5,546 research outputs found

    Multi-Scale Link Prediction

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    The automated analysis of social networks has become an important problem due to the proliferation of social networks, such as LiveJournal, Flickr and Facebook. The scale of these social networks is massive and continues to grow rapidly. An important problem in social network analysis is proximity estimation that infers the closeness of different users. Link prediction, in turn, is an important application of proximity estimation. However, many methods for computing proximity measures have high computational complexity and are thus prohibitive for large-scale link prediction problems. One way to address this problem is to estimate proximity measures via low-rank approximation. However, a single low-rank approximation may not be sufficient to represent the behavior of the entire network. In this paper, we propose Multi-Scale Link Prediction (MSLP), a framework for link prediction, which can handle massive networks. The basis idea of MSLP is to construct low rank approximations of the network at multiple scales in an efficient manner. Based on this approach, MSLP combines predictions at multiple scales to make robust and accurate predictions. Experimental results on real-life datasets with more than a million nodes show the superior performance and scalability of our method.Comment: 20 pages, 10 figure

    Bacterial community analysis in upflow multilayer anaerobic reactor (UMAR) treating high-solids organic wastes

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    A novel anaerobic digestion configuration, the upflow multi-layer anaerobic reactor (UMAR), was developed to treat high-solids organic wastes. The UMAR was hypothesized to form multi-layer along depth due to the upflow plug flow; use of a recirculation system and a rotating distributor and baffles aimed to assist treating high-solids influent. The chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal efficiency and methane (CH4) production rate were 89% and 2.10 L CH4/L/day, respectively, at the peak influent COD concentration (110.4 g/L) and organic loading rate (7.5 g COD/L/day). The 454 pyrosequencing results clearly indicated heterogeneous distribution of bacterial communities at different vertical locations (upper, middle, and bottom) of the UMAR. Firmicutes was the dominant (>70%) phylum at the middle and bottom parts, while Deltaproteobacteria and Chloroflexi were only found in the upper part. Potential functions of the bacteria were discussed to speculate on their roles in the anaerobic performance of the UMAR system

    Prädiktoren für Lern- und Therapieerfolg eines Nahinfrarotspektroskopie-basierten Neurofeedbacktrainings für Kinder mit einer Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit-/Hyperaktivitätsstörung

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    Die Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit-Hyperaktivitätsstörung ist mit einer weltweiten Prävalenz von ca. 5% eine der häufigsten psychischen Erkrankungen des Kindes- und Jugendalters und kann zu erheblichen Beeinträchtigungen der Betroffenen im Alltag, insbesondere im schulischen Umfeld, führen. Neben der medikamentösen Therapie, welche bisher den am meisten verbreiteten Therapieansatz darstellt, richtete sich der therapeutische Fokus in den letzten Jahren zunehmend auf nicht-medikamentöse Therapieansätze, wie z.B. das Neurofeedbacktraining (NFT). Ein NFT ist mit einem hohen Zeit- und Kostenaufwand für die Betroffenen verbunden. Gleichzeitig wurde in früheren Studien wiederholt nachgewiesen, dass nicht alle Personen mit der Diagnose einer ADHS die regulatorischen Strategien eines NFTs erlernen. Folglich ist von großem Interesse, inwieweit Lernerfolg und auch Therapieerfolg auf klinischer Ebene bereits vor Beginn eines NFTs eingeschätzt werden können. In dieser Arbeit wurden die durchschnittlicher Trainingsmotivation der Versuchspersonen sowie die regulatorische Kapazität der frühen Trainingssitzungen als Prädiktoren für Lern- und Therapieerfolg in einem NIRS-basierten NFT untersucht. Weiterhin wurde geprüft, ob Lernerfolg konsekutiv zu einem Therapieerfolg auf klinischer Ebene führt. Die Studie wurde mit Kindern zwischen 6 und 10 Jahren mit der Diagnose einer ADHS nach DSM-5-Kriterien durchgeführt. Sie durchliefen 15 Trainingssitzungen eines NIRS-basierten NFTs in einem virtuellen Klassenzimmer. Die Effekte wurden direkt nach Beendigung des NFTs im Post-Test und nach 6 Monaten im Follow up-Test untersucht. Die Beurteilung des Therapieerfolgs erfolgte in dieser Arbeit zum einen auf neuropsychologischer Ebene anhand der Auswertung der Reaktionszeitvariabilität in einer Go/NoGo Aufgabe sowie auf klinisch-behavioraler Ebene anhand der Beurteilung der Symptomatik im Conners Fragebogen durch die Eltern und Klassenlehrkräfte der Kinder. In den Ergebnissen zeigte sich für die Trainingsmotivation kein prädiktorischer Wert auf den Lern- und Therapieerfolg. Die regulatorische Kapazität besaß ebenfalls keinen prädiktorischen Wert für den Lernerfolg, jedoch einen partiell signifikanten prädiktorischen Wert für den Therapieerfolg auf behavioraler Ebene. Dies zeigte sich insbesondere an einer signifikanten Verbesserung in der Beurteilung durch die Eltern im Conners Fragebogen nach Beendigung des NFTs zum Post-Testzeitpunkt, jedoch nicht anhaltend zum Follow up-Testzeitpunkt. Zwischen Lernerfolg und Therapieerfolg zeigte sich kein Zusammenhang. Es ist anzunehmen, dass der therapeutische Effekt eines NFTs zusätzlich durch weitere Faktoren moderiert wird. Die Ergebnisse spiegeln die Heterogenität sowohl interindividueller Wirk- und Einflussfaktoren auf die Ausprägung und Entwicklung der ADHS als auch konsekutiv vielschichtiger Einflussmechanismen auf die Effektivität eines NFTs als Therapiemethode wider

