22 research outputs found

    Movement of individual perch in January 2011

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    Coordinates of individual perch recorded at every 3 minutes (15 - 28 January 2011). The columns are (1) unique individual ID, (2) x coordinate, (3) y coordinate, (4) day or night (0 or 1), (5) location-specific standard deviation of the measurement

    Movement of individual perch in November 2010

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    Coordinates of individual perch recorded at every 3 minutes (15 - 28 November 2010). The columns are (1) unique individual ID, (2) x coordinate, (3) y coordinate, (4) day or night (0 or 1), (5) location-specific standard deviation of the measurement

    Numbers of initiating joint trips after satiating focal fish.

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    <p>BM: focal fish are moderately bolder than their partner before satiation, BL: focal fish greatly bolder than their partner. Filled circles indicate focal fish (satiated), and filled squares indicate non-focal fish (non-satiated). Values are mean ± SE.</p

    Numbers initiating joint trips before satiation.

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    <p>SM: focal fish are moderately shyer than their partner before satiation, SL: focal fish greatly shyer than their partner, BM: focal fish moderately bolder than their partner, BL: focal fish greatly bolder than their partner. Open circles indicate the bolder individual, and filled circles indicate the shyer individual. Values are means ± SE.</p

    Transition intensities before satiation from the Markov chain model.

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    <p>Transition intensities before satiating focal fish estimated from the Markov chain models (best estimates and 95% CI). SM: focal fish are moderately shyer than their partner before satiation, SL: focal fish greatly shyer than their partner, BM: focal fish moderately bolder than their partner, BL: focal fish greatly bolder than their partner. The area under cover is shaded, while the exposed area is in white. Each state is identified with a number (1–4) at the top-right corner of the tank. Arrow width is proportional to the corresponding value, and arrow colour represents the state transitions of bolder individual (red) and shyer individual (blue) in the pair.</p

    Log-linear effects of satiation from the Markov chain model.

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    <p>Log-linear effects of satiating focal fish estimated from the Markov chain models (best estimates and 95% CI). SM: focal fish are moderately shyer than their partner before satiation, SL: focal fish greatly shyer than their partner, BM: focal fish moderately bolder than their partner, BL: focal fish greatly bolder than their partner. Filled arrows and open arrows in (B) indicate positive and negative effects, respectively.</p

    Numbers of trips out of cover (irrespective of whether alone or joined by the partner).

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    <p>(A) Focal fish and (B) non-focal fish. SM: focal fish are moderately shyer than their partner before satiation, SL: focal fish greatly shyer than their partner, BM: focal fish moderately bolder than their partner, BL: focal fish greatly bolder than their partner. Open symbols indicate before satiating focal fish, and filled symbols indicate after satiating focal fish. Values are mean ± SE.</p


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    Times of the fish moving out of cover ("M") and returning to cover ("W")

    Transition intensities from the Markov Chain model.

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    <p>Transition intensities (best estimates and 95% CI) for leaving and returning to cover, estimated for the bold (red) and shy fish (blue) depending on which individual initiated the trip out of cover and whether it was successful in recruiting its partner. The width of each arrow is proportional to the magnitude of the transition intensity. For each state, the area under cover is shaded, while the exposed area is in white; each state is identified with a number at the top-right corner of the “tank".</p

    Log-linear effects of individual temperament scores.

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    <p>Log-linear effects of temperament scores (best estimates and 95% CI) of (A) bold individuals, and (B) shy individuals, on transition intensities. Red arrows indicate the effects of temperament scores on movements of bold individuals, and blue arrows are the effect of temperament scores on movements of shy individuals. Filled arrows: positive effects, open arrows: negative effects, arrows with lighter colour: non-significant effects. The width of each arrow indicates the magnitude of the log-linear effect.</p