
Data Services Upgrade: Perfecting the ISIS-I Topside Digital Ionogram Database


The ionospheric topside sounders of the International Satellites for Ionospheric Studies (ISIS) program were designed as analog systems. More than 16,000 of the original telemetry tapes from three satellites were used to produce topside digital ionograms, via an analog-to-digital (A/D) conversion process, suitable for modern analysis techniques. Unfortunately, many of the resulting digital topside ionogram files could not be auto-processed to produce topside Ne(h) profiles because of problems encountered during the A/D process. Software has been written to resolve these problems and here we report on (1) the first application of this software to a significant portion of the ISIS-1 digital topside-ionogram database, (2) software improvements motivated by this activity, (3) N(sub e)(h) profiles automatically produced from these corrected ISIS-1 digital ionogram files, and (4) the availability via the Virtual Wave Observatory (VWO) of the corrected ISIS-1 digital topside ionogram files for research. We will also demonstrate the use of these N(sub e)(h) profiles for making refinements in the International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) and in the determination of transition heights from Oxygen ion to Hydrogen ion

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