    Effect of Mucuna pruriens Seed Extract Pretreatment on the Responses of Spontaneously Beating Rat Atria and Aortic Ring to Naja sputatrix (Javan Spitting Cobra) Venom

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    Mucuna pruriens Linn. (velvet bean) has been used by native Nigerians as a prophylactic for snakebite. Rats pretreated with M. pruriens seed extract (MPE) have been shown to protect against the lethal and cardiovascular depressant effects of Naja sputatrix (Javan spitting cobra) venoms, and the protective effect involved immunological neutralization of the venom toxins. To investigate further the mechanism of the protective effect of MPE pretreatment against cobra venom toxicity, the actions of Naja sputatrix venom on spontaneously beating rat atria and aortic rings isolated from both MPE pretreated and untreated rats were studied. Our results showed that the MPE pretreatment conferred protection against cobra venom-induced depression of atrial contractility and atrial rate in the isolated atrial preparations, but it had no effect on the venom-induced contractile response of aortic ring preparation. These observations suggested that the protective effect of MPE pretreatment against cobra venom toxicity involves a direct protective action of MPE on the heart function, in addition to the known immunological neutralization mechanism, and that the protective effect does not involve action on blood vessel contraction. The results also suggest that M. pruriens seed may contain novel cardioprotective agent with potential therapeutic value

    Studying verification conditions for imperative programs

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    Program verification tools use verification condition generators to produce logical formulas whose validity implies that the program is correct with respect to its specification. Different tools produce different conditions, and the underlying algorithms have not been properly exposed or explored so far. In this paper we consider a simple imperative programming language, extended with assume and assert statements, to present different ways of generating verification conditions. We study the approaches with experimental results originated by verification conditions generated from the intermediate representation of LLVM.This work is partially financed by the FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology) within project UID/EEA/50014/2013 and by the NII International Internship Program.SFRH/BD/52236/2013info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    iRFP is a real time marker for transformation based assays in high content screening

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    Anchorage independent growth is one of the hallmarks of oncogenic transformation. Here we show that infrared fluorescent protein (iRFP) based assays allow accurate and unbiased determination of colony formation and anchorage independent growth over time. This protocol is particularly compatible with high throughput systems, in contrast to traditional methods which are often labor-intensive, subjective to bias and do not allow further analysis using the same cells. Transformation in a single layer soft agar assay could be documented as early as 2 to 3 days in a 96 well format, which can be easily combined with standard transfection, infection and compound screening setups to allow for high throughput screening to identify therapeutic targets

    Retroperitoneal Hematoma after Transforaminal Selective Epidural Block: A Case Report

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    Transforaminal selective epidural block (TFSEB) technique is used for spinal pain management. Multiple recent reports cite TFSEB resulting in complications such as life-threatening infections, spinal fluid leaks, positional headaches, adhesive arachnoiditis, hydrocephalus, air embolism, urinary retention, allergic reactions, intravascular injections, stroke, blindness, neurological deficits/paralysis, hematomas, seizure and death. We present herein a case of TFSEB induced retroperitoneal hematoma resolution with conservative treatment

    Epithelioid Sarcoma Metastatic to the Lung As Pulmonary Cysts Without Other Metastatic Manifestation

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    Antiobesity and lipid-lowering effects of Bifidobacterium spp. in high fat diet-induced obese rats

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Recent studies have reported the preventive effects of probiotics on obesity. Among commensal bacteria, bifidobacteria is one of the most numerous probiotics in the mammalian gut and are a type of lactic acid bacteria. The aim of this study was to assess the antiobesity and lipid-lowering effects of <it>Bifidobacterium </it>spp. isolated from healthy Korean on high fat diet-induced obese rats.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Thirty-six male Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into three groups as follows: (1) SD group, fed standard diet; (2) HFD group, fed high fat diet; and (3) HFD-LAB group, fed high fat diet supplemented with LAB supplement (<it>B. pseudocatenulatum </it>SPM 1204, <it>B. longum </it>SPM 1205, and <it>B. longum </it>SPM 1207; 10<sup>8 </sup>~ 10<sup>9 </sup>CFU). After 7 weeks, the body, organ, and fat weights, food intake, blood serum levels, fecal LAB counts, and harmful enzyme activities were measured.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Administration of LAB reduced body and fat weights, blood serum levels (TC, HDL-C, LDL-C, triglyceride, glucose, leptin, AST, ALT, and lipase levels), and harmful enzyme activities (β-glucosidase, β-glucuronidase, and tryptophanase), and significantly increased fecal LAB counts.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>These data suggest that <it>Bifidobacterium </it>spp. used in this study may have beneficial antiobesity effects.</p