9 research outputs found

    Early Spectral Evolution of the Rapidly Expanding Type Ia SN 2006X

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    We present optical spectroscopic and photometric observations of Type Ia supernova (SN) 2006X from --10 to +91 days after the BB-band maximum. This SN exhibits one of the highest expansion velocity ever published for SNe Ia. At premaximum phases, the spectra show strong and broad features of intermediate-mass elements such as Si, S, Ca, and Mg, while the O{\sc i}λ\lambda7773 line is weak. The extremely high velocities of Si{\sc ii} and S{\sc ii} lines and the weak O{\sc i} line suggest that an intense nucleosynthesis might take place in the outer layers, favoring a delayed detonation model. Interestingly, Si{\sc ii}λ\lambda5972 feature is quite shallow, resulting in an unusually low depth ratio of Si{\sc ii}λ\lambda5972 to λ\lambda6355, R\cal R(Si{\sc ii}). The low R\cal R(Si{\sc ii}) is usually interpreted as a high photospheric temperature. However, the weak Si{\sc iii}λ\lambda4560 line suggests a low temperature, in contradiction to the low R\cal R(Si{\sc ii}). This could imply that the Si{\sc ii}λ\lambda5972 line might be contaminated by underlying emission. We propose that R\cal R(Si{\sc ii}) may not be a good temperature indicator for rapidly expanding SNe Ia at premaximum phases.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figures, (Received 2008 August 17; Accepted 2009 April 13

    Spectroscopic Observations of the WZ Sge-Type Dwarf Nova GW Librae during the 2007 Superoutburst

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    We carried out an international spectroscopic observation campaign of the dwarf nova GW Librae (GW Lib) during the 2007 superoutburst. Our observation period covered the rising phase of the superoutburst, maximum, slowly decaying phase (plateau), and long fading tail after the rapid decline from the plateau. The spectral features dramatically changed during the observations. In the rising phase, only absorption lines of Hα\alpha, Hβ\beta, and Hγ\gamma were present. Around the maximum, the spectrum showed singly-peaked emission lines of Hα\alpha, He I 5876, He I 6678, He II 4686, and C III/N III as well as absorption lines of Balmer components and He I. These emission lines significantly weakened in the latter part of the plateau phase. In the fading tail, all the Balmer lines and He I 6678 were in emission, as observed in quiescence. We find that the center of the Hα\alpha emission component was mostly stable over the whole orbital phase, being consistent with the low inclination of the system. Comparing with the observational results of WZ Sge during the 2001 superoutburst, the same type of stars as GW Lib seen with a high inclination angle, we interpret that the change of the Hα\alpha profile before the fading tail phase is attributed to a photoionized region formed at the outer edge of the accretion disk, irradiated from the white dwarf and inner disk.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in PAS