344 research outputs found

    Boiling of Immiscible Mixtures for Cooling of Electronics

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    To satisfy the requirements for the cooling of small and large semiconductors operated at high heat flux density, an innovative cooling method using boiling heat transfer to immiscible liquid mixtures is proposed. Immiscible liquid mixtures discussed here are composed of more-volatile liquid with higher density and less-volatile liquid with lower density, and appropriate volumetric ratios become a key to realize high-performance cooling. The chapter reviews the experimental results obtained by the present authors, where critical heat flux accompanied by the catastrophic surface temperature excursion is increased up to 300 W/cm2 for FC72/water by using a flat heating surface of 40 mm in diameter facing upwards under the pressure 0.1 MPa

    Gender expression as shown in the wearing of string bags: The symbolic world of string bags in the Abelam, Papua New Guinea

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    The use of string bags is widespread throughout the inland districts of the island of New Guinea for carrying crops and children. Traditionally, there were gendered differences in the way string bags were worn, with men wearing them slung from the shoulder and women using cords across their foreheads to drape the bags down their backs throughout Papua New Guinea. However, women have recently begun wearing small string bags in the same manner as men. At the time the style of wearing the bags began to change, in the Abelam society of East Sepik Province, women were criticized that "women should not carry bags on their shoulders." by men. It is thought that women's practice of carrying a bag on their shoulders had become commonplace by the 1980s. Using the case study of the Abelam, this paper aims to analyze what the differences in the way of wearing string bags symbolized with regard to gender relations between men and women. Then, I also explore why women were criticized for this change in carrying style at the time it took place.本稿は、広島大学大学院社会科学研究科に提出し、平成23年3月に受理された博士論文「パプアニューギニア・アベラム社会のジェンダーと親族関係の動態に関する民族誌的研究」の第2章「網袋からみる社会関係」を改稿したものである。 なお、網袋の材料となった植物については、科学研究費補助金2624405316基盤研究(A)「アジア地域における布工芸品の生産・流通・消費をめぐる文化人類学的研究」(代表 岡山大学・中谷文美教授)による研究費によって、同定のため追加調査を行った

    16 T Diffusion microimaging of fixed prostate tissue: Preliminary findings

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    Diffusion tensor microimaging was used to investigate the water diffusion properties of formalin-fixed prostate tissue at spatial resolution approaching the cellular scale. Diffusion tensor microimaging was performed at 16.4 T with 40 mu m isotropic voxels. Diffusion tensor microimaging clearly demonstrated distinct microscopic diffusion environments and tissue architecture consistent with that seen on light microscopy of the same tissue. The most restricted diffusion environment is the secretory epithelial cell layer (voxel bulk mean diffusivity, D = 0.4 +/- 0.1 x 10(-3) mm(2)/sec). Diffusion in the fibromuscular stromal matrix is relatively less restricted (D = 0.7 +/- 0.1 x 10(-3) mm(2)/sec). In tumor tissue (Gleason pattern 4+4) distinct glandular and ductal structures are absent in the diffusion-weighted images and diffusivity is low (D = 0.5 +/- 0.1 x 10(-3) mm(2)/sec). Distinct stromal and epithelial diffusion compartments are the most likely origin of biexponential diffusion decay observed in vivo. Magn Reson Med 66:244-247, 2011. (C) 2011 Wiley-Liss, Inc


