1,520 research outputs found

    Constraint Propagation of C2C^2-adjusted Formulation - Another Recipe for Robust ADM Evolution System

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    With a purpose of constructing a robust evolution system against numerical instability for integrating the Einstein equations, we propose a new formulation by adjusting the ADM evolution equations with constraints. We apply an adjusting method proposed by Fiske (2004) which uses the norm of the constraints, C2. One of the advantages of this method is that the effective signature of adjusted terms (Lagrange multipliers) for constraint-damping evolution is pre-determined. We demonstrate this fact by showing the eigenvalues of constraint propagation equations. We also perform numerical tests of this adjusted evolution system using polarized Gowdy-wave propagation, which show robust evolutions against the violation of the constraints than that of the standard ADM formulation.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures. To be published in Phys. Rev.

    Constraints and Reality Conditions in the Ashtekar Formulation of General Relativity

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    We show how to treat the constraints and reality conditions in the SO(3)SO(3)-ADM (Ashtekar) formulation of general relativity, for the case of a vacuum spacetime with a cosmological constant. We clarify the difference between the reality conditions on the metric and on the triad. Assuming the triad reality condition, we find a new variable, allowing us to solve the gauge constraint equations and the reality conditions simultaneously.Comment: LaTeX file, 12 pages, no figures; to appear in Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Adjusted ADM systems and their expected stability properties: constraint propagation analysis in Schwarzschild spacetime

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    In order to find a way to have a better formulation for numerical evolution of the Einstein equations, we study the propagation equations of the constraints based on the Arnowitt-Deser-Misner formulation. By adjusting constraint terms in the evolution equations, we try to construct an "asymptotically constrained system" which is expected to be robust against violation of the constraints, and to enable a long-term stable and accurate numerical simulation. We first provide useful expressions for analyzing constraint propagation in a general spacetime, then apply it to Schwarzschild spacetime. We search when and where the negative real or non-zero imaginary eigenvalues of the homogenized constraint propagation matrix appear, and how they depend on the choice of coordinate system and adjustments. Our analysis includes the proposal of Detweiler (1987), which is still the best one according to our conjecture but has a growing mode of error near the horizon. Some examples are snapshots of a maximally sliced Schwarzschild black hole. The predictions here may help the community to make further improvements.Comment: 23 pages, RevTeX4, many figures. Revised version. Added subtitle, reduced figures, rephrased introduction, and a native checked. :-

    Constraint propagation in the family of ADM systems

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    The current important issue in numerical relativity is to determine which formulation of the Einstein equations provides us with stable and accurate simulations. Based on our previous work on "asymptotically constrained" systems, we here present constraint propagation equations and their eigenvalues for the Arnowitt-Deser-Misner (ADM) evolution equations with additional constraint terms (adjusted terms) on the right hand side. We conjecture that the system is robust against violation of constraints if the amplification factors (eigenvalues of Fourier-component of the constraint propagation equations) are negative or pure-imaginary. We show such a system can be obtained by choosing multipliers of adjusted terms. Our discussion covers Detweiler's proposal (1987) and Frittelli's analysis (1997), and we also mention the so-called conformal-traceless ADM systems.Comment: 11 pages, RevTeX, 2 eps figure

    Generation of scalar-tensor gravity effects in equilibrium state boson stars

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    Boson stars in zero-, one-, and two-node equilibrium states are modeled numerically within the framework of Scalar-Tensor Gravity. The complex scalar field is taken to be both massive and self-interacting. Configurations are formed in the case of a linear gravitational scalar coupling (the Brans-Dicke case) and a quadratic coupling which has been used previously in a cosmological context. The coupling parameters and asymptotic value for the gravitational scalar field are chosen so that the known observational constraints on Scalar-Tensor Gravity are satisfied. It is found that the constraints are so restrictive that the field equations of General Relativity and Scalar-Tensor gravity yield virtually identical solutions. We then use catastrophe theory to determine the dynamically stable configurations. It is found that the maximum mass allowed for a stable state in Scalar-Tensor gravity in the present cosmological era is essentially unchanged from that of General Relativity. We also construct boson star configurations appropriate to earlier cosmological eras and find that the maximum mass for stable states is smaller than that predicted by General Relativity, and the more so for earlier eras. However, our results also show that if the cosmological era is early enough then only states with positive binding energy can be constructed.Comment: 20 pages, RevTeX, 11 figures, to appear in Class. Quantum Grav., comments added, refs update

