218 research outputs found

    Prognostic factors for corneal graft recovery after severe corneal graft rejection following penetrating keratoplasty

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    BACKGROUND: To investigate the outcome and prognostic factors for corneal graft recovery after severe corneal graft rejection following penetrating keratoplasty (PKP) treated with topical and systemic steroids. METHODS: Fifty-eight eyes in 58 patients with severe corneal graft rejection following PKP were treated with topical and systemic steroids. Factors affecting the reversibility and maintenance of graft transparency were analyzed. RESULTS: Graft transparency was restored in 37 of 58 eyes (63.8%). Clarity of the graft was maintained in 25 of 37 eyes after transparency was restored, while corneal decompensation developed at a mean of 6.0 ± 4.3 months in the remainder. The interval between rejection and treatment with systemic steroids was shorter in cases that recovered graft transparency (OR, 0.88, 95% CI. 0.80–0.97, P = 0.0093). Corneal decompensation after the recovery of corneal transparency tend to occur in cases of regraft (OR, 0.09, 95% CI. 0.01–0.54, P = 0.0091). CONCLUSIONS: Severe corneal graft rejection after PKP was reversible in approximately two-thirds of the cases, with graft transparency being maintained in two-thirds of them when treated with both topical and systemic steroids. Early treatment confers a benefit in terms of the recovery of graft transparency

    Endoscopy-guided vitreoretinal surgery following penetrating corneal injury: a case report

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    Motoko Kawashima1, Shinichi Kawashima2, Murat Dogru1,3, Makoto Inoue4, Jun Shimazaki1,51Department of Ophthalmology, Tokyo Dental College, Chiba, Japan; 2Department of Ophthalmology, International University of Health and Welfare, Tokyo, Japan; 3Department of Ocular Surface and Visual Optics, Keio University School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan; 4Kyorin Eye Center, Tokyo, Japan; 5Department of Ophthalmology, Keio University School of Medicine, Tokyo, JapanIntroduction: Severe ocular trauma requires emergency surgery, and a fresh corneal graft may not always be available. We describe a case of perforating eye injury with corneal ­opacity, suspected endophthalmitis, and an intraocular foreign body. The patient was successfully treated with a two-step procedure comprising endoscopy-guided vitrectomy followed by corneal transplantation. This surgical technique offers a good option to vitrectomy with simultaneous keratoplasty in emergency cases where no graft is immediately available and there is the ­possibility of infection due to the presence of a foreign body.Case presentation: A 55-year-old Japanese woman was referred to our hospital with a ­perforating corneal and lens injury sustained with a muddy ferrous rod. Primary corneal sutures and lensectomy were performed immediately. Vitreoretinal surgery was required due to ­suspected endophthalmitis, vitreous hemorrhage, retinal detachment, dialysis and necrosis of the peripheral retina. Instead of conventional vitrectomy, endoscopy-guided vitreous surgery was performed with the Solid Fiber Catheter AS-611 (FiberTech, Tokyo, Japan) due to the presence of corneal opacity and the unavailability of a donor cornea. The retina was successfully attached with the aid of a silicon oil tamponade. Following removal of the silicon oil at 3 months after surgery, penetrating keratoplasty and intraocular lens implantation with ciliary sulcus suture fixation were performed. At 6 months after penetrating keratoplasty, the graft remained clear and visual acuity was 20/40.Conclusion: Primary endoscopic surgery for vitreoretinal complications in eyes with perforating injury performed prior to penetrating keratoplasty appears to be advantageous in terms of avoiding damage to the corneal endothelium.Keywords: vitreoretinal surgery, emergency, foreign bod


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    前立腺癌の新しいマーカーとして, γ-セミノプロテイン(γ-Sm)と前立腺性酸性ホスファターゼ(PAP)とを比較評価した.未治療前立腺癌におけるγ-SMおよびPAPのsensitivityは, それぞれ81%, 67%であった.γ-Smはすべての病期で前立腺肥大症と比較して陽性率が高かった.前立腺癌ではγ-SmとPAPは相関を示さなかった.γ-SmとPAPを同時に測定することにより, 感度が上昇した.γ-SmおよびPAPのspecificityはそれぞれ87%と90%であった.内分泌療法を施行した病期D2において, γ-SmはPAPよりもより多く正常化した.以上より, γ-Smは前立腺癌のもう1つの有用なマーカーであるといえるSerum gamma-seminoprotein (gamma-Sm) was evaluated as a new marker for prostatic cancer in comparison with prostatic acid phosphatase (PAP). The sensitivity of gamma-Sm and PAP for untreated prostatic cancer was 81% and 67%, respectively. gamma-Sm showed a higher positive rate over all stages than in benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH). There was no correlation between gamma-Sm and PAP in prostatic cancer. Improved sensitivity was obtained by simultaneous measurement of gamma-Sm and PAP. Specificity of gamma-Sm and PAP for BPH was 87% and 90%, respectively. gamma-Sm normalized after endocrine therapy for stage D2 more often than did PAP. These results indicate that gamma-Sm is another useful marker to evaluate prostatic cancer

