affect young adults and with advanced treatments achieve more than 90% cure rates. Over the years cisplatin has significantly improved the relapse free survival in these patients, hence forming an essential component of chemotherapy regimes. But, the thrombo-embolic complications suffered with cisplatin significantly affect the quality of life in these young patients

    Observation of isotropic giant magnetoresistance in paramagnetic Au80 Fe20

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    Magnetization and magnetoresistance were measured at room temperature and above on Au80Fe20 platelets and ribbons obtained by solid-state quenching and melt spinning. The as-quenched samples contain a solid solution of Fe in Au and exhibit a paramagnetic (Curie-Weiss) behavior in the considered temperature range; magnetic data indicate very short-ranged magnetic correlation among adjacent spins, enhanced by local composition fluctuations. The solid solution is very stable. Only a very limited fraction (never exceeding 1%) of nanometer-sized, bcc Fe particles appears after long-time isothermal anneals at suitable temperatures. A negative magnetoresistance was observed at room temperature in all examined samples. The observed effect is anhysteretic, isotropic, and quadratically dependent on magnetic field H and magnetization M. The signal scales with M rather than with H, indicating that it depends on the field-induced magnetic order of the Fe moments, as it does for conventional giant magnetoresistance in granular magnetic systems. This effect derives from spin-dependent scattering of conduction electrons from single Fe spins or very small Fe clusters. The scattering centers are almost uncorrelated at a distance of the order of the electronic mean free path (of the order of 1.5 nm, or a few atomic spacings, at RT

    Nf-κb Inhibition Rescues Cardiac Function By Remodeling Calcium Genes In A Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Model

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    Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is a neuromuscular disorder causing progressive muscle degeneration. Although cardiomyopathy is a leading mortality cause in DMD patients, the mechanisms underlying heart failure are not well understood. Previously, we showed that NF-κB exacerbates DMD skeletal muscle pathology by promoting inflammation and impairing new muscle growth. Here, we show that NF-κB is activated in murine dystrophic (mdx) hearts, and that cardiomyocyte ablation of NF-κB rescues cardiac function. This physiological improvement is associated with a signature of upregulated calcium genes, coinciding with global enrichment of permissive H3K27 acetylation chromatin marks and depletion of the transcriptional repressors CCCTC-binding factor, SIN3 transcription regulator family member A, and histone deacetylase 1. In this respect, in DMD hearts, NF-κB acts differently from its established role as a transcriptional activator, instead promoting global changes in the chromatin landscape to regulate calcium genes and cardiac function

    Mitochondrial changes within axons in multiple sclerosis

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    Multiple sclerosis is the most common cause of non-traumatic neurological impairment in young adults. An energy deficient state has been implicated in the degeneration of axons, the pathological correlate of disease progression, in multiple sclerosis. Mitochondria are the most efficient producers of energy and play an important role in calcium homeostasis. We analysed the density and function of mitochondria using immunohistochemistry and histochemistry, respectively, in chronic active and inactive lesions in progressive multiple sclerosis. As shown before in acute pattern III and Balo’s lesions, the mitochondrial respiratory chain complex IV activity is reduced despite the presence of mitochondria in demyelinated axons with amyloid precursor protein accumulation, which are predominantly located at the active edge of chronic active lesions. Furthermore, the strong non-phosphorylated neurofilament (SMI32) reactivity was associated with a significant reduction in complex IV activity and mitochondria within demyelinated axons. The complex IV defect associated with axonal injury may be mediated by soluble products of innate immunity, as suggested by an inverse correlation between complex IV activity and macrophage/microglial density in chronic lesions. However, in inactive areas of chronic multiple sclerosis lesions the mitochondrial respiratory chain complex IV activity and mitochondrial mass, judged by porin immunoreactivity, are increased within approximately half of large (>2.5 μm diameter) chronically demyelinated axons compared with large myelinated axons in the brain and spinal cord. The axon-specific mitochondrial docking protein (syntaphilin) and phosphorylated neurofilament-H were increased in chronic lesions. The lack of complex IV activity in a proportion of Na+/K+ ATPase α-1 positive demyelinated axons supports axonal dysfunction as a contributor to neurological impairment and disease progression. Furthermore, in vitro studies show that inhibition of complex IV augments glutamate-mediated axonal injury (amyloid precursor protein and SMI32 reactivity). Our findings have important implications for both axonal degeneration and dysfunction during the progressive stage of multiple sclerosis

