1,967 research outputs found

    Enhanced Two-Photon Absorption in a Hollow-Core Photonic Bandgap Fiber

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    We show that two-photon absorption (TPA) in Rubidium atoms can be greatly enhanced by the use of a hollow-core photonic bandgap fiber. We investigate off-resonant, degenerate Doppler-free TPA on the 5S1/2 - 5D5/2 transition and observe 1% absorption of a pump beam with a total power of only 1 mW in the fiber. These results are verified by measuring the amount of emitted blue fluorescence and are consistent with the theoretical predictions which indicate that transit time effects play an important role in determining the two-photon absorption cross-section in a confined geometry.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figure

    Women’s emotional and sexual attraction to men across the menstrual cycle

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    There is ongoing debate about how and why the menstrual cycle affects women’s attraction to men. According to the dual sexuality hypothesis, women form pair-bond relationships with men who provide care but also obtain genetic benefits by biasing mating effort towards men with high-fitness genes during the fertile phase. By contrast, the commitment hypothesis proposes that attachment bonds with primary partners function to strengthen pair-bond relationships by enhancing in-pair attraction at the fertile phase, rather than extrapair attraction. We tested these hypotheses by measuring women’s daily sexual and emotional attraction towards men over the whole menstrual cycle. We employed 1) a urinary luteinizing hormone test to determine the day of ovulation, 2) a 5-part classification of menstrual cycle that identifies a distinct peri-ovulatory phase, and 3) individualized phase identification for each participant. There was a mid-cycle rise in extrapair sexual desire. Women gave and received more care from partners during the menstrual than the mid-cycle phases. Partner’s sexual attractiveness and mutual commitment did not moderate these findings. The results do not support either the dual sexuality or commitment hypotheses, and imply that female self-reported sexual desire is not strictly dependent on cyclic hormonal changes. Our results are more consistent with a recently proposed `spandrel’ hypothesis, positing cycle phase effects as a nonfunctional by-product of raised estradiol. Additionally, we found that, with the date of ovulation estimated by luteinizing hormone tests, 45% of ovulations were misclassified by the backward counting method, which urges caution in interpreting results based on counting methods

    Generalized constraints on quantum amplification

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    We derive quantum constraints on the minimal amount of noise added in linear amplification involving input or output signals whose component operators do not necessarily have c-number commutators, as is the case for fermion currents. This is a generalization of constraints derived for the amplification of bosonic fields whose components posses c-number commutators.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, submitted to Physical Review Letter

    Universal optical amplification without nonlinearity

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    We propose and experimentally realize a new scheme for universal phase-insensitive optical amplification. The presented scheme relies only on linear optics and homodyne detection, thus circumventing the need for nonlinear interaction between a pump field and the signal field. The amplifier demonstrates near optimal quantum noise limited performance for a wide range of amplification factors.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    RHEED and STM studies of the pseudo-tenfold surface of the ξ′-Al77.5Pd19Mn3.5 approximant crystal

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    The pseudo-tenfold surface of the ξ′-Al77.5Pd19Mn3.5 crystal, an approximant of the icosahedral Al–Pd–Mn quasicrystal, is investigated by reflection high-energy electron diffraction (RHEED) and scanning tunneling microscopy. The observed RHEED patterns of the surface after sputtering are found to be consistent with those of a simple cubic lattice with (11̅ 0) surface plane. The [001] and [110] axes of the surface plane are oriented along the principal low-index axes of the bulk. The RHEED patterns of the sputter-annealed surface consist of diffraction streaks with periodic spacings expected for the bulk truncated surface. The surface prepared under different preparation methods is found to exhibit different step-height distribution and terrace morphology. A longer annealing yields a high density of shallow pentagonal pits on terraces, separated predominantly by 0.80-nm high steps and occasionally by double steps. In contrast, the surface prepared with shorter annealing time exhibits highly perfect terraces with 0.80-nm-high steps and additional unusual steps of heights close to 0.40 nm. All step heights observed for both preparation methods are consistent with interlayer spacings of the bulk model

    Some forgotten features of the Bose Einstein Correlations

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    Notwithstanding the visible maturity of the subject of Bose-Einstein Correlations (BEC), as witnessed nowadays, we would like to bring to ones attention two points, which apparently did not received attention they deserve: the problem of the choice of the form of C2(Q)C_2(Q) correlation function when effects of partial coherence of the hadronizing source are to be included and the feasibility to model effects of Bose-Einstein statistics, in particular the BEC, by direct numerical simulations.Comment: Talk delivered by G.Wilk at the International Workshop {\it Relativistic Nuclear Physics: from Nuclotron to LHC energies}, Kiev, June 18-22, 2007, Ukraine; misprints correcte

    van der Waals coupling in atomically doped carbon nanotubes

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    We have investigated atom-nanotube van der Waals (vdW) coupling in atomically doped carbon nanotubes (CNs). Our approach is based on the perturbation theory for degenerated atomic levels, thus accounting for both weak and strong atom-vacuum-field coupling. The vdW energy is described by an integral equation represented in terms of the local photonic density of states (DOS). By solving it numerically, we demonstrate the inapplicability of standard weak-coupling-based vdW interaction models in a close vicinity of the CN surface where the local photonic DOS effectively increases, giving rise to an atom-field coupling enhancement. An inside encapsulation of atoms into the CN has been shown to be energetically more favorable than their outside adsorption by the CN surface. If the atom is fixed outside the CN, the modulus of the vdW energy increases with the CN radius provided that the weak atom-field coupling regime is realized (i.e., far enough from the CN). For inside atomic position, the modulus of the vdW energy decreases with the CN radius, representing a general effect of the effective interaction area reduction with lowering the CN curvature.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figure

    A systematic review of the energy and climate impacts of teleworking

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    Information and communication technologies (ICTs) increasingly enable employees to work from home and other locations (‘teleworking’). This study explores the extent to which teleworking reduces the need to travel to work and the consequent impacts on economy-wide energy consumption. Methods/Design: The paper provides a systematic review of the current state of knowledge of the energy impacts of teleworking. This includes the energy savings from reduced commuter travel and the indirect impacts on energy consumption associated with changes in non-work travel and home energy consumption. The aim is to identify the conditions under which teleworking leads to a net reduction in economy-wide energy consumption, and the circumstances where benefits may be outweighed by unintended impacts. The paper synthesises the results of 39 empirical studies, identified through a comprehensive search of 9,000 published articles. Review results/Synthesis: Twenty six of the 39 studies suggest that teleworking reduces energy use, and only eight studies suggest that teleworking increases, or has a neutral impact on energy use. However, differences in the methodology, scope and assumptions of the different studies make it difficult to estimate ‘average’ energy savings. The main source of savings is the reduced distance travelled for commuting, potentially with an additional contribution from lower office energy consumption. However, the more rigorous studies that include a wider range of impacts (e.g. non-work travel or home energy use) generally find smaller savings. Discussion: Despite the generally positive verdict on teleworking as an energy-saving practice, there are numerous uncertainties and ambiguities about its actual or potential benefits. These relate to the extent to which teleworking may lead to unpredictable increases in non-work travel and home energy use that may outweigh the gains from reduced work travel. The available evidence suggests that economy-wide energy savings are typically modest, and in many circumstances could be negative or non-existent
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