    Finding Principal Null Direction for Numerical Relativists

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    We present a new method for finding principal null directions (PNDs). Because our method assumes as input the intrinsic metric and extrinsic curvature of a spacelike hypersurface, it should be particularly useful to numerical relativists. We illustrate our method by finding the PNDs of the Kastor-Traschen spacetimes, which contain arbitrarily many Q=MQ=M black holes in a de Sitter back-ground.Comment: 10 pages, LaTeX style, WU-AP/38/93. Figures are available (hard copies) upon requests [[email protected] (H.Shinkai)

    Formation of naked singularities in five-dimensional space-time

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    We numerically investigate the gravitational collapse of collisionless particles in spheroidal configurations both in four and five-dimensional (5D) space-time. We repeat the simulation performed by Shapiro and Teukolsky (1991) that announced an appearance of a naked singularity, and also find that the similar results in 5D version. That is, in a collapse of a highly prolate spindle, the Kretschmann invariant blows up outside the matter and no apparent horizon forms. We also find that the collapses in 5D proceed rapidly than in 4D, and the critical prolateness for appearance of apparent horizon in 5D is loosened compared to 4D cases. We also show how collapses differ with spatial symmetries comparing 5D evolutions in single-axisymmetry, SO(3), and those in double-axisymmetry, U(1)Ă—\timesU(1).Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, To be published in Phys. Rev.

    Hyperbolic formulations and numerical relativity II: Asymptotically constrained systems of the Einstein equations

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    We study asymptotically constrained systems for numerical integration of the Einstein equations, which are intended to be robust against perturbative errors for the free evolution of the initial data. First, we examine the previously proposed "λ\lambda-system", which introduces artificial flows to constraint surfaces based on the symmetric hyperbolic formulation. We show that this system works as expected for the wave propagation problem in the Maxwell system and in general relativity using Ashtekar's connection formulation. Second, we propose a new mechanism to control the stability, which we call the ``adjusted system". This is simply obtained by adding constraint terms in the dynamical equations and adjusting its multipliers. We explain why a particular choice of multiplier reduces the numerical errors from non-positive or pure-imaginary eigenvalues of the adjusted constraint propagation equations. This ``adjusted system" is also tested in the Maxwell system and in the Ashtekar's system. This mechanism affects more than the system's symmetric hyperbolicity.Comment: 16 pages, RevTeX, 9 eps figures, added Appendix B and minor changes, to appear in Class. Quant. Gra

    Algebraic stability analysis of constraint propagation

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    The divergence of the constraint quantities is a major problem in computational gravity today. Apparently, there are two sources for constraint violations. The use of boundary conditions which are not compatible with the constraint equations inadvertently leads to 'constraint violating modes' propagating into the computational domain from the boundary. The other source for constraint violation is intrinsic. It is already present in the initial value problem, i.e. even when no boundary conditions have to be specified. Its origin is due to the instability of the constraint surface in the phase space of initial conditions for the time evolution equations. In this paper, we present a technique to study in detail how this instability depends on gauge parameters. We demonstrate this for the influence of the choice of the time foliation in context of the Weyl system. This system is the essential hyperbolic part in various formulations of the Einstein equations.Comment: 25 pages, 5 figures; v2: small additions, new reference, publication number, classification and keywords added, address fixed; v3: update to match journal versio

    Fate of Kaluza-Klein Bubble

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    We numerically study classical time evolutions of Kaluza-Klein bubble space-time which has negative energy after a decay of vacuum. As the zero energy Witten's bubble space-time, where the bubble expands infinitely, the subsequent evolutions of Brill and Horowitz's momentarily static initial data show that the bubble will expand in terms of the area. At first glance, this result may support Corley and Jacobson's conjecture that the bubble will expand forever as well as the Witten's bubble. The irregular signatures, however, can be seen in the behavior of the lapse function in the maximal slicing gauge and the divergence of the Kretchman invariant. Since there is no appearance of the apparent horizon, we suspect an appearance of a naked singularity as the final fate of this space-time.Comment: 13 pages including 10 figures, RevTeX, epsf.sty. CGPG-99/12-8, RESCEU-6/00 and DAMTP-2000-30. To appear in Phys. Rev.
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