125 research outputs found

    A Study of Collaborative Lessons in the Art and Handicraft Using Clay as Teaching Materials: Through Lesson Practice in Second Grade Elementary School

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    本研究の目的は,図画工作科における協働的な学びの場面において,製作活動中の子どもたちのかかわり方や,子どもたちが思いを表現するまでの過程と,その素材としての土粘土の効果を考察することである。研究の方法は,小学校2年生を対象に土粘土を素材とし協働的な学びを中心にした題材を開発・実践し,質問紙調査,ワークシートの内容分析,グループ毎に製作中の動画を撮影し,会話や活動の様子を詳しく内容分析をし考察する。研究の結果,「協働的な学び」については,作品の形態によって会話・活動内容・学びの内容について,それぞれ特徴的な相違点が見られること,「土粘土」については,子どもの意欲を高め,主体的な学びをつくる効果があることが分かった。今後も,土粘土を素材とする題材を開発・実践し,図画工作科における素材としての土粘土の効果や可能性を追求していきたい。This study aims to examine the interaction among students during activities, the process until students express their idea, and the effect of clay on students through the collaborative learning in the Art and Handicraft. This research went through three phases: 1) developing and conducting lessons on clay focusing on "collaborative learning", 2) analyzing a questionnaire and a worksheet 3) scrutinizing children's conversations and activities recorded in each group. The result concerning "collaborative learning" revealed that the contents of the conversations, the activities and the learning differ from each other depending on a type of work. The finding about clay is that using clay in a lesson effectively enhanced children’s desires, and encouraged students to learn actively. The further lessons would be encouraged to use clay, and seek the effect and possibility of clay in the Art and Handicraft

    Developing Arts and Crafts Classes that Foster 21st Century Skills: Through Practice Classes Using Soil-Clay at the Second-Grade Elementary School.

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    本研究の目的は,小学校の図画工作科の授業で活用率の低い土粘土を素材とし,「21世紀型能力」の育成を視点にした図画工作化の授業を実践し,その効果を考察することである。研究の方法は,小学校2年生を対象に,土粘土を使って協同的な製作をし,図画工作科として設定した本題材の「21世紀型能力の基礎力・思考力・実践力」の育成にどのような効果があったかを,子どもの様子やアンケートから考察する。研究の結果,「基礎力」とした技能,「思考力」とした創造力,「実践力」とした協調性とも,事後には肯定的な回答が増加し,授業の効果を確認することができた。今後は,協同的な製作で見えにくくなる「個の表現」をどのように見取り,どのように伸ばしていくが課題であり,授業改善の必要性を感じている。The aim of this study is to conduct Arts and Crafts classes aiming at fostering '21st century skills' by using soil-clay which is not frequently used in Arts and Crafts class at elementary schools, and to investigate its effect on 21st century skills among pupils. Participants of this study were second-grade elementary school pupils. They participated in a cooperative production using soil-clay. Then, effects of it on pupils' 'basic skills, abilities to think, and abilities to practice in 21st century skills' were examined through observation of pupils' activities and questionnaire. As a result, the class was proved to be effective. After the experimental classes, pupils' positive answers were increased on skills such as 'basic ability', creativity as 'the ability to think', cooperativeness as 'the ability to practice'. Therefore, the class needs further improvement solve problems of how teachers would identify and foster children's 'individual expression', which tends to be hidden under cooperative production

    An algorithm to reduce the communication traffic for multi-word searches in a distributed hash table

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    In distributed hash tables, much communication traffic comes from multi-word searches. The aim of this work is to reduce the amount of traffic by using a bloom filter, which is a space-efficient probabilistic data structure used to test whether or not an element is a member of a set. However, bloom filters have a limited role if several sets have different numbers of elements. In the proposed method, extra data storage is generated when contents' keys are registered in a distributed hash table system. Accordingly, we propose a "divided bloom filter" to solve the problem of a normal bloom filter. Using the divided bloom filter, we aim to reduce both the amount of communication traffic and the amount of data storage.4th IFIP International Conference on Theoretical Computer ScienceRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    An algorithm to reduce the communication traffic for multi-word searches in a distributed hash table

