103 research outputs found

    Acoustic features and evaluation of singing production by nursery school teachers (I)

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    本研究は,幼稚園や保育園・所などの保育現場で歌われる保育者の歌声を採取し,印象評 価実験と音響分析により,どのような歌声が保育現場にふさわしいのか検討したものである。 音圧,ピッチ,フォルマントの各音響特徴と照らし合わせたところ,安定した基本周波数や 3~4kHz 付近の明確なスペクトルピーク,緩やかな音圧の推移が「美しい」印象を与え ていること,第3フォルマントと第4フォルマントの接近の有無,高周波数帯域でのエネル ギーの濃淡が,個性的な声質に影響を与えていることが示唆された。さらに大学生が判断す る「良い」声と,子どもたちが「歌ってほしい」声との間にかなりの共通点が認められた。 保育者の歌声に関して偏ったプロトタイプが形成されることのないよう,保育現場でのお手 本のあり方について慎重を期すべきであるとの提案をおこなった


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    景気低迷等の社会情勢などから一旦看護職以外の職業を経験し,看護学校に入学する「社会人経験のある学生 (以下 社会人経験者)」の増加が予測される.近年,社会人経験者が助産師教育課程にも入学してくるようになっ た.社会人経験者は入学動機が明確であり,職業経験からコミュニケーション技術が優れている点もあるが,異年 齢の学生や実習における指導者との人間関係などに苦慮している現実がある.看護学生の社会人経験者の研究はあ るが,助産師学生の社会人経験者の研究は皆無であるため,まず看護学生で社会人経験者についての文献レビュー を行い,指導や学生生活についての今後の課題を検討した.先行文献39件の殆どが質的研究で,研究内容は26コー ド,4カテゴリーに分けられた.4カテゴリーは「学生指導」「キャリアデザイン」「学生生活」「新卒看護師」であっ た.社会人経験者には出産育児経験者がおり,子育て後のキャリアデザインについて追究する余地があること,人 間関係について指導者,教員を対象とした研究が少ないことから今後は対象者を変えた社会人経験者に客観的な視点からの研究が期待される.また分析方法としてはグランデッド・セオリーアプローチによるものが期待される.As a results of the business stagnation in the general social situation, it is predicted that there will be an increase in the number of students who have once experienced employment other than the nursing professionals and that they will enroll in nursing schools as students with experiences as working adults (hereinafter referred to as people with employment experiences). In recent years, people with employment experiences have also begun to enroll in birthing assistant education courses. The purposes of enrollment by people with employment experiences are clear and also they have outstanding communication skills derived from their professional experiences, however, they actually have difficulties in human relations with multiage students and instructors in practical trainings. Though there are studies on nursing students with employment experiences, studies on birthing assistant students with employment experiences are nonexistent. Therefore, we carried out a review of materials concerning nursing assistant students with employment experiences, and considered the future problems of their instructor and student life. The former 39 materials were mostly of quality studies, and the contexts of those studies were divided into 26 codes and 4 categories. The 4 categories were student guidance. career guidance. student life. and newly graduated nurses. Among the people with employment experiences, there are those who have birthing and childrearing experience, so there is a margin for pursuing career design after their child-rearing, and since there are very few studies on instructors and teachers concerning human relations, hopes are held for studies of people with employment experiences in terms of changing the subjects of such studies. Also it is expected that the analysis is performed based on the Grounded Theory Approach (GTA) as the analysis method

    臨床経験のある助産師学生についての研究 : 学生生活の実際と臨床経験が及ぼす影響

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    臨床経験のある助産師学生が1年課程の助産師養成機関への入学動機,入学準備,及び入学してから直面した事 などを分析し,助産師教育における課題と対応策を検討する目的で5名にインタビューを行った.その結果入学動 機は3つのカテゴリー「夢を追って」「機会を得て」「モデルの存在」で構成された.入学後に直面した事は3つの カテゴリー「久しぶりの勉強」「実習の大変さ」「家族の理解」から構成されていた.臨床経験と実習については2 つのカテゴリー,「実習における強み」「実習における弱み」で「異年齢の学生との相互作用」については, 2つで 「学生同士の世代間相違」「相互作用」であった.  対象者5名は看護師になる時から助産師になる計画をしており,子育て等で一旦進学希望を延長しても経済的な 基盤や家族内の調整などに苦慮していた.また入学後は,現役の学生と相互作用でパソコンスキル等を高め,実習 においては学生になりきろうと努力して学生生活を送っていた.At a birthing assistant training school offering a one-year program, analysis was made for birthing assistance students who have previous clinical experience, in terms of their enrollment motivations for entering the school, and matters faced after enrollment. The study thus carried out interviews with five such students for the purpose of investigating the problems and the countermeasures toward solving those problems in birthing assistant education. As a result, it was found that enrollment motivations consisted of three categories; (1) following one's dreams. (2) obtaining the opportunity and (3) existence of a role model. It was found that matters faced after enrollment consisted of three categories; (1) studying for the first time in a long time (2) practical training problems. and (3) understanding of one's family .  The category which is two about clinical experience and a practical training; The advantage in the practical training , and The weak point in the practical training . The category which is two about students of the different age communication, Difference during the generation and the interaction .  The five subjects had been planning to become birthing assistants since they became nurses, but they had experienced such problems as putting off entering further education facilities due to such matters as child-rearing as well as their economic stability and coordination with family members. In addition, after enrollment, they actively communicated with other students who had directly entered the school without suspension, enhanced their PC skills, and made concerted efforts to become just a student in the practical training


