61 research outputs found

    The Virtual Wave Observatory (VWO): A Portal to Heliophysics Wave Data

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    The Virtual Wave Observatory (VWO) is one of the discipline-oriented virtual observatories that help form the nascent NASA Heliophysics Data environment to support heliophysics research. It focuses on supporting the searching and accessing of distributed heliophysics wave data and information that are available online. Since the occurrence of a natural wave phenomenon often depends on the underlying geophysical -- i.e., context -- conditions under which the waves are generated and propagate, and the observed wave characteristics can also depend on the location of observation, VWO will implement wave-data search-by-context conditions and location, in addition to searching by time and observing platforms (both space-based and ground-based). This paper describes the VWO goals, the basic design objectives, and the key VWO functionality to be expected. Members of the heliophysics community are invited to participate in VWO development in order to ensure its usefulness and success

    Onsite analysis of data from the Dynamics Explorer (DE) spacecraft

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    The tasks performed by ARC Professional Services Group, Inc. fell into five parts: (1) dynamics explorer (DE) data analysis and modeling; (2) DE project support; (3) chemical release observations support; (4) VLF emissions and plasma instability studies; and (5) modeling of planetary radio emissions. Some recommendations for future considerations are also addressed

    The Relation Between Magnetospheric State Parameters and the Occurrence of Plasma Depletion Events in the Night-Time Mid-Latitude F-Region

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    Studies using all-sky imagers have revealed the presence of various ionospheric irregularities in the night-time mid-latitude F-region. The most prevalent and well known of these are the Medium Scale Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances (MSTIDs) that usually occur when the geomagnetic activity is low, and mid-latitude spread-F plumes that are often observed when the geomagnetic activity is high. The inverse and direct relations between geomagnetic activity (particularly Kp) and the occurrence rate of MSTIDs and midlatitude plumes, respectively, have been observed by several studies using different instruments. In order to understand the underlying causes of these two relations, it is illuminating to better characterize the occurrence of MSTIDs and plumes using multiple magnetospheric state parameters. Here we statistically compare multiple geomagnetic driver and response parameters (such as Kp, AE, Dst, and solar wind parameters) with the occurrence rates of night-time MSTIDs and plumes observed using an all-sky imager at Arecibo Observatory (AO) between 2003 and 2008. The results not only allow us to better distinguish MSTIDs and plumes, but also shed further light on the generation mechanism and electrodynamics of these two different phenomena occurring at night-time in the mid-latitude F-region

    Long-Term Variations of the Electron Slot Region and Global Radiation Belt Structure

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    We report the observations of changes of the nominal position of the quiet-time radiation belt slot over the solar cycles. It has been found that the slot region, believed to be a result of enhanced precipitation losses of energetic electrons due to their interactions with VLF waves in the magnetosphere, tends to shift to higher L (approximately 3) during a solar maximum compared to its canonical L value of approximately 2.5, which is more typical of a solar minimum. The solar-cycle migration of the slot can be understood in terms of the solar-cycle changes in ionospheric densities, which may cause the optimal wave-particle interaction region during higher solar activity periods to move to higher altitudes and higher latitudes, thus higher L. Our analysis also suggests that the primary wave-particle interaction processes that result in the slot formation are located off of the magnetic equator

    Enhancing the ISIS-I Topside Digital Ionogram Database

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    Selected original analog telemetry tapes from three of the topside-sounder satellites of theInternational Satellites for Ionospheric Studies (ISIS) program, namely Alouette 2, ISIS I, and ISIS II, wereused in an earlier project to produce more than million digital topside ionograms; the resulting digitaltopside ionograms from ISIS II were used to produce more than 86,000 globally distributed vertical topsideionospheric electron density profiles Ne(h) that cover a time span of more than a solar cycle. These Ne(h) wereproduced using the Topside Ionogram Scaler with True height algorithm auto-scaling software. Beforeattempting to automatically process Alouette-2 or ISIS-I ionograms, a data-enhancement project wasinitiated so as to increase the number of ionograms suitable for manual scaling and to increase theauto-processing success rate. These enhancements were mainly to correct problems that often occurredduring the analog-to-digital conversion of the original telemetry tapes. Here we illustrate the improvementsmade to the ISIS-I digital topside ionograms and compare Ne values at the satellite altitude and Ne(h)profiles, based on the manual scaling of selected ionograms, to both the auto-scaled values and thepredictions of the International Reference Ionosphere 2016 model. The results indicate the need to improvethe available auto-processing software for the new ISIS-I digital ionograms and that International ReferenceIonosphere 2016 predicts midlatitude winter topside Ne values that are too high in the late morning andat noon but too low in the early morning

    Status of and Scientific Results from the ISIS-I Topside Digital Ionogram Data Enhancement Project