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    In distributed hash tables, much communication traffic comes from multi-word searches. The aim of this work is to reduce the amount of traffic by using a bloom filter, which is a space-efficient probabilistic data structure used to test whether or not an element is a member of a set. However, bloom filters have a limited role if several sets have different numbers of elements. In the proposed method, extra data storage is generated when contents' keys are registered in a distributed hash table system. Accordingly, we propose a "divided bloom filter" to solve the problem of a normal bloom filter. Using the divided bloom filter, we aim to reduce both the amount of communication traffic and the amount of data storage.4th IFIP International Conference on Theoretical Computer ScienceRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Selective cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitors show a differential ability to inhibit proliferation and induce apoptosis of colon adenocarcinoma cells

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    AbstractAlthough the influence of selective cyclooxygenase (COX)-2 inhibitors on the proliferation of colon adenocarcinoma cells have been the subject of much investigation, relatively little research has compared the effects of different COX-2 inhibitors. Celecoxib strongly suppressed the proliferation of COX-2 expressing HT-29 cells at 10–40 μM. NS-398 and nimesulide also inhibited cell proliferation, whereas rofecoxib, meloxicam, and etodolac did not. Only celecoxib induced apoptosis of HT-29 cells, as detected on the basis of DNA fragmentation, TUNEL positivity, and caspase-3/7 activation. DNA fragmentation was also increasd in COX-2 non-expressing cell lines (SW-480 and HCT-116) by exposure to celecoxib for 6–24 h. All six COX-2 inhibitors suppressed the production of prostaglandin E2 by HT-29 cells, suggesting that the pro-apoptotic effect of celecoxib was unrelated to inhibition of COX-2. Inactivation of Akt might explain the differential pro-apoptotic effect of these selective COX-2 inhibitors on colon adenocarcinoma cells

    An Algorithm to Reduce the Communication Traffic for Multi-Word Searches in a Distributed Hash Table

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    Abstract. In distributed hash tables, much communication traffic comes from multi-word searches. The aim of this work is to reduce the amount of traffic by using a bloom filter, which is a space-efficient probabilistic data structure used to test whether or not an element is a member of a set. However, bloom filters have a limited role if several sets have different numbers of elements. In the proposed method, extra data storage is generated when contents' keys are registered in a distributed hash table system. Accordingly, we propose a "divided bloom filter" to solve the problem of a normal bloom filter. Using the divided bloom filter, we aim to reduce both the amount of communication traffic and the amount of data storage

    An algorithm to reduce the communication traffic for multi-word searches in a distributed hash table

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    In distributed hash tables, much communication traffic comes from multi-word searches. The aim of this work is to reduce the amount of traffic by using a bloom filter, which is a space-efficient probabilistic data structure used to test whether or not an element is a member of a set. However, bloom filters have a limited role if several sets have different numbers of elements. In the proposed method, extra data storage is generated when contents' keys are registered in a distributed hash table system. Accordingly, we propose a "divided bloom filter" to solve the problem of a normal bloom filter. Using the divided bloom filter, we aim to reduce both the amount of communication traffic and the amount of data storage.4th IFIP International Conference on Theoretical Computer ScienceRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Study on the qualities and abilities of art and crafts that systematically grow in 12 years of childhood: Through an appreciation class by the active learning

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    本研究の目的は,アクティブ・ラーニングによる図工・美術科の鑑賞授業を通して,本学校園で育みたい資質・能力のうち,「人間関係形成・社会形成能力」と関連する美術科の本質に根ざした資質・能力が,学年区分ごとについているか明らかにすることである。研究の方法は,小学校2,4年生,中学校1,3年生の子どもに対し共通作品をもとに対話型による鑑賞授業を実施し,授業における子どもの姿を分析し,指導内容や系統の適正について検討する。研究の結果,図工・美術部会で設定した目指す姿に近い様子が見られ,概ね力がついていることが確認できた。今後は,本研究を通して見えてきた鑑賞における学年ごとの発言や思考の特徴を,より具体的な姿として系統表に取り入れ,指導方法とともに改善をしていきたい。The purpose of this study is to clarify whether the qualities and abilities it came from essence of the art department related with "forming human relationships and social development ability" is related to grade level among the qualities and abilities that we want to cultivate at this school through an appreciation class by active learning. In the method of research, we conducted interactive classes based on same works for children of elementary school 2nd, 4th graders, junior high school 1st, 3rd graders, analyzed the appearance of children. As a result, it seemed that it was close to the aim position set by the art group, and it was confirmed that there were abilities almost. In the future, I’d like to incorporate the features of each grade's remarks and thinking in viewing through this research into a systematic table as a more specific form, and improve along with the teaching method