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    国際助産師連盟(以下ICM)では1年6ヶ月以上の教育を推奨している。これに対して日本では保健師助産師看護師法学校指定規則において1年以上の教育課程を必須としている。1年間でICM が提唱する教育内容を取得するには過密スケジュールが予測される。  日本では1年制の助産師養成課程においてはほぼ30単位以上の単位履修をもって修了となり、指定規則の28単位より多くの単位取得にて卒業する1)。このように1年課程ではカリキュラムの過密状態が前提であるため、クリアできるのは学生の強い動機などが要因となっていると推測する。  また助産学実習では看護学実習とは異なり、分娩介助等の実践が単位取得の必須要件であり、学生は時間を問わず厳しい実習状況下におかれる。このため身体的にも精神的にも強さが要求される。田中ら2)は、助産学実習は対象者との関わりが多い、学生に求められる能力が高い、学生としての責任が重い、実習体制などが看護学生の実習とは異なることを指摘している。従って学生はこれまで体験した実習よりも厳しい状況下におかれる。  助産学実習はウェイトの大きいものであり、保健師助産師看護師学校養成所指定規則で助産学実習は11単位を必須とされている。助産学実習以外の講義においても、学生にとって学習内容が濃厚で課題が多く、1年課程であるために過密スケジュールとなることが前提となる。  大学専攻科、別科又は専修学校など助産師養成の1年課程は、学費の負担が少ない、看護大学の卒業生のほか、看護師などの臨床経験者、社会人経験者などが入学できるメリットがあると考える。高野ら3)による社会人経験のある新人看護師を対象とした報告や、高橋4)の社会人経験者の実態などの報告、渡邉ら5)の社会人経験がある看護学生に対する教育側からの困難感などの報告があるものの、助産師学生を対象とした報告はみられないため、追究する意義があると考える。  中島ら6)は、助産学教育の質的向上を図るためには、学生の特性を踏まえた教育法の開発や教育的支援を強化する必要性を指摘している。このため学生の特性として、育児経験者、臨床経験者、社会人経験者などを対象とし、その背景を踏まえた教育を検討することが期待される。  そこで今回本研究では、育児中の助産師学生の1年間の学生生活の実態に焦点をあて、今後の教育側の対応への検討に資する目的で半構成的面接を行い、質的帰納的に分析したので報告する。 In order to contribute to midwifery education, semi-structured interviews for eight midwifery students who were also raising children were conducted, regarding the motivation for enrolling on the course, their challenges after enrolling, impact on their child/children, and relationship with other younger students. The results were analyzed inductively and qualitatively. As for the motivation and preparation for the enrollment, two categories:‘ long-held aspiration’‘, midwives seen in many situations’, and ‘desperate to pass the exam’ were identified. As for the challenges faced after enrollment, three categories:‘ hardship of studying that exceeded the expectation’,‘ thoughts about the child that are always in mind’, and‘ life as a student which cannot stand without support of others’ were identified. As for the feelings towards their child/children, three categories:‘ life changing that involves others’,‘ situations where, like it or not, study has to come first, not the child’, and‘ a parent who tries to convince herself that the child is understanding and appreciative’ were identified. In addition, as for the future image of themselves at the time of graduating, three categories:‘ re-acknowledgment of the work of a midwife’,‘ midwives who had become the occupational model either positively or negatively’, and‘ hopes and worries about using the obtained qualification’were identified.  All the interviewees had childbearing experience, and their motivation of choosing the vocation came from their own childbirth experience, whether it was a positive one or a negative one. After enrolling on the course, they were worn out trying to balance the household and childcare chores and the study, involving their family members, trying to convince themselves that the child was understanding and appreciative, and trying their best to balance the child-rearing and studying while feeling guilty.  Their priority in finding work is that it should be somewhere easily commutable, putting childcare arrangements first in their consideration. It is expected that they will re-acknowledge the serious responsibility and the breadth of the work through onsite practice and other experiences, find various midwifery role models that they had not known at the time of the enrollment, and form an occupational identity after graduation

    Successful Treatment of MMP-9-Expressing Angiosarcoma with Low-Dose Docetaxel and Bisphosphonate

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    We describe a 78-year-old Japanese patient with angiosarcoma on the scalp. Interestingly, immunohistochemical staining revealed this tumor as positive for matrix metalloproteinase 9 (MMP-9). After conventional therapy for angiosarcoma with surgical treatment and radiation therapy, we intravenously administered docetaxel at 40 mg/m2 body surface area together with oral administration of 17.5 mg sodium risedronate hydrate. One and a half years after the standard treatment, there was no evidence of local recurrence or metastasis