38 research outputs found

    Visualizing Trimming Dependence of Biodistribution and Kinetics with Homo- and Heterogeneous N-Glycoclusters on Fluorescent Albumin

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    A series of N-glycans, each sequentially trimmed from biantennary sialoglycans, were homo- or heterogeneously clustered efficiently on fluorescent albumin using a method that combined strain-promoted alkyne-azide cyclization and 6π-azaelectrocyclization. Noninvasive in vivo kinetics and dissection analysis revealed, for the first time, a glycan-dependent shift from urinary to gall bladder excretion mediated by sequential trimming of non-reducing end sialic acids. N-glycoalbumins that were trimmed further, in particular, GlcNAc- and hybrid biantennary-terminated congeners, were selectively taken up by sinusoidal endothelial and stellate cells in the liver, which are critical for diagnosis and treatment of liver fibrillation. Our glycocluster strategy can not only reveal the previously unexplored extracellular functions of N-glycan trimming, but will be classified as the newly emerging glycoprobes for diagnostic and therapeutic applications

    21セイキ ノ カンドウミャク インターベンション

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    Coronary intervention has come to achieve good results with the use of new devices, such as Rotablator (ROTA), new directional coronary atherectomy (DCA), and a special guide wire, even for lesions in which good results were not obtained with plain old balloon angioplasty. In the present study, we evaluated the initial results in patients who underwent ROTA procedures, coronary intervention for chronic total occlusion (CTO), and new DCA procedures in our hospital between January and December 2001. (1) There were 99 patients who underwent ROTA, with an average age of 68±12 years, a lesion length of 15.9±9.9 mm, a reference vessel diameter of 2.7±0.6 mm, and a success rate of 98%. Among these 99 patients, there were 82 patients (83%) with B2 or C type lesion, which is difficult to treat. (2) There were 61 patients with CTO who underwent coronary intervention, with an average age of 63±9 years, an occlusion length of 22.8±13.3 mm, a reference vessel diameter of 2.6±0.7 mm, and a success rate of 82%. (3) There were 5 patients who underwent DCA for ostial lesion of left anterior desending artery and the target lesion was successfully dilated in all these patients. These results indicated that new devices for coronary intervention have made it possible to treat a wider range of lesions, but restenosis still remains to be solved. In Europe and the U.S.A., restenosis is reported to have been drastically reduced by drug eluting stents, which are expected to be introduced in Japan in the future

    ジンソクナ バイスタンダー シンパイ ソセイホウ ニヨリ トツゼンシ オ マヌガレ シャカイ フッキ デキタ コウコウセイ ノ 2 ショウレイ

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    Bystander CPR means that people who find cardiopulmonary arrest perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation on the spot. Quick CPR contributes to increase in the rate of returning to the society as well as one-month survival rate and neurological prognosis. We report our experience with two high school students who underwent quick Bystander CPR, avoided sudden death, and returned to the society. [Case 1] Eighteen-year-old man : He collapsed suddenly in his home. Bystander CPR was performed by his family until emergency crews arrived there. Automated external defibrillator (AED) worked twice and his heartbeat started again. In electrocardiogram, coved type ST elevation in lead V1 was observed, and he was diagnosed as Brugada syndrome. We implanted an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator. Since his condition was stable, he was discharged on the 19th day. [Case 2] Seventeen-year-old woman : She collapsed suddenly walking with her family. Her father confirmed that she had no response, and started Bystander CPR. Her father got AED quickly and AED worked once, and she started to breathe again. She was admitted to our hospital for a work-up. Torsades de pointes (TdP) was observed in monitor electrocardiogram, and her QTc time was 513 msec in 12‐lead electrocardiogram. She was diagnosed as congenital long QT syndrome because genetic test showed that she had LQT2. Her QTc time was improved (approximately 350 msec) by medication, and she was discharged on the 25th day. Utstein-style statistics in Japan shows that the rate of returning to the society can be doubled by performing Bystander CPR on patients with cardiopulmonary arrest. However, performing rate of Bystander CPR is less than 50% in Japan. In order to increase survival rate of patients with cardiopulmonary arrest for the future, it is important to inform people about CPR and to promote CPR, and in fact, we have been promoting CPR

    Observation of deep seafloor by Autonomous Underwater Vehicle"JINBEI"

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    海洋研究開発機構では、2012年に航行型AUV「じんべい」を建造し、本格的な海洋資源探査の運用に向けて各種の調整および試験を行っている。本稿では、同AUVの紹介をしたのち、実海域試験における全自動潜航およびその観測成果を報告する。JAMSTEC has developed Autonomous Underwater Vehicle “JINBEI”. The vehicle is a cruising type AUV with a weight of 2 ton and a length of 4.0m. The maximum operation depth is 3,000 meters. The major purposes are observation of underwater CO2 distribution in deep sea and exploration of seabed mineral resources. It has four rear-thrusters, two mid-ship azimuthal thrusters, and a rear X-rudder. The AUV is equipped with three main sensors; a multi-beam echo sounder, a side scan sonar, and a hybrid CO2-pH sensor. During KY14-15 cruise in December 2014, we carried out sea trials at Suruga Bay. The depth of the area is 1,300-1,500m. The vehicle succeeded in full-autonomous dive and acoustic observation with high-resolution. Through the dives, we confirmed that the cruising AUV “JINBEI” is one of powerful tool for survey of scientific observations.http://www.godac.jamstec.go.jp/darwin/cruise/kaiyo/ky14-15/

    Bladder Explosion during Transurethral Resection of the Prostate with Nitrous Oxide Inhalation

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    Bladder explosions are a rare complication of transurethral resection of the prostate. We report a patient who suffered a bladder rupture following transurethral resection of the prostate. Although explosive gases accumulate during the procedure, a high concentration of oxygen is needed to support an explosion. This rare phenomenon can be prevented by preventing the flow of room air into the bladder during the procedure to maintain a low concentration of oxygen inside the bladder

    Cupric-superoxide complex that induces a catalytic aldol reaction-type C–C bond formation

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    Copper(II)-superoxide complexes are known to behave as electrophiles but there are few examples of nucleophilic reactivity by such species. Here a mononuclear copper(II)-superoxide species is shown to promote simple aldol reactions, and this reactivity is found to be sensitive to minor changes to the ligand structure

    Cytogenetic analysis in a multiple myeloma patient who developed myelomatous pleural effusion and plasma cell leukemia

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    We report on a patient with multiple myeloma who developed myelomatous pleural effusion and plasma cell leukemia. After the fourth course of chemotherapy, pleural effusion developed, and plasma cells were observed in peripheral blood after the sixth course of chemotherapy. Homozygous loss of chromosome 16 and monosomy X developed before the fourth course of chemotherapy. In this case, such cytogenetic abnormalities may be related to the myelomatous effusion and leukemic changes in multiple myelomas