    Learning Development that Nurtures Abilities for the 21st Century, Based on the Properties of Such Subjects as Manual and Fine Arts : Through the Improvement and Practice of Taxonomy Table

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    本研究の目的は,図画工作・美術科の教科特性を踏まえた21世紀型能力を育成する学習開発を行うことである。研究の方法は,まず図画工作・美術科のタキソノミーテーブルの4領域と,本校で培う3つの資質・能力の位置付けを整理する。その上で,「メタ認知」と「認知」の2領域に焦点を当てた題材と学習指導法を開発し,その有効性を検証する。検証方法は,質問紙調査,ポートフォリオの内容分析,授業中の観察記録の内容分析,作品の達成度の分析を行い,児童・生徒の教科の本質に関する資質・能力の向上について評価する。研究の結果,グループ活動を軸にゲストティーチャーや異年齢の子どもに対して相手意識を持ちながらかかわることを通して,資質・能力を育むことができ,学習開発において一定の成果が出た。The purpose of this study is learning development that nurtures abilities for the 21st century, based on the properties of such subjects as manual and fine arts. The research methodology employed positions Taxonomy Tables in four fields of fine arts, and three qualities and skills developed in this school. Moreover, materials that focus on meta-cognition and cognition, as well as learning guidance methods, were developed, and their efficacy was validated. The methods of validation were a questionnaire survey, analyses of portfolios and records of classroom observations, and analyses of achievement in artworks. Improvements in subject-specific qualities and skills acquired by students were also assessed. Certain outcomes showed that, in learning development, qualities and skills can be nurtured through their dealing with guest teachers and children of varying ages in group activities with an awareness of their counterparts

    A Examination about Course-specific Ability on the Subjects in the Course of Arts and Crafts and Arts.: Through the Visualization of Idea Processes.

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    図画工作科・美術科固有の能力を形成する「発想」がどのようにして生まれ,促され,構想へと高まっていくのか,実際の授業場面でそのプロセスを可視化することは容易ではない。そしてこれが,美術教育に関する専門性や経験の十分でない多くの指導者にとって,この教科の指導を困難なものとする一因にもなっている。そこで,小・中学校の様々な発達段階の児童・生徒を対象とする具体的な授業実践を通して,絵画及び立体表現における発想プロセスの可視化を図るとともに,これを手がかりに「発想や構想の能力」を高める上で効果的な授業構想や手立ての在り方について探ることを目的に本研究に取り組んだ。学習過程を横軸,発想喚起要素(題材の特性にかかわる要素と技能的要素)を縦軸としたマトリクス表に基づく題材分析,発想を促すことに焦点化した手立ての吟味,ポートフォリオを活用した経過観察,そして個別に実施した自己評価アンケートの分析を通して,発達段階による発想の広がり方の違いや,発想に影響を与える様々な要素(鑑賞,材料,用具,協働的な学び等)についてある程度の知見を得ることができた。We practiced lessons on elementary school children and junior high school students, and tried this visualization of ideas process on painting and stereoscopic expression. We did this research so that we could explore effective lesson plans and methods to raise "ability to create ideas and concepts." We got some findings about the differences in how the ideas spread in the developmental stage and various factors that influence ideas (appreciation, materials, tools, collaborative learning etc.). This analysis based on the matrix table with the horizontal axis of the learning process and the vertical axis of the elements that inspire ideas (elements related to the characteristics of the material and skill elements), and the examination of the methods focused on encouraging the ideas, and the follow-up observation using portfolios, and the analysis of self-evaluation questionnaires conducted individually