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    Selected original analog telemetry tapes from three of the topside-sounder satellites of the International Satellites for Ionospheric Studies (ISIS) program, namely Alouette 2, ISIS I, and ISIS II, were used in an earlier project to produce more than million digital topside ionograms; the resulting digital topside ionograms from ISIS II were used to produce morethan 86,000 globally-distributed vertical topside ionospheric electron density profiles Ne(h)that cover a time span of more than a solar cycle. These Ne(h) were produced using the TOPIST auto-scaling software. Before attempting to automatically process Alouette-2 orISIS-I ionograms a data-enhancement project was initiated so as to increase the auto processing success rate. These enhancements were mainly to correct problems that often occurred during the analog-to-digital conversion of the original telemetry tapes. Here we present the status of, and results from, this ongoing enhancement effort

    Data Services Upgrade: Perfecting the ISIS-I Topside Digital Ionogram Database

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    The ionospheric topside sounders of the International Satellites for Ionospheric Studies (ISIS) program were designed as analog systems. More than 16,000 of the original telemetry tapes from three satellites were used to produce topside digital ionograms, via an analog-to-digital (A/D) conversion process, suitable for modern analysis techniques. Unfortunately, many of the resulting digital topside ionogram files could not be auto-processed to produce topside Ne(h) profiles because of problems encountered during the A/D process. Software has been written to resolve these problems and here we report on (1) the first application of this software to a significant portion of the ISIS-1 digital topside-ionogram database, (2) software improvements motivated by this activity, (3) N(sub e)(h) profiles automatically produced from these corrected ISIS-1 digital ionogram files, and (4) the availability via the Virtual Wave Observatory (VWO) of the corrected ISIS-1 digital topside ionogram files for research. We will also demonstrate the use of these N(sub e)(h) profiles for making refinements in the International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) and in the determination of transition heights from Oxygen ion to Hydrogen ion

    High-Latitude Topside Ionospheric Vertical Electron-Density-Profile Changes in Response to Large Magnetic Storms

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    Large magnetic-storm induced changes have been detected in high-latitude topside vertical electron-density profiles Ne(h). The investigation was based on the large database of topside Ne(h) profiles and digital topside ionograms from the International Satellites for Ionospheric Studies (ISIS) program available from the NASA Space Physics Data Facility (SPDF) at http://spdf.gsfc.nasa.gov/isis/isis-status.html. This large database enabled Ne(h) profiles to be obtained when an ISIS satellite passed through nearly the same region of space before, during, and after a major magnetic storm. A major goal was to relate the magnetic-storm induced high-latitude Ne(h) profile changes to solar-wind parameters. Thus an additional data constraint was to consider only storms where solar-wind data were available from the NASA/SPDF OMNIWeb database. Ten large magnetic storms (with Dst less than -100 nT) were identified that satisfied both the Ne(h) profile and the solar-wind data constraints. During five of these storms topside ionospheric Ne(h) profiles were available in the high-latitude northern hemisphere and during the other five storms similar ionospheric data were available in the southern hemisphere. Large Ne(h) changes were observed during each one of these storms. Our concentration in this paper is on the northern hemisphere. The data coverage was best for the northern-hemisphere winter. Here Ne(h) profile enhancements were always observed when the magnetic local time (MLT) was between 00 and 03 and Ne(h) profile depletions were always observed between 08 and 10 MLT. The observed Ne(h) deviations were compared with solar-wind parameters, with appropriate time shifts, for four storms

    Terrestrial Myriametric Radio Burst Observed by IMAGE and Geotail Satellites

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    We report IMAGE and Geotail simultaneous observations of a terrestrial myriametric radio burst (TMRB) detected on August 19, 2001. The TMRB was confined in time (0830-1006 UT) and frequency (12-50 kHz), suggesting a fan beam-like emission pattern from a single discrete source. Analysis and comparisons with existing TMR radiations strongly suggest that the TMRB is a distinct emission perhaps resulting from dayside magnetic reconnection instigated by northward interplanetary field condition

    Terrestrial Myriametric Radio Burst Observed by IMAGE and Geotail Satellites

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    We report the simultaneous detection of a terrestrial myriametric radio burst (TMRB) by IMAGE and Geotail on 19 August 2001. The TMRB was confined in time (0830-1006 UT) and frequency (12-50kHz). Comparisons with all known nonthermal myriametric radiation components reveal that the TMRB might be a distinct radiation with a source that is unrelated to the previously known radiation. Considerations of beaming from spin-modulation analysis and observing satellite and source locations suggest that the TMRB may have a fan beamlike radiation pattern emitted by a discrete, dayside source located along the poleward edge of magnetospheric cusp field lines. TMRB responsiveness to IMF Bz and By orientations suggests that a possible source of the TMRB could be due to dayside magnetic reconnection instigated by northward interplanetary field condition