30,395 research outputs found

    Diamond films from combustion of methyl acetylene and propadiene

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    To date diamond films grown with the combustion technique have used either acetylene or, rarely, ethylene as the fuel. However, there are barriers to large scale commercialization of the combustion technique using either fuel. For example, acetylene is relatively expensive and difficult to handle, while the use of ethylene gives relatively low growth rates. In this letter we propose replacing acetylene with MAPPTM gas, a commercial mixture of methyl acetylene and propadiene in liquefied petroleum gas (primarily propylene). MAPP gas is considerably cheaper, safer, and easier to handle than acetylene. Furthermore, the experiments described here suggest that MAPP gas flames are only slightly less efficient than acetylene flames at converting fuel carbon atoms into diamond

    Facilitation of polymer looping and giant polymer diffusivity in crowded solutions of active particles

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    We study the dynamics of polymer chains in a bath of self-propelled particles (SPP) by extensive Langevin dynamics simulations in a two dimensional system. Specifically, we analyse the polymer looping properties versus the SPP activity and investigate how the presence of the active particles alters the chain conformational statistics. We find that SPPs tend to extend flexible polymer chains while they rather compactify stiffer semiflexible polymers, in agreement with previous results. Here we show that larger activities of SPPs yield a higher effective temperature of the bath and thus facilitate looping kinetics of a passive polymer chain. We explicitly compute the looping probability and looping time in a wide range of the model parameters. We also analyse the motion of a monomeric tracer particle and the polymer's centre of mass in the presence of the active particles in terms of the time averaged mean squared displacement, revealing a giant diffusivity enhancement for the polymer chain via SPP pooling. Our results are applicable to rationalising the dimensions and looping kinetics of biopolymers at constantly fluctuating and often actively driven conditions inside biological cells or suspensions of active colloidal particles or bacteria cells.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figures, IOPLaTe

    Optimal trajectories for efficient atomic transport without final excitation

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    We design optimal harmonic-trap trajectories to transport cold atoms without final excitation, combining an inverse engineering techniqe based on Lewis-Riesenfeld invariants with optimal control theory. Since actual traps are not really harmonic, we keep the relative displacement between the center of mass and the trap center bounded. Under this constraint, optimal protocols are found according to different physical criteria. The minimum time solution has a "bang-bang" form, and the minimum displacement solution is of "bang-off-bang" form. The optimal trajectories for minimizing the transient energy are also discussed.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure

    Shortcuts to adiabaticity for an ion in a rotating radially-tight trap

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    We engineer the fast rotation of a quantum particle confined in an effectively one-dimensional, harmonic trap, for a predetermined rotation angle and time, avoiding final excitation. Different schemes are proposed with different speed limits that depend on the control capabilities. We also make use of trap rotations to create squeezed states without manipulating the trap frequencies.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figure

    Dynamical evolution of the mass function and radial profile of the Galactic globular cluster system

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    Evolution of the mass function (MF) and radial distribution (RD) of the Galactic globular cluster (GC) system is calculated using an advanced and a realistic Fokker-Planck (FP) model that considers dynamical friction, disc/bulge shocks and eccentric cluster orbits. We perform hundreds of FP calculations with different initial cluster conditions, and then search a wide-parameter space for the best-fitting initial GC MF and RD that evolves into the observed present-day Galactic GC MF and RD. By allowing both MF and RD of the initial GC system to vary, which is attempted for the first time in the present Letter, we find that our best-fitting models have a higher peak mass for a lognormal initial MF and a higher cut-off mass for a power-law initial MF than previous estimates, but our initial total masses in GCs, M_{T,i} = 1.5-1.8x10^8 Msun, are comparable to previous results. Significant findings include that our best-fitting lognormal MF shifts downward by 0.35 dex during the period of 13 Gyr, and that our power-law initial MF models well-fit the observed MF and RD only when the initial MF is truncated at >~10^5 Msun. We also find that our results are insensitive to the initial distribution of orbit eccentricity and inclination, but are rather sensitive to the initial concentration of the clusters and to how the initial tidal radius is defined. If the clusters are assumed to be formed at the apocentre while filling the tidal radius there, M_{T,i} can be as high as 6.9x10^8 Msun, which amounts to ~75 per cent of the current mass in the stellar halo.Comment: To appear in May 2008 issue of MNRAS, 386, L6