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    ブルーベリーを用いて試料布を染色し、染色条件と色との関係を検討した。試料布には、綿、羊毛、絹の平織布を用いた。ブルーベリーは冷凍のものを用い、水を加え、60℃で煮出して染色液を抽出した。これに塩酸、炭酸水素ナトリウム、水酸化ナトリウムを用いて、pH を2、4、6、8 の4 種類の染色液を調整した。染色は常温で行い、染色時間は15 分、30 分、45 分とした。染色された布の測色をおこない、L*a*b* 値を得た。その結果、試料布の素材、染色液のpH によってそれぞれ異なる色が得られた。綿はいずれのpH においても薄く染まり、絹と羊毛では綿よりも濃色に染まった。また、pH が低いほうが赤みが強くなり、pH が高いほうが青みが強くなったが、pH8 ではL* 値が高くなり、最も薄い色に染まった。さらに、ブルーベリーを使って羊毛の原毛を染色した。原毛は中性洗剤を用いて洗毛し、洗毛の回数を、1 回、2 回、3 回とし、洗毛回数による違いを検討した。染色された羊毛繊維の測色を行った結果、前述の試料布と同様の傾向がみられたが、洗毛回数による違いはみられなかった。We used blueberries to dye samples of cotton, wool, and plain-woven silk cloth in order to investigate the relationship between dyeing conditions and color. The staining solution was prepared by heating frozen blueberries in water at 60°C to extract the liquid dye. Hydrochloric acid, sodium bicarbonate, and sodium hydroxide were added to make dyes with pH levels of 2, 4, 6, and 8. The cloth samples were dyed at ambient temperatures for 15, 30, or 45 minutes. Lightness (L*) and chromaticity (a* and b*) were measured for each of the dyed cloth samples and different colors were obtained depending on the combination of material and pH. The dyed color was lighter for cotton and darker for silk and wool at all pH levels. Lower-pH dyes resulted in a red color whereas higherpH dyes resulted in a blue color. The raw wool that was the used to make the wool cloth was also dyed with the blueberry solution and then washed with a neutral detergent to investigate the effect of repeated washing. A measurement of color values for the dyed raw wool revealed similar trends to those obtained for the cloth samples but did not show any effect from repeated washing

    Development of Heated Narrow Channels with Enhanced Liquid Supply in Forced Convective Boiling

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    Abstract Heat generation density from semiconductor devices increases with the rapid development of electronic technology. The cooling system using boiling two-phase phenomena attracts much attention because of its high heat removal potential. Most of heat transfer researches concerning the development of electronic devices are conducted for the cooling of small semiconductor chips, while there are limited numbers of innovative investigations for the cooling of a large area at extremely high heat flux larger than 2×10 6 W/m 2 . The technology can be applied to the cooling systems in space, e.g., cooling of laser medium in solar power satellites when solar energy is converted to laser power. To develop compact and high-performance cooling systems, a structure of narrow heated channel between parallel plates with auxiliary unheated channel was devised and tested by using water in three different kinds of experimental conditions. One of liquid supply method, where liquid is supplied to both of the main heated and the auxiliary unheated channel keeping the exit of the auxiliary channel closed, gives the highest CHF value at total volumetric flow rates more than 3.0×10 -5 m 3 /s and 2mm gap size of main heated channel

    Evaluation of Wearable Sensor Tag Data Segmentation Approaches for Real Time Activity Classification in Elderly

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    Abstract. The development of human activity monitoring has allowed the creation of multiple applications, among them is the recognition of high falls risk activities of older people for the mitigation of falls occurrences. In this study, we apply a graphical model based classification technique(conditional random field) to evaluate various sliding window based techniques for the real time prediction of activities in older subjects wearing a passive (batteryless) sensor enabled RFID tag. The system achieved maximum overall real time activity prediction accuracy of 95% using a time weighted windowing technique to aggregate contextual information to input sensor data

    Creation of new promoters for plant\u27s root growth: its application for the syntheses of vulcanine and borreline, and for combating desertification at gobi desert in inner mongolia 1#

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    金沢大学医薬保健研究域薬学系金沢大学名誉教授Abstract - Various new 2-substituted indole-3-carbaldehydes are prepared. Structurally related alkaloids, vulcanine and borreline, are synthesized as well. Among the compounds, 2-haloindole-3-carbaldehydes are found to be potent promoters of plant\u27s root growth. Its successful preliminary application is reported for making Gobi desert in Inner Mongolia full of plant. © 2007 The Japan Institute of Heterocyclic Chemistry

    Synchronous neuroendocrine tumors in both the pancreas and ileum: A case report

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    AbstractIntroductionAlthough it is well-known that in multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 (MEN 1) disease, multiple endocrine lesions frequently occur, synchronous or metachronous neuroendocrine tumors (NETs) in non-MEN 1 patients are extremely rare.Presentation of caseAn asymptomatic 72-year-old woman with an ileal NET was referred to our hospital. Abdominal computed tomography revealed another circular tumor within the pancreatic head. She was classified as a non-MEN 1 patient. An operative procedure was performed with a preoperative diagnosis of synchronous NET, which was confirmed by pathological examination.DiscussionBoth morphologic and immunophenotypic findings were different between in the ileum and pancreas. Therefore, it was reasonable to consider that both tumors were primary tumors. The synchronous occurrence of these tumors is unusual, and it may be considered as a chance occurrence.ConclusionWe here report the first case of synchronous pancreatic NET and ileal NET in a non-MEN 1 patient