    Collagen Dysregulation in the Dermis of the Sagg/+ Mouse: A Loose Skin Model

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    The Sagg/+ mouse is an ethylnitrosourea-derived mutant with a dermal phenotype similar to some of the subtypes of Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS) and cutis laxa. The dermis of the Sagg/+ mouse has less dense and more disorganized collagen fibers compared to controls. The size of extracted Type I dermal collagen was the same as that observed in normal skin; however, more collagen could be extracted from Sagg/ + skin, which also showed decreased collagen content and decreased steady-state levels of α1(I), α2(I), α1(V), and α2(V) procollagen mRNAs. The biomechanical properties of Sagg/+ skin were significantly decreased relative to normal skin. However, there were no significant differences in the quantities of the major collagen cross-links, that is, dehydrohydroxylysinonorleucine and dehydrohistidinohydroxymerodesmosine between Sagg/+ and normal skin. Electron microscopic evaluation of Sagg/+ skin indicated that the mutation interferes with the proper formation of collagen fibrils and the data are consistent with a mutation in Type V collagen leading to haploinsufficiency with the formation of two sub-populations of collagen fibrils, one normal and one with irregular shape and a larger diameter. Further study of this novel mutation will allow the identification of new mechanisms involved in the regulation of normal and pathologic collagen gene expression

    Identification of Novel SNPs in Glioblastoma Using Targeted Resequencing

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    High-throughput sequencing opens avenues to find genetic variations that may be indicative of an increased risk for certain diseases. Linking these genomic data to other “omics” approaches bears the potential to deepen our understanding of pathogenic processes at the molecular level. To detect novel single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) for glioblastoma multiforme (GBM), we used a combination of specific target selection and next generation sequencing (NGS). We generated a microarray covering the exonic regions of 132 GBM associated genes to enrich target sequences in two GBM tissues and corresponding leukocytes of the patients. Enriched target genes were sequenced with Illumina and the resulting reads were mapped to the human genome. With this approach we identified over 6000 SNPs, including over 1300 SNPs located in the targeted genes. Integrating the genome-wide association study (GWAS) catalog and known disease associated SNPs, we found that several of the detected SNPs were previously associated with smoking behavior, body mass index, breast cancer and high-grade glioma. Particularly, the breast cancer associated allele of rs660118 SNP in the gene SART1 showed a near doubled frequency in glioblastoma patients, as verified in an independent control cohort by Sanger sequencing. In addition, we identified SNPs in 20 of 21 GBM associated antigens providing further evidence that genetic variations are significantly associated with the immunogenicity of antigens

    FTLD-TDP with motor neuron disease, visuospatial impairment and a progressive supranuclear palsy-like syndrome: broadening the clinical phenotype of TDP-43 proteinopathies. A report of three cases

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Frontotemporal lobar degeneration with ubiquitin and TDP-43 positive neuronal inclusions represents a novel entity (FTLD-TDP) that may be associated with motor neuron disease (FTLD-MND); involvement of extrapyramidal and other systems has also been reported.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>We present three cases with similar clinical symptoms, including Parkinsonism, supranuclear gaze palsy, visuospatial impairment and a behavioral variant of frontotemporal dementia, associated with either clinically possible or definite MND. Neuropathological examination revealed hallmarks of FTLD-TDP with major involvement of subcortical and, in particular, mesencephalic structures. These cases differed in onset and progression of clinical manifestations as well as distribution of histopathological changes in the brain and spinal cord. Two cases were sporadic, whereas the third case had a pathological variation in the progranulin gene 102 delC.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Association of a "progressive supranuclear palsy-like" syndrome with marked visuospatial impairment, motor neuron disease and early behavioral disturbances may represent a clinically distinct phenotype of FTLD-TDP. Our observations further support the concept that TDP-43 proteinopathies represent a spectrum of disorders, where preferential localization of pathogenetic inclusions and neuronal cell loss defines clinical phenotypes ranging from frontotemporal dementia with or without motor neuron disease, to corticobasal syndrome and to a progressive supranuclear palsy-like syndrome.</p