    Screened hybrid functional applied to 3d^0-->3d^8 transition-metal perovskites LaMO3 (M=Sc-Cu): influence of the exchange mixing parameter on the structural, electronic and magnetic properties

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    We assess the performance of the Heyd-Scuseria-Ernzerhof (HSE) screened hybrid density functional scheme applied to the perovskite family LaMO3 (M=Sc-Cu) and discuss the role of the mixing parameter alpha (which determines the fraction of exact Hartree-Fock exchange included in the density functional theory (DFT) exchange-correlation functional) on the structural, electronic, and magnetic properties. The physical complexity of this class of compounds, manifested by the largely varying electronic characters (band/Mott-Hubbard/charge-transfer insulators and metals), magnetic orderings, structural distortions (cooperative Jahn-Teller like instabilities), as well as by the strong competition between localization/delocalization effects associated with the gradual filling of the t_2g and e_g orbitals, symbolize a critical and challenging case for theory. Our results indicates that HSE is able to provide a consistent picture of the complex physical scenario encountered across the LaMO3 series and significantly improve the standard DFT description. The only exceptions are the correlated paramagnetic metals LaNiO3 and LaCuO3, which are found to be treated better within DFT. By fitting the ground state properties with respect to alpha we have constructed a set of 'optimum' values of alpha from LaScO3 to LaCuO3: it is found that the 'optimum' mixing parameter decreases with increasing filling of the d manifold (LaScO3: 0.25; LaTiO3 & LaVO3: 0.10-0.15; LaCrO3, LaMnO3, and LaFeO3: 0.15; LaCoO3: 0.05; LaNiO3 & LaCuO3: 0). This trend can be nicely correlated with the modulation of the screening and dielectric properties across the LaMO3 series, thus providing a physical justification to the empirical fitting procedure.Comment: 32 pages, 29 figure

    Holographic Meson Spectra in the Dense Medium with Chiral Condensate

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    We study two 1/Nc1/N_c effects on the meson spectra by using the AdS/CFT correspondence where the 1/Nc1/N_c corrections from the chiral condensate and the quark density are controlled by the gravitational backreaction of the massive scalar field and U(1) gauge field respectively. The dual geometries with zero and nonzero current quark masses are obtained numerically. We discuss meson spectra and binding energy of heavy quarkonium with the subleading corrections in the hard wall model.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figure

    Recovery of cobalt sulfate from spent lithium ion batteries by reductive leaching and solvent extraction with Cyanex 272

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    Cobalt sulfate was recovered from crushed and screened prismatic type spent lithium ion batteries (LIBs) containing 5-20% Co, 5-7% Li, 5-10% Ni, 15% organic chemicals, and 7% plastics together with Cu, Al, Fe, and Mn. Cobalt was reductively leached from the - 16 mesh fraction in 1 h by stirring with 2 M H2SO4 and 6 vol.% H2O2, at 60 °C and 300 rpm using a solid/liquid ratio of 100 g/L to give a cobalt concentration of 28 g/L, corresponding to a leaching efficiency of > 99%. Metal ion impurities such as copper, iron, and aluminium were precipitated as hydroxides from solution by adjusting pH to 6.5. Cobalt was then selectively extracted from the purified aqueous phase by equilibrating with 50% saponified 0.4 M Cyanex 272 at an equilibrium pH ∼ 6. The McCabe-Thiele plot predicted 99.9% cobalt extraction in a 2 stage counter-current operation with A/O ratio of 1/2. Separation factors for the extraction of Co/Li and Co/Ni at pH 6 were close to 750. The stripping of the loaded organic phase with 2 M H2SO4 produced a solution of 96 g/L Co from which pure pigment grade cobalt sulfate could be recovered by evaporation/recrystallisation. Overall, 92% cobalt could be recovered from the spent lithium ion batteries