    Lamellar corneal injury by bamboo splinters: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>We report an unusual case of corneal lamellar injury caused by long bamboo splinters.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>A 70-year-old Japanese man visited our hospital with a bamboo injury. Slit lamp examination revealed that a bundle of bamboo splinters had deeply penetrated the corneal stroma of the right eye from the nasal limbus. The splinters were approximately 8 mm in length, but had not perforated the anterior chamber. They were completely removed by superficial corneal incision alongside each splinter with no consequences. The eye has remained healed for 3 months postoperatively.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The bamboo splinters did not perforate the anterior chamber, although they were long and hard enough to do so. This may be because the spatula-like shape and flexibility of the bamboo splinters allowed them to penetrate the lamellar layer of the corneal stroma with ease, but with no perforation of deeper tissue.</p

    Amniotic membrane transplantation for wound dehiscence after deep lamellar keratoplasty: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Purpose</p> <p>To report amniotic membrane (AM) transplantation in a patient with wound dehiscence 5 months after deep lamellar keratoplasty (DLKP)</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The patient was an 84-year-old Japanese man who had undergone right DLKP 5 months earlier for central corneal scarring due to recurrent stromal herpetic keratitis. He developed wound dehiscence with corneal stromal melting due to recurrence of stromal herpes in both the donor and recipient sites. "AM roll-in filling technique" and AM patching were performed.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Following AM transplantation, stromal inflammation subsided and complete epithelization occurred within 10 days of surgery.</p> <p>At 8 months postoperatively, biomicroscopy revealed stable wound apposition or stromal gain. Following AM transplantation, stromal inflammation subsided and complete epithelialization was achieved within 10 days after surgery.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>AM transplantation may offer an effective treatment modality for herpetic corneal wound dehiscence after DLKP.</p

    Assessment of the intrapulmonary ventilation-perfusion distribution after the Fontan procedure for complex cardiac anomalies: Relation to pulmonary hemodynamics

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    AbstractIn 12 patients who underwent the Fontan procedure for complex cardiac anomalies, lung scanning with xenon-133 was performed to assess the intrapulmonary ventilation-perfusion distribution, and comparison was made with a control group. All data were then analyzed in relation to either pre- or postoperative pulmonary hemodynamic data. In ventilation scans, the intrapulmonary distribution in the right lung was almost normal.In perfusion scans, an abnormal increased upper to lower lobe perfusion ratio greater than the normal value found in the control group was noted in seven patients (58.3%). There was a significant correlation (p < 0.02) between the upper to lower lobe perfusion ratio and postoperative pulmonary vascular resistance. Furthermore, this perfusion ratio correlated inversely with the preoperative (p < 0.005) and postoperative (p < 0.02) right pulmonary artery area index, defined as the ratio of cross-sectional area to the normal value. Of five patients with < 90% arterial oxygen saturation, four showed an abnormal distribution of pulmonary blood flow greater than the normal perfusion ratio. No patient had evidence of a pulmonary arteriovenous fistula by the echocardiographic contrast study.These results suggest that abnormal distribution of pulmonary blood flow to the upper lung segment may develop in patients after the Fontan procedure, and that insufficient size of the pulmonary artery before operation and the consequent postoperative elevation of pulmonary vascular resistance may be responsible for this perfusion abnormality

    新たに開発された高性能紫外線照射システムによる 医療機器表面の細菌制御に関する研究

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    患者や医療従事者が触れる機会の多い医療機器の表面消毒は非常に重要であり、医療機器表面の汚染の度合いによっては感染の危険性を生じる。しかし、環境表面の殺菌は、清掃スタッフにより手で行われているが、拭き残しの発生や薬剤耐性菌への効果が薄いことが課題とされている。そこで、本研究においては、キセノン紫外線消毒ロボット及び消毒ポッド(LS-DP システム)を導入し、用手清拭後、紫外線照射後の2つのタイミングで各種医療機器における表面採取、培養を行い、菌コロニーの検出数から評価を行った。その結果、全ての機器において、紫外線照射後のコロニー数は清拭後に比べて有意差を持って低かった。用手清拭後に多くの菌が培養、検出され、清掃スタッフにより手で行われる清掃には物理的に清拭できない部位があり、紫外線照射を用手清拭後に行うことで消毒効果が上乗せされ、医療機器を介する院内感染の防止に有